Chapter 35

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"How was it?" Kaze, who was waiting with the others behind the tunnel, quickly approached Yuuji when they saw him slumping next to John.

"I-It was tough," Yuuji forced himself to smile. "Next is Shoko..."

"Yuuji-sama did well," John reassured the first years. "Now, if you will excuse me."

Passing over Yuuji to his friends, John picked up his sword and left to the other waiting area for the top 10s.

A few medical mages quickly headed over as well, checking up on the condition of Yuuji. It seemed like his condition wasn't the best, but it wasn't as bad either.

"So, my turn~" Shoko grinned, stepping out and waving at them. "See you all after I'm done~"

"Good luck Shoko," Lunaria gave her friend a quick hug. "Crush them."

"That's a rather... brutal way of putting it," Albert sweatdropped at the vicious smile on Lunaria's face right now. "I thought we weren't competing?"

"We aren't, but that doesn't mean I can't encourage her," Lunaria giggled. "Knowing Shoko, she is going to try to win."

As Shoko stepped out onto the newly repaired grounds, she noted that her opponent was already waiting in the middle.

"Tch, the sun is too bright today..." her opponent grunted, shielding his pale face from the sun.

"Yoo~ are you alright? You can give up if you don't feel like fighting," Shoko teased her opponent as she approached him.

Even though she acted very friendly and relaxed, Shoko still couldn't help but feel a tingle running down her spine. She knew her opponent well enough based on his appearance alone, because he was one of the few people that she didn't want to face against.

Kenridge Ievan Siegfried, the Depressed Magician, ranked third overall.

Kenridge was known for his purple top hat as part of his outfit. Along with the hat was what seemed to be a suit. Dressed in purple from head to toe, the only thing that didn't fit along with it was his shoes, which happened to be made from reinforced leather and monster hide. For a mage like Kenridge, he probably valued movement a lot that he was willing to reinforce his shoes as part of his set.

"As if, Frey will kill me," Kenridge pushed his glasses as he tilted his head to meet Frey's eyes. "But I want to give up though..."

"Fufu, then that makes my job a lot easier," Shoko grinned, removing a short sword from behind her. "Let's start."

At her words, Kenridge snapped his fingers. This prompted Shoko to quickly leap backwads, just in time to avoid the earth shifting below her feet and forming an earth ball where she once stood. Based on the thickness and how sturdy it was at first glance, she would have probably lost before the round even started.

The way that Kenridge casted his first spell already told Shoko that he was someone who couldn't be taken lightly. There was hardly any delay in the spell activation timing from when it was first casted. What's more, he didn't need to utter the spell names for the spell to activate itself, making him already leagues above the other ordinary mages here. As expected from someone who relied solely on magic to fight without any physical weapons.

Shoko drew a cold sweat as more earth walls began sprouting from the floor each time she retreated. His casting speed was also incredible, dishing out spell after spell after spell without batting an eyelash. While all this happened, Kenridge just stood still where he originally was. It was almost demeaning to Shoko, who specialized in speed as an assassin.

"Tch, so annoying..." Kenridge grumbled, one of his many rings shimmering on his finger. "So fast..."

Waving his index finger, multiple more earth walls appeared simultaneously, meaning that he ahd increased the casting speed even further. Shoko further accelerated her body, her feet barely touching the floor anymore. As an assassin, she was confident in her speed and decided to test the limits of Kenridge's casting.

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