Jet flight

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That warm hug and that smell.
No one but him.

Sort of safe.

"It's okay. It's okay... I am here" "Who does he think he is? You're not changing your name unless it is for Hacker." I chuckled at his stupidity "You heard that?"
"I was hiding, I'm sorry I didn't intervened earlier." I shook my head "Come on we got to go" he rushed "Where?" "You'll see." Vinnie lead me to his car. "What about Dylan?" I asked as he put my seatbelt on. "These woods are full of wolves who'd like to take care of him."


He was driving and definitely breaking rules "I don't think you can drive at that velocity." "I don't give a fuck. Now that you're safe we are getting into that fucking plane." "Where are we going?" "Italy." oh.
Oh my god I always wanted to go there. Finally.
"Vinnie what happened there." "I killed him." "At his house." Well his parent's' "I'll explain that later. We'll have time, believe me."  "Vinnie...I know that this question might be really random but you're actually in the mafia like killing and using... drugs?" "Yes, I've told you before. However I don't do drugs. I sell them but I don't consume them." "So you are dangerous? You kill people?" I looked ahead the road because it would just give me chills if I looked at him. "No Mia, I don't kill random people. I kill people that deserve to be killed and I'm not dangerous to you." he said. He kills people, and even if he doesn't mean any harm, he's still dangerous to me. "You are good? I mean you're not because of what you do but you are?" I looked at him "You know I am." he smirked. Ok so now I'm really sure that he's into this stuff, but he's not dangerous to me. I think I can deal with that.


We got there and vinnie opened the car door for me and pulled me by my hand into the plane. It was his private he said.
It had some seats that were like beds and others that where like normal seats.
I sat in a normal one and Vinnie went to talk to Jett and Jordan. I need a distraction so I don't think too much about the information I got today, Dylan and the mafia thing. I think Vinnie wouldn't hurt me but even so, he is still a mafia member, and mafia means danger to an idiot like me. I really need Vinnie's stupid jokes right now. But Jett and Jordan are stealing my Man. I mean it's not like he is mine but... He jokes when it's not necessary and- "Hey" Maddy sat beside me "How are you feeling?" "I'm fine, thank you." she gave me ice "You sure? I heard you got hurt." I grabbed the ice and put it to my head "Thank you. I'm just trying to forget how messy my life is right now." "Oh it's going to be okay. We are going to tan in the beaches of Italy and get hotter than we already are." she smirked and I chuckled. I really like Maddy.


"So what happened? "That guy appeared there and took Mia in one of my cars and he brought her to Dylan." "What did you do to Dylan?" Jett asked "Killed him" would rather have beaten him to death "What the fuck?" Jett looked at me like I was insane "You had a deal with his Father "I didn't, I told you I rejected his offer. Plus he was going to use her and then kill her. I know men like Dylan." "Man she's a hoe. Not worth losing a deal for. " Son of a bitch still thinks she's a whore because she's outsider. I grabbed his collar and looked him in the eye "Jett. One day. I'm going to drown you. Slowly" I said and he chuckled. I'm serious. "Ciao Jett" I pointed him the middle finger "Get me Maddy." Jordan said and I nodded. I went back to the seat were she was before and Maddy was chatting with her "Hey your whiny boyfriend wants you." I fake smiled "Well, go kiss his ass and leave us alone." she returned the fake smile and Mia giggled "Fuck off Maddy." she rolled her eyes and got up "Just because I love him." She glared at me "Bye boo." she said to Mia "Bye bae." Mia smiled. It satisfies me to ser her less sad.

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora