The two of us

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I spun her around as the music echoed in our room. I rested my hand on her naked waist while the other held her hand in the air, she smiled looking up at me, she makes it impossible for me not to crack a smile. "Just the two of us..." She sang while quickening the pace "Building big castles way up high" she loosened the grip on my shoulder and I spun her again, this time faster. When I caught her it was a big impact, she had both hands on my chest and I had my hands wrapped around her, this didn't stop her from singing though. "Just the two of us" she whispered against my chin "You and I..." I finished the part whispering on her lips, didn't take long for temptation to kick in and make me kiss her. I felt her smiling through the kiss, her hands went up to my neck gently, it felt so good to finally have a moment just the two of us and nothing else. I hugged her waist and let my head fall on her shoulder. We bounced lightly back and forward as the melody ended. My thoughts wouldn't leave her. She started playing with my hair as a slow song started playing, she had made the playlist so I didn't know what music exactly I should expect.

I sniffed in the scent of her hair, enjoying our moment. I don't want this to end, I love this. She's like my weekend of every day, like my Sunday. It's like after all the horror, I come back home and there she is. She's my pause from all the violence and killing. She's my vacation. My happy hour. When I get home is when I don't have to worry if I'm being intimidating or scary, I can be at peace. I sighed at the thought of it. I looked up from her hair at the window, so many stars.

"Mio amore?" I spoke for her attention "Yes?" She answered and the way I caught myself wanting to hear more of her voice made me think about how when I first thought of dating her I thought I wouldn't actually have affection for her. She was supposed to be a simple wife to demonstrate my respect. Of course it's not just that. I changed my mind about her very quickly actually "Vin?" She asked because I had stayed silent. I put myself together and looked at her, we paused and she smiled questioning "Go pick a hoodie" I told her and she went. I put on a t-shirt and put my flip flops on. When she entered the bathroom I put my gun in my pocket. She doesn't like when I have guns around, but I can't help it. Paranoia is my best friend.

I waited on the bed for her to come out. She came with one of my favourite sweaters on, it's a purple one with neon letters on, and she also had some shorts on "So?" she lightly smiled."My favourite one? Really?" She shrugged with her shoulders smiling and sitting beside me "What's that blanket for?" She asked and I gave it to her "That's for you." I got up and picked another one, I walked to the door and she stayed on the bed watching me. I looked back at her and said "You want me to go alone?" She grinned and shook her head, I watched her walking fast to me "Can we take the elevator?" She smiled "How do you know we are going to need the elevator?" I put my hand on her chin that was tilted up to me "Well I don't wanna flatter myself too much, but ehr I'm a genius." she talked seriously and opened the door. We got out of the room and the presence lights went on "Catch me if you can." she started running to the elevator "I will." I ran after her, she wasn't running fast so I had to slow down so I wouldn't jam myself on her. She got to the elevator and started clicking quickly on the button. I stood behind her silently, so she wouldn't notice me. She turned around to check and let out a loud gasp when she saw my figure over her. "Gotcha." I smiled and kissed her lightly, but she put her arms around me wanting more, deepening the kiss.

In meantime the elevator opened. I threw our blankets in the elevator and started walking forward making her walk backwards, I had my hands wrapped around her waist. The doors closed and it started going up, not stopping us from kissing. Her tongue slipped against mine and our mouths were wet. She let out small and light noises, I tried not to but they made me hard and I couldn't deny it. This wasn't what I had planned but I surely wouldn't stop it now. While we were kissing I pinned her against one side of the elevator. I was going to press the stop button and take her right here, right now, if it wasn't for the glass wall the elevator had. Should've taken the other elevator, no one would have the possibility to see her naked. I think I'll kick everyone out once and for all, they all have their own houses anyways.

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now