Night Shift

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Mia Denver

"Okay so I think I might have to work a second turn today if I want to gain enough money for a car " I said while making the calculations in my head.

"Mia. No. You are working too much." Lia mumbled  "I need this." I told her, she knows I have to "You literally work every single day and sometimes nights too." ok she's being reasonable but it's not like that, sometimes we have to work harder to get where we want "It's not-" "You were working on Eastern." She said in an insistent tone "Okay, Eastern wasn't a big deal, I didn't even work a full shift, plus I didn't have anyone to spend it with. I'm too single and alone, it's pitiful." I snickered
"You know what?" she smiled "Uhm... what?" "Today is the last time you do a night shift." she crossed her arms "You know... you're not my boss."
"I mean that next time I'll make you stay." uhm whatever I have a bus to catch and no spare time for this pointless conversation.
Almost 9 am so I needed to go or I'd miss the bus. "Yeah OK, well I need to go to work. Bye, love you." I took my keys and shoved them in my jacket pocket "Love ya." she shouted.


"Hey Mia." my co-worker Cynthia greeted me "Hi Cynthia, how are you feeling?" I asked due to her not coming to work yesterday "Better thank you, I just had a terrible headache yesterday, so here I am covering for missing shifts." I sighed nodding "I don't know why we need to work as active as other shops, this is just a gift shop. People barely come here." "I know, right? I need to restock the heart-shaped cookies." she said staring at the empty spot I slightly smiled and went to water the flowers.

While watering the flowers, the door opened and a young teenage boy entered, he looked 15 or 16, I'm not sure.
"Welcome to Larson's, what can I help you with today?" I offered him a warm smile "Actually, me and my girlfriend have our five-month-anniversary today and I don't know what to give her" Teenage cute and perfect, never ends well.
At least mine didn't .

I smiled at him and lead him to bracelets
"So here we have these cute bracelets where you can customize a name, but it will take us a few hours to make... or we have these necklaces where you can put a picture if you want" he looked at them thinking "I like the one with the picture." "We also have these with the initial" I showed him other models in case he'd prefer them "It's ok I'll just stick with the one with the picture." "okay so we have in silver and gold, which one would you like?" "The silver one" I took it and lead him to the computer "ok so plug this to your phone and choose the picture" he chose the picture and it came to the computer, it was a cute picture of them together hugging. I printed it out in heart shape like he chose and manage to put it in the necklace. I finished it with protection so it wouldn't come off and packed it into a cute box "Would you like something more?" "This box of chocolates and could you put it in a bag?" He asked "Of course." I wrapped everything up and put it in a cute pink pastel bag "Ok so the total will be $39.68 please" the boy handed me the money and I gave him the present "There you go, have a nice anniversary" I smiled "Thank you, you too" I snickered thinking about how he just wished me a nice anniversary.


It's 10pm, I don't know why this shop stays open until so late. It was a dark, but the sky was filled with stars. I turned the lights off and twisted the open/closed card on the door so it says "closed". I checked to see if everything was locked and left. Cynthia had left earlier than me. I often stay to close the shop.

I was walking to the nearest Bus stop that was 3 blocks away, and because I am the luckiest person alive, the energy wasn't working in some of streetlights. There were so many not working. Out of 10 lights, 2 were actually working so it was pretty dark where the moonlight didn't touch. I'm so poetic. I snickered to myself.

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon