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A/n: Y'all 'contatto' is a fictional mob as well is 'legame' and if you want to understand better the story, I rewrote some parts of chapter 2

"No bra? Perfect..."
He grinned "Vinnie..." I tried to get his attention "Yes ma'am..." He held my gaze while stroking my skin. "We need to talk." I said seriously and let go of his boxers seeing that he already had a boner "About?..." "What you did." His eyebrows grew together "What about that? I just promised not to do it again." He slipped his hand out of my shirt "I want to be free." I implored him "You are free, I'd love it if you weren't alone outside because...." he trailed of. No. He's got to be joking. "Louis? Look I told you we have nothing." I looked at him through my eyelashes  "I believe you, but I have my main reasons. It's for safety purposes."
"Vinnie I can't just miss my classes."

I really I want to drive a car and be able to go everywhere I want whenever I want

"I know, baby. But please take a bodyguard. It's safer and I'll know you're okay." "I'll think about it." I said and he pecked me. "Now can we relax?" Vinnie's hands traveled up to my bare back pulling me closer to him.
Now that I started telling and asking stuff I just feel like I should just tell him that I told Bella about us, and his deal and like pretty much almost everything

"We can, I just need to tell you something." "Can't it wait?" he said while kissing my neck. "Yes, but I think you would rather know sooner." "Come on let's not waste time." He slightly grinned

"You know my cousin Bella right?" "Mhm..."
He rested his face on the crook of my neck "Well I might have told her about you..."  My voice lowered more in every next word I said.
His head rose up and a serious look stared at me "You told her about us? Or like... about me? The things I do?" He said in a serious tone.

I realized what I have done. Ugly shit. "Mia."
He looked at me warning me to tell him, I don't want this, I should've kept silent. "You told her about the mob?" He asked again and I gulped "I... yes but Vinnie I swear she won't tell anyone."
He had a pissed look in his face and was looking away, thinking I guess. "How do you know?"
"Well I trust her and she didn't call the police nor-"
"Yeah well one day she'll be drinking in a bar, talking to some stranger and whoops she told them everything."
He looked angry
"What are you gonna do?" I asked scared for her
He finally met my gaze, I did not like the way he looked at me. It was intimidating and uncomfortable
"What do you think?" He said in a low voice. I bet he doesn't have a boner anymore.
The way people in this life guarantee silence is with death. I can't let him kill Bella.
I shook my head "No, please don't." Tears burned my eyes and I realised what I had just done. "Do I have another choice?" "Yes! You can trust her."

He scoffed and looked at me like I was trying to make a rock fly "I'm sorry but you should've kept silent, you said you weren't going to tell anyone. You promised."

He started walking to the door.
I can't loose Bella, and even worse, I can't be the reason for her death "Vinnie! Wait. no!"
I gripped on his arm but he was way stronger
He kept on walking "It's business."
He was in front of me walking to his office
"I swear to god if you do anything to her I- I...." I looked around and saw his gun. I went to grab for it but- "Are you out of your mind?" He yelled holding me back. "Vinnie..." I started sobbing. "Mia, what other choice do I have?" he looked at me worried "If you kill her..." He sighed "This needs to be done." he stayed calm.
"Why? I mean you trusted me, why can't you trust her?" My eyes practically begged him "It's not as if you're the same person is it?"
"No but, come on... I already lost Lia. I can't loose Bella as well." I said
Vinnie looked like he wanted to beat himself up.
"What do you suggest doing? I can't trust her." he said very directly  "Well I don't know..."
If I needed to live here and I didn't talk to anyone, she could live here too, is better than to die "She could live with us.
His expression hardened and all of a sudden softened. "Live with us?" He studied my eyes. "I mean you have so many rooms in this house and it would be great to have company. Please?"

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now