Chapter 89

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The class gathered at the training grounds that Kaze and Noel had been to the day before. Everyone else, including them, had changed out of their school attire into their training ones.

It was basically the same concept as Czech did when they had training classes, but the outfit had a few variations to it. Since the outfit was designed to fit several races, specific modifications needed to be made to fit everyone's size and body feature. For example, there was magic fabric sewn into the back of the dragonkin's shirt so there was space for their wings to protrude through. The same magic fabric was used in their pants, which had specific holes made and magically produced according to each dragonkin's type. There was no equal dragonkin with equal wings or tails, hence why magic fabric was used for the convenience of the dragonkins and other wearers.

For Kaze and Noel, who were both the only humans present at the training grounds, the outfit posed no inconvenience at all. They were able to use the strap for their swords perfectly, thanks to the design of the pants that enabled them to hook the scabbard of their sword as they pleased. Even if they didn't want to hook it, they could always strap it round their body or simply hold it in hand like some of the others were doing. Those with spears or bulky weapons couldn't rely on straps, which was why their only choice was to hold it by hand.

Lune-sensei, dressed in light armour along with clothing that made moving about easy, stood in front of the class with a clipboard in hand.

"Noel, Kaze, please come to the front," Lune-sensei called them up to the front of the class. "Luniel-hime, would you like to join them or be with your fellow classmates?"

"I think they need some company," Luniel hopped along to Kaze and Noel's side. "I will be fine with demonstrating too."

"Hmm, we shall proceed then," Lune-sensei nodded and continued to address the rest of her class. "Everyone, now we will be conducting our physical training class. The first thing we will do is have our fellow guests do a short demonstration of their sword techniques before everyone here has a turn."

"Eh? We're going first?" Kaze blinked, not expecting that they would have to demonstrate in front of everyone.

"Of course. It's not fun if we don't hype up our students to show their best too," Lune-sensei grinned at him. "Well? Who wants to go first?"

"I will," Luniel volunteered. "How are we going to demonstrate our abilities?"

"We will have a normal standardized test."

As Lune-sensei said so, she raised her hand and casted magic over at an empty area next to the group. Immediately, multiple flying projectiles shot up from the ground in the form of dirt balls that varied in sizes and hovered in the air. Kaze and Noel didn't feel surprised or shocked by what they saw, because this was almost the same way magic tests would be conducted back in Czech. The only difference was now the projectiles were in various sizes and moved at different speed.

Luniel stepped up first, walking towards the area where the projectiles were zooming about without fear. Since she didn't have a weapon in hand, it was assumed that she would use magic to attack. Most of the magic casters either had a staff or casted without any catalyst, which was rare but applied for those who were advanced enough in their craft to not rely on the use of magic conductors.

Taking a few seconds to analyse the movements of the projectiles, Luniel quickly decided what sort of method she should use to demonstrate her strength.

The surrounding temperature dropped instantly, causing mist to gather around her in a swirling manner. Out of thin air, icicles no wider than the size of an orange with the length of her arm span appeared in multiples of 4 around Luniel. Kaze and Noel both shivered at this, knowing how hard it was to create and maintain icicles of that size with such confidence. The fact that Luniel made them appear within seconds with such precision and delicacy from the design of each individual icicle showed that her talent in magic perception was supreme. It wasn't just them; even the other dragonkins who were watching the display of magic felt awe at Luniel.

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