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My eyes opened slowly, burning by the light, it wasn't very bright but my eyes felt dry. So did my mouth. It took me some blinking to get used to it. I heard beeping, like a heart monitor. My eyes wandered around, I was in some kind of hospital bed, there was a bed next to mine. A window was cracked open just a little. The blinds weren't totally closed so a warm orange light peeked through it. I tried to get up but failed. A heavy pain shot up my spine, a moan left my lips and I heard the monitor start beeping faster. Then someone entered the room. "Mia" she smiled "You're awake" she seemed happy "I'll get the doctor" Bella smiled, what is she doing here? What am I? Also where am I?

After a moment the door opened and a doctor came through with Bella following behind "I see your awake" he smiled "that's great, getting my hopes up for our boss right there" He glanced at the bed besides mine. I turned my head slowly and gasped silently when I saw him.

Vincent, machines around him, his face bruised, he's plugged to an IV and has an oxygen tube. "Is he okay?" I managed to ask "Hopefully yes, fortunately you woke up like we prevented and healthier than expected. However, it's not the case for Mr. Hacker. We expect him to be in a coma for a little while. He lost too much blood. He's injured badly and with luck he'll remember you" My world shattered when he said those last words "Remember me?" My eyes stung but not as bad as the knot in my chest. "It's just an assumption because of the concussion, we're not sure yet" He gave me a reassuring look.

"Will he be okay?" I asked,
he stared at me blankly "I should tell you what happened to you... " He changed the subject "So you've been passed out for almost two days, you broke your arm, and we had to cut your hair due to it being stuck in the car seat. Nothing that you can't handle I hope" I honestly don't give a shit. I want to know about Vinnie "So there's a possibility that he won't remember who I am?" I looked over at him, he was so peaceful, so angelic, so...helpless. I wanted to cry, but I didn't have the force.

"Let's hope not, he's strong. Let's have faith" Faith? I think I still have some. "Even if he doesn't, it doesn't mean he can't regain that memory with time." I just kept staring at him, I wanted to kiss every bruise, try to heal it, heal him. Try to save him. If I hadn't taken so long to get us to the car... If I had just helped him. If-
"Don't worry I'm almost 99% sure he'll remember " So I hoped. I nodded. "I'll give you two some time" he looked over at Bella who was sitting at the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" she asked once he left "I'm fine, my back is hurting a little" she lightly smiled and shook her head "How are you feeling about this?" The question hung in the air for a few moments. I looked over at him. It hurt me. So much. "Horrible." My voice came out shaky "I'm terrified" I sobbed and finally my tears broke free. She looked at me with pity while lightly brushing her hand on my leg for comfort. "I love him, Bella. I do." I couldn't stop staring at him " It's going to be okay, I promise" her voice was light and delicate compared to my cries. "I never told him. He never got to know." my chest filled with regret as I relived all the opportunities I had in the past to do it. "I think at some point you both knew it" she said and I just I looked at her.

She was right. I knew Vinnie loved me, way before I knew I loved him. It made me guilty but I never pushed myself. "He never said it" I cried. Was I ever going to hear it? "He showed it. You told me that yourself. Everytime you talked about him. It was obvious Mia." It was, wasn't it? "Everytime he looked at you, spoke to you, for god's sake that man's pupils would turn into hearts" She said and a smile formed in my mouth. God I love him. I love him so much. "I miss him already." I looked at him again. I knew I'd do it over and over until I couldn't bare the thought of him as a vegetable anymore "I know it hasn't been long, but he's addictive. I want to have him all the time. And now I might not have him ever again, it breaks me, Bel. It actually physically hurts." A tear fell on my hospital shirt "I'm so sorry, hun" She held my hand "Let's hope it'll get better, yes?"


"So?" He looked at me expectantly "I feel so fucking bad for her" He was leaning against the kitchen Island and I propped myself between his legs "It's going to be okay, Vinnie's tough" I scoffed "Jett he's tough but not a machine. He's still human, and right now fighting between life and death. It's breaking Mia so badly." He narrowed his eyes "She loves him you idiot" I smacked his head "Sorry for not reading thoughts?" He lifted an eyebrow and kissed me. God I love his kisses. But I'm never going to tell him. Too much for his ego. "I'm going to prepare Mia this fruit salad she loved to eat when we were little." I opened the fridge and got out some of her favorite fruits "Well I gotta go, have to track them down" ugh I still can't believe my uncle was capable of something like this. "Alright bye" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he left.

He's been obcessed with tracking down the causers of this. He doesn't admit it but seeing his best friend like this hurts him a lot. Luckily before the biggest bomb, there was, exploded, Vinnie had called Jett. I insisted on going with him, but when I saw the car accident I couldn't hold it in. I vomited everything plus my heart. Then I broke down crying thinking they were dead. They would've been had we not gotten there on time.
Vinnie is going to be on a coma, the doctor said that he might not even wake up, but I begged him not to tell Mia. She'd totally break .

A/n: Short one :) New POV? maybe...

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