Truth or dare?

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I woke up alone. Again. It's been a week since Vinnie and I have spoken. This is pretty annoying, the only things I hear from him is "Good night" or "I'll be back late" sometimes a "Goodbye" but it's very rare .
He has a building here, of his company, so he just goes to work. I know his company is a façade to disguise his dirty business, but he's also good in the real business. Doesn't matter, he's still ignoring me.

We still can't go back apparently, the house is still getting in order back in California and they want to stay longer to enjoy Italy. Plus Maddy went to Spain. Today Jordan said we were going to a party. He didn't say much more than "It's private business". I'm not much for parties but I don't have a choice either.

I didn't talk about the party with Vinnie, whom by the way I haven't even seen today, not at breakfast, not at lunch nor at dinner. I have to talk to him to clarify everything better. I don't know how he's planning to make me fall in love with him but that's not how it's going to happen, not how he expects it. I don't even know if I want to, it all seems so crazy. I'm lucky I'm getting along very well with this whole thing. I thought I'd freak out

It is now 9 pm. I'm finishing my makeup in the bathroom . I hope everything goes well. It's the first time Vinnie has taken me to a public place like this club.

Retouching the make-up I started to hear noises coming from the bedroom. Vinnie is barely in the room lately and when he is he always checks to see if I'm here,  and maids only come when there's no one.

I take the scissors from the counter and open the door slowly so I can peek. I didn't see anyone. Until someone opened the door and I heard "Mia? It's alright, it's just me."

Vinnie finally speaks. I sigh in relief. "Sorry." I lowered the scissors "At least you thought about defence." he looked unimpressed

This is the longest sentence I've heard from Vinnie this week, which reminds me that we are still in awkward terms.

"Vinnie can we talk?" I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat "About?" he walked away further in the room "About us."
He was silent for about 10 seconds until words came out of his mouth. "We have to go." he said looking through his jackets "But-" "There's no time, Mia. Are you ready?" I look into his eyes that are looking away, avoiding my gaze.

"I just need to put on my shoes." I gave up.

He didn't give anything in response.


I went downstairs to see Vinnie waiting for me. "Let's go." he mumbled and I followed him to his car. He sat in the front with a guard driving and I sat at the back alone.

Arriving there we met up with Jordan and Jett,
before entering, Vinnie set me aside to talk I think
"Are we finally going to talk?" I asked looking up at him "Of course not." He said the obvious, not letting go of my arm. "There are rules." he stated
I rolled my eyes and sighed, I looked at him impatient waiting for him just to make this quick

"Stop being a nuisance and behave." he frowned at me "You changed, and so fast too." I judged him with my eyes. He looked me in the eye and ignored what I had just said "One, I don't want you with other guys who are unknown or who appear to be a new romantic interest, two, you don't get out of my sight. You don't have to be with me all the time, but you can't be out of my eyes. Three, don't get drunk. Four,  the most important. You don't leave that Club without me. Understood?"
He looked at me seriously.
This is kind of ridiculous, comes to talk about rules after ignoring me for a whole week "The most I've heard from you this week are rules." I scoffed.

"Understood? Yes or No?" He was impatient "Yes." I widened my eyes at him

He took my hand and directed me to the door, entering there he put a smile on his face, as if nothing was. I did the same, after all if I'm supposed to be at a party then I'll act like I'm in one.

Vinnie led us to a corner near the mini bar, where Jett and Jordan were with some guys. They were talking to some strippers. Disgusting.
"Bye bye." I yanked my hand off his and went straight to the mini bar. I don't care about Vinnie's stupid rules. He doesn't control me.

"Vodka, please."I told the bartender behind the counter. Waiting for this, a guy came and sat next to me. "Hello, there." "Thank you"I thanked the Waiter and turned to the guy "Hi" I turned to him "Caleb." Good looking, Caleb. "Mia." I smiled "Did you come alone?" If I say I came with Vinnie, it will ruin everything "Yeah you know, partying." I said smiling and checking behind Caleb, where serious, deadly eyes were studying me, not happy. But I don't care. I can't let myself care.

Caleb looked where I was staring and saw Vinnie. Vinnie gave him a death glare. "Yikes, it doesn't seem like you're alone." "With him it feels like I am so... don't worry" I gave him a sympathetic smile "Boyfriend?" he arched an eyebrow

Oh that question. he is not but he thinks so. what do I tell Caleb.

"Uh... Brother." Good one "Oh I get it." I finished my drink and he suggested I go play truth or dare with him and some of his friends.
I was seriously considering Vinnie's stupid rules for a moment but I ended up not caring enough to give a damn and went anyways.

"Hey guys, this is Mia. Mia this is Joe, Chris, Deena, Rafael, Lola and Rachel." A really big friend group "Hey" I waved my hand and everyone greeted me "So... Let's get started, but first, Mia. Single?" Rachel pointed at me "Yes." I said happily "Good we'll have more fun" Deena grinned "I start" Joe raised his hand.
He called it and everyone agreed. "Lola." he smirked "Shit." she mumbled and sighed, the others laughed "So what will it be for today?" He asked "I'll go with truth" "Good. Is it true that you and Rafael had a night more... how could I say... hm... more beneficial the day after he broke up with his girlfriend?"
The red in her cheeks started to increase when she noticed the eyes all on her "I want dare" "Whoa not that's not the game-" "Come on, Dare and that's it." Caleb said "Okay but nothing of backing down on this on "alright" "Make-out with Rachel" he smirked. He was picking on the Lola and Rachel topic a lot "Okay" She said laughing. She crawled to Rachel and they kissed for like a minute."I think it's good" "Don't worry I won't steal your girl" Rachel winked at Rafael.
Caleb said giggling "Your turn to choose Lola" Chris said and sipped from his beer "hm... Mia." "Dare." "Ok, are you seeing that guy over there?" She pointed at him "Yes..." I said nervously because she pointed at Vinnie. "I dare you to go up to him, and you know have a little MO session yourself." "But it's her brother." Caleb interrupted the game "Really?" Lola widened her eyes.
Shit. Holy shit now they think Vinnie is my brother. Ah know what? I do not care "Yeah."
"He looks delicious" she bit her lip while staring at him "What?" my eyebrows furred "Your brother."
Bitch. "Yeah uh... no." why should I even bother "Kidding, I mean he's sexy but he's your brother, must be cringe to hear that." "A little, yes." I nodded
Why am I uncomfortable with this if nothing is supposedly going on " give Chris a little kiss" I have to do it. Vinnie doesn't contol me. No, he doesn't. Let's pray Vinnie doesn't see it "Okay..." I smiled at him.
I got closer to him giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"Alright... so Caleb?" I asked "Dare of course" he smiled "3 shots at once" was the first thing that came to mind "Woah I like her. I'm gonna get them." Chris said excited.
Caleb looked at me laughing knowing that by the end of this game we'd all be wasted.

1256 words

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