Chapter Forty-Four

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Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Monday, 27th of April, 2020

"We did it,"
~ Narcissa Malfoy

She watched as Brooks began to move toward her. His green eyes beamed with emotion as he extended his hand. Lucius spoke to the crowd that gathered around the grand staircase. His booming voice made the room grow silent.

"Narcissa and I haven't acknowledged this day for a long time. For those of you who don't know, today is the day our daughter Arabella was born. It also marks the fifteenth anniversary of her kidnapping,"

  Brooks gripped her hand tightly at the announcement. Did he think that this was hard for her to hear? This news wasn't something she hadn't heard before. Maybe, he was trying to be supportive. Jenna bit her lip at the thought. She wasn't used to having supportive people in her life.

"However, things are a little different this year. In an unexpected turn of events, we have welcomed our daughter home." Narcissa's voice announced after a brief pause.

"Narcissa and I would like to introduce all of you to our daughter, Arabella Narcissa Cosette Malfoy," the peacock-colored mask could hide Lucius's grin. He held out his rather large hand, and everyone directed their gaze to the top of the steps.

"You will be fine," Brooks whisperers. "Remember to breathe, Jenna,"

  She gripped his hand tightly as they walked down the large staircase. A group of gingers caught her eye as she looked at the crowd. No one, not even Harry, could hide their shocked expressions. Gulping, she redirected her gaze to her parents. They both looked so proud.

  Jenna grabbed onto her father's hand and sighed with relief. She had never known she could hold her breath for that long. Brooks nodded to Lucius and kissed Narcissa's cheek before walking off. Applause broke out as Jenna curtsied to the crowd. She would never forgive her grandmothers for this.

"Would you like to dance?" asked Lucius.

Jenna smiled tightly, "Do I have a choice?" She spoke through her teeth. Her parents shook their heads, and Lucius guided her to the dance floor.

The orchestra begins to play a classical song as he places a hand on her back and grabs her hand. She was thankful that her mask was still in place and hid her red cheeks. Nothing was more embarrassing than having five hundred people stare at you.

"You remind me of your mother," he spoke as they began to waltz. "She never cared to dance but was amazing at it."

"Does mother know you still feel the same way about her?" Jenna stated.

"Whatever do you mean?" Lucius pondered.

Jenna smiled, "You don't think I'm daft, do you? I knew the two of you were having problems. I let you continue it because nothing was fake. You two do love one another. I was hoping you would realize that."

"I do," he looked longingly at Narcissa. "I don't think your mother does." His daughter nodded in agreement. When did she grow up? It felt like just yesterday, he was holding her for the first time. Now, he was holding her as a grown woman. "Thank you, Princess."

The song ended, and so did the chatter. Jenna turned to find Brooks but saw that he wasn't moving. She arched her eyebrow; why was he standing so still? Looking in another direction, she saw that the Weasleys weren't moving either.

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