Chapter 44

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When Kaze and Lucentia arrived at the area of the graveyard, they were shocked to see the damage that had been done to the surroundings.

Even from afar, they could see the brilliant flashes of light from the battle that took place that lit up the night. It wasn't until they got closer that they were able to observe the destroyed landscape of the graveyard itself. What that really took their breath away was the fighting that was going on in front of them.

A dragon of black and white was seen chomping and stomping all over the place, facing off against two people. The area had been demolished by the dragon and any previous records of the fight that they weren't even sure where they were at now, with the land so destroyed that it became deformed.

"L-Lucentia, what is going on?" Kaze asked her as the two hid behind a fallen tree log.

"I don't know, but that is definitely Lunaria-nee's magic," Lucentia shook her head. "We can't approach them carelessly, especially since Lunaria might not be able to distinguish us at the moment..."

It was just as Lucentia had said. With the dragon raging while Lunaria was in control, it was probably best not to get involved just yet. If Lunaria had to fight with such intensity, then her opponent must not have been someone whom she can take lightly. Not even Lucentia herself dared to get near them while in the middle of the fight.

For now, the both of them could only watch on and wait for the right moment to intervene. Just like Kaze, Lucentia used the sword.

Lunaria let out a loud cry as she commanded the dragon at the devil once again.

The suit man, whose real appearance was partially exposed by the curled horns on his head, received the attacks with ease. All that happened was the dragon hitting an invisible barrier around him, causing no harm to his actual self.

Meanwhile, the axe man had been further strengthened by the devil and was now able to fend for himself. It looked as though he was close to exploding from the overloading of magical power, his entire body bulging with muscles that looked like they were alive from the way they flared up. He repeatedly attacked the dragon's body with his axe over and over again, only to be constantly ignored by Lunaria.

The axe man, who simply went by 'M', felt conflicted with the current fight.

M was grateful in a weird way that he wasn't duped by the devil when he was granted power, but at the same time felt pained watching all his group members getting destroyed one after another until all that was left was him.

That pain helped his body to grow stronger unintentionally, as if whatever that was already coursing through his veins ran on rage and anger as fuel. At the same time, M also knew that the reason why his group got destroyed so easily when they had gotten stronger simply meant that the dragonkin girl before him was just that strong in the first place.

As much as he wanted to succumb to his feelings that were being manipulated, M had to destroy the magic dragon in front of him from attacking the devil. All of the negative emotions inside of him swirled out of control the more he relied on the strength acquired from the devil. It wasn't like a deal was made, it was simply forced onto him and his group.

Until now, M didn't know who the devil was and why he wanted to kidnap such a powerful person who could put up such a fight before the two of them. It felt like suicide.

However, when looking at the devil, M couldn't help but shudder at how easily he took the hits from the dragon. If anything, it seemed to enrage Lunaria even further that she could do no damage to him. One simple reason for that was... her panicking.

Lunaria's thoughts were a mess. Her previously calm demeanour had turned upside down into the frazzled state she was in. With her breathing increasing as time passed, Lunaria felt the urge to vomit time and time again while facing against the devil himself.

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