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"Stop it!" I laughed while he was on top of me tickling me.

"Louis! " I hit him lightly on the arm "Okay but you have to admit." He smiled, I briefly closed my eyes "hm... no." he held my arms while he was on top of me "I don't think I can stop..." he whispered in my ear "No! No! No! ok ok... I admit" "That..." he continued my sentence "I admit that cereals come first and then the milk." I rolled my eyes. "Very well!" he said "VeRY wElL." I mocked his british accent "You know it tastes the same shit." "But what if you put too much cereals huh? You already ruined them." He frowned "Well then pay attention to what you do?" "Accidents? Happen to everyone."
"Wow then it's bad luck" I shrugged "But you don't need luck? just put the cereals first!" "God damn it! Okay imma do that." I laughed.


79 days...
2 months, 2 weeks and 4 days without her

She ignores my messages and calls, I miss her, my bed is so empty without her. Yesterday I had another sleepless night. I woke up wanting to grab for her, touch her, feel her, smell her, kiss her... but I was all alone. I wonder if she ever feels alone that way.

She is probably enjoying her time out there, with her friends, new job... what if she has somebody new?
She wouldn't. Would she? No... maybe I shouldn't have let go of her...
But if I didn't I would be taking her freedom away, and I don't want to hold her hostage.

In two days it's her birthday, I'm not going after her. I'll maybe call her or something?

She asked me not to do anything so I won't. Maybe I'll send a gift-

"So Vinnie what do you think?" Jett snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I took another smoke from my cigarette "Lower the amount? So they don't think about Mia?"

"Oh yeah, uh... No." their face was surprised.
I know it's a bad move but thinking about it, I don't have to do anything and Mia comes back. It's simple.

"Are you crazy?" Jett frowned "If we leave the price that high they will try to offer Mia. They'll get her." Exactly what I thought Jett "We will demand as much money as possible. Then we see what happens"
"You are out of your mind." Jordan scoffed "Bro we can't do this." he continued
"We're gonna do it, period." Fuck this. I'm tired of waiting around for her. I need her.

They both stilled "We have these ones coming in a meeting for their order." Jett changed the subject "You know what to do" I put out my cigarette "Alright, you want Bruno to deal with it?" Jordan said. "Whatever anyone that can do their work, is this all?" "Yes." the nodded "Close the door on your way out."
I dismissed them.

Before leaving Jett stopped and looked at me "They'll go after her."

I know Jett. I know...
I nodded and he walked away.

I know my risks.


We were watching a movie in Louis' bed. We are not dating, and I don't even know if I want to get something serious. He is boyfriend material but I don't know. I met his sisters but I still haven't met his parents. They never happened to be at home but I honestly don't expect it to happen. I don't really want it to happen.
I like him as a best friend. Of course he is not my best friend but I like the way we discuss things, maybe we can be more than friends or not it's just...

He was cuddling me while we watched Lion King.
After the last kiss we had, like two months ago, I got confused. We are very much like "friends" and again, it's cool like that.
I turn 23 in two days, I didn't tell that to Louis, and I won't. I don't want anything that day. I'm going to be with Bella watching movies like.
"After" or "50 shades of grey" eating ice cream and crying because we're both single and sad.
Could it be better?

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now