Broken piece

95 3 3

(for those confused this is part 38 not 51 )



Hey mom, I know that we haven't talked in a while so I wanted to invite you to dinner at my new place, I also wanted you to meet my new boyfriend. His name's Vincent and I think you'll love him. Anyways tell me when you're available.
———————————————————- we wait. I don't expect her to answer it right away, she's rarely on her phone, plus if it's my message... it gets l an ignorant glance from her and that's it. "I sent her the text. I don't know if she'll reply but... I hope she will." I told Vinnie who was working on his laptop on the bed, Me on the other hand I was pacing through the room, walking back and forth. He glanced at me and back at the computer. "Don't worry. She'll answer." he said. "You definitely don't know my mom. She's so... so... high maintenance? I don't know... you can't really get any sympathy out of her." I said while walking in the closet and coming out. "I think I know her type..." he said while typing stuff on his laptop. "Aren't you nervous? I mean she's a though nut to crack, mister." I can't even imagine the ways she'll try to embarrass Vinnie. She will test him to the limits, my mom's always been like that. She's always wanted the best, and she wasn't scared of getting it. I know my mom likes to play with fire, but Vinnie? Not only does he play with fire but he's worse than it. It's like as if having them in the same room will create an explosion.

"She'll like me. And if she doesn't... well, she can suck my dick, 'cause there's nothing stopping me from being with you." he shrugged. He's so reckless, I couldn't believe what he just said, only because I could never say the same. I cared too much. My mom liked everything perfect, so when she got a daughter that was everything but perfect... let's say she wasn't a fan. She wanted me to go to college and major in law, but my smart ass wanted to wait and appreciate my young years. That's also why I haven't talked to her in a while.
"Vinnie please tell me you're not going to act all 'Mafia boss' and superior with them." I sat beside him. He closed the laptop immediately and put it aside. He had his glasses on... they make him look so... sexy.

"Principessa, do you think I like disappointing people?" he looked at me intensely and very close.
"No..." I said "Then why would I do it to you?" He kissed my cheek "They will fall in love with me. I have my tricks when it comes to Denver women." he winked and I burst out laughing "What?" I chuckled shaking my head, good luck making my mom fall in love with his dominant attitude.

Equals don't attract each other very well.
"I don't know why you're laughing, they clearly worked on you." He shrugged and I pushed his shoulder "It's true?" he said and I laughed laying down on his lap. "You think a lot of yourself." I said looking up at him. This is so unfair, I don't think this man has got any bad angles. "So?" he smirked, I narrowed my eyes and pinched his nipple. "Ah my boob!" He cried out and I burst laughing against his shirt "Ai it hurts so much!" He put his hand on his chest "Stop the drama." I clung to his neck while laughing. All of a sudden a sharp shock spread through my ass cheek "Ah! Did you slap my ass?" I said shocked while keeping my laughter in. "Stop the drama." He rolled his eyes before rolling us over and kissing me. I yelped of joy at the sudden action.

He slid his hand to my back and under my shirt. His hand grazing my naked skin making my back arch. I moaned feeling relaxed and lazy. My shirt was lifted to just right below my boobs. He was kissing my neck, making me feel, cherished and... loved? I don't know. I took slow breaths trying to bury my thoughts six feet underground.

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