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I couldn't sleep. 4 am. I have to sleep. I tried to look around in the dark, It's really hot in here, no?

I'm not going out there though. Nope never. I'm staying in here.

But I really want water. Ugh. Whatever. I'll just refill this glass with tab water from the bathroom. I turned on the lamp on the nightstand and silently went to fill it up in the bathroom.

I drank it so quickly, God it felt so good, I was so thirsty. I filled it up again, this time I took it with me to the bed. I was coming out off the bathroom when my flip flop slipped out and I tripped and let the glass fall. I could swear I was watching in a slow motion. My heart beat raised. Shit. No. Please start flying by a miracle.

Obviously it didn't, the glass fell and shattered into little peaces. It made a really loud crashing noise, and maybe because of how silent it was at night it made it sound even louder.
I can't believe this. Now I owe a fucking glass to a mafia... person? I don't know. "Shit" I muttered under my breath as I put on my flip flop's and started picking up the big chunks of glass from the floor. I was hoping no one would've woken up by this, please god, tell me no one woke up.

I gathered the big glass pieces in my hands when my door flew open making me gasp for my dear life. It was Vincent for god's sake. He was only wearing some boxers, ones that didn't do a good job at hiding his... no.
His chest was bare, he also had a gun in his hand, pointing ahead of him. Please don't shoot me for this. "Are you ok?" he asked raising an eyebrow, he lowered the gun while approaching me. "I accidentally broke this glass. I'm so sorry." I felt embarrassed, does he want me to buy him a new glass? Shit. This is so awkward. I mean of course I can buy him a new glass. Once I go home. Maybe more than one as an apology for waking him up.

He sighed looking at me "Get up, and don't pick up the broken glass, you'll cut yourself with it." he said as he left the room, meanwhile I went to the bathroom and threw the glass pieces I had picked up away.

When I came back to the room he was crouched cleaning up the water with a cloth "You don't have to do it. I made the mess. Let me do it. " I told him quietly and he shook his head.

I crouched besides him "Let me do it, please." I whispered and he stopped what he was doing and looked up at me in a rather slow way, and that's also when I realised how little the distance between us was "You'll hurt yourself." he quietly said back while analysing my face. I think I was staring too much into his eyes. They were half dark and half light because of the lighting. Hazel eyes, Yeah brown hazel eyes. "Sit on the bed." he demanded "But I did this-" "Go." he lowered his voice. It was still deep but not sleepy wise at all. "I.." I breathed out "Darling don't make me repeat myself" he said and I nodded, I got up and sat on the bed. I watched as he finished drying out the water, then he proceeded to gather the pieces with a broom and throw them all out.

It was 4:19 "I'll ask the maids to make sure there are no more pieces left tomorrow when they vacuum clean, don't walk around barefoot." He said approaching the door. I have to thank him, and apologise "Thank you" I said out loud, maybe too loud. He stopped and turned to me "Thank you for cleaning it, and I'm sorry for your glass, and waking you up. If you want to I can get you a new glass, or maybe I could buy you more than a glass. You know, as a thank you. I mean I know you can afford all that but I gotta thank you and I did break your glass so technically-" "It's okay, Mia. I was up anyways." He slightly, very slightly smiled "Good night." he said opening the door "Bye, Oh and good night." I said before he got out.

Damn it.


I stared at the ceiling thinking, is this how it's going to be? I want to go home, go to work. What about the money I was saving? My parents- no never mind, they don't care. But Lia does. I have hope, she's going to find me and she's going to save me and- someone just knocked on the door
"Yes?" I asked and a maid slightly opened the door "Miss? Would you prefer breakfast in bed?" and give her more work? Poor lady "Oh no it's fine. Thank you" I said and she nodded and closed the door. Well time to convince my kidnapper to let me go home.

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now