Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Date: 20th of April, 2020

Darling Girl,
The manor has not been the same since you left. I have missed you a lot over the years. As we hid from the Dark Lord, I wondered if you were doing the same. Were you unprotected and tortured?  Did you somehow make your way back to Lucius and Narcissa? My questions were answered when I arrived home, and I didn't see you.

  Do you know what I saw instead, darling? I saw your mother, who couldn't get out of bed. I saw your father, who had turned to alcoholism. Draco, a fearless little boy, was afraid of fire and his own shadow. They weren't what they were when we had left. Your parent's marriage was in shambles. Then, by some miracle, you arrived.

  The first time I saw you, I knew. You put yourself out there in the proud way we did. There was no holding back; you said what you thought. A trait I passed onto you. With my whole heart, I was so happy to see that. You didn't need protecting. You were strong, independent, and didn't need anyone. Darling girl, you still are like this.

  We can tell your magic is weakening. I know you tried to hide, but you failed miserably. Your mother can feel it, I can feel it, we all can. I'm so sorry, my love. You don't need to give up the last of it for us. Protect yourself; the way you always have.

  Darling, I know you don't find love easily. You don't let yourself love easily. I have seen your thoughts and memories. I know, you can be upset later. I understand why you do what you do. My love, it's time to put those thoughts and memories aside. You can love someone. You are the most lovable teenage girl I have met.

  Love more, not less, my darling girl. I promise you it will be worth it. I loved another once and I never thought I would anyone love again. One wouldn't think so on the outside, but Abraxas and I love each other. We have learned to over the years. I know it's not the happily ever after that you picture, but it's ours.

  You have opened our eyes again. We have learned that we all need each other. Druella and Cygnus, Anita and Abraxas, and Narcissa and Lucius. All of us need and belong together. Nothing can break us apart, but things can bring us together. You, darling girl, have brought us together. I thank you for that. I wanted to write all of this because I know I may never see you again. If I do, it may be too late, or I'll forget. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

~ My whole heart,


Date: 21st of April, 2020

  Or, Arabella, I was confused on how to address this. I know it's been a while since my visit. The courage it took to write to you doesn't come easily to me. It's an inside joke that I am not a Gryffindor. A shocking conclusion considering most of the people in my family are. I feel that is something we have in common; both of us being different than our families. I think it's easy to note that you wouldn't have been a Slytherin.

  That's what I find so intriguing about you. You're different than the rest. You don't present yourself in the way the do. You're shy, but you fight for what you want. It's good to see someone like that in the pureblood society who does it for good. I would love to meet up with you sometime. Three Broomsticks? Whenever you're ready, send an owl.

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