Not with you

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It was silent here at home.
It's been a week and 4 days since Mia left here.
She tells me she's fine by text, so I hope she is. She lies, a lot, she says she's in the apartment with Lia but I know it's impossible. I really want to go after her but I promised I wouldn't, I miss her, my bed is so empty without her. My days are no longer; waking up, doing work and then leisure, leisure with Mia. Now it's just waking up and ... boring, boring, boring. Clubbing isn't interesting anymore.
I'm getting used to my old life, the life before Mia.
Plus I now have to take it easy with Mia's parents, they just can't find her out there, I would lose money and Mia.
I don't need this shit.


I woke up on this mattress again.
I don't know why I'm so frustrated that Lia has changed the apartment's locks, she has the absolute right to do it and be mad.
It never looks like she's at home, she doesn't answer my calls and doesn't reply to my dm's
However she posted an old picture like 3 weeks ago of the two of us.

"Good Morning"

My cousin greeted me. She's been a help, she's letting me stay with her for as long as I need it. She and I were close when we were little but we grew apart in adolescence, we still talked but we weren't close to each other anymore. She's a couple years older, like 2 and a half years.

"Morning, what's up with you?" I chuckled, she looked like a zombie "A fucking headache." she grunted "Hangover?" I asked "Yup, but I met a really hot guy yesterday so it's worth it." she smiled "What was he like?" I smirked "Good for you, to be honest." She winked and threw me a paper, I looked and saw a phone number. "Call him, you'll like him." She said opening the fridge "I don't have time for him so someone should enjoy him" She shrugged

Her apartment is really nice and cozy, but it's a bachelor apartment, literally. It has only one bedroom, a bathroom, a pantry and a kitchen and living room that are divided by a balcony.
"Bel take it." I put the card down on the counter. "Hey! You need to enjoy life." I looked at her with a look dismissing her ideas "I have to work and continue my studies"
"Stop being annoying." She laughed "Look at youuuu : you're single, you're hot, you're smart, you're of legal age, you-" She pointed each thing with her fingers "I am going to stop by Lia's apartment to see if she's there."
I interrupted her "Give her up and come live with me, she's boring." She blew raspberry on the air "Come on, don't say that." I said laughing "It's true, when I met her for the first time, I saw right away that she was a Karen, she looked at me like I was an alien." She drank her beer and it made me laugh and I started to think, Lia is a very good friend but sometimes she can be quite judgy and selfish but otherwise she is a good friend.

"Yeah, look you shouldn't drink that in the morning."
I said going through my suitcase to get an outfit
"They also tell me I shouldn't use men for money, but I do it anyway."
I laughed and went to the bathroom to get dressed.


"I'll be back after work-" I tried saying "Shit I'm going to be late for work!"
She put down the bottle and ran to get dressed.

I closed the door going down the elevator.
Bella got me a job where she works. We just clean. It's a little groceries shop and we clean the floors. I was lucky that they accepted me with open arms there.

I took Bella's bicycle that she lends me and went to the apartment that it's on the way to the store.

I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell, and rang.
I waited a while and nothing...
Much better than to give up.
I saw in the mailbox that ours was another name. It was no longer "Mia/Ms. Denver" or "Lia/Ms. Perry" was "Mr. Sprouse"

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now