Hot N Cold

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"Come in"

She entered and sat on my office chair "You asked for me." She sat there looking down, avoiding my eyes "Yes. What the fuck happened back there?" I stared at her, she looked up at me with anger plasteredon her face "I should ask the same!" She yelled and I scoffed "Me?" I pointed to myself and raised my brows "You beat your best friend up" she yelled trying to put sense in me "That's sick." she frowned disgusted "Well, you two were doing god knows what with the fucking door locked." I raised my voice "No." She shook her head
"I can't...
I can't do this right now" she bit her lip "How can it be possible that you don't know anything that happened there and just beat up you best friend." she looked at me with a look that literally told me to be ashamed "You're a horrible person." she got up to leave "You're not much better, Mia. I know he kissed you, yet you still didn't bring that up." she shook her head "You don't know what happened, and what if he kissed me? I'm not even your girlfriend, you had no right to do what you did. You are not my boss. You can control everything." she opened the fucking door and left. Fuck no. This isn't done. I got up and followed her. "Mia." I called out for her but she didn't stop. I sped up my pace to catch up with her "Mia." I put my hand on her waist and she immediately slapped it away "Don't." she warned me "Okay. You think, that I'm all wrong, and you're 'right', then tell me. Did you kiss?" she gulped. No way. "There was a kiss." she said almost whispering. I clenched my jaw. I'm going to kill Jett "If you want to do us both a favor. Give me a ticket to California." she said before turning around and walking. No way in fucking hell that that's happening.


I didn't know where to go but that didn't stop me from going somewhere. If I could choose though I'd be back home. "Mia." I heard him call me. I sped up the pace. I don't have the mind to deal with his childishness. I walked up to the room he gave me. The door was on the floor. Ugh. I went in the bathroom's direction. Shit. It's a no door bathroom, it had to. I turned around to see him standing there "There was a kiss?" he repeated. Yes. There was a kiss. I wasn't in it though. I nodded and he just stared at me. He scoffed "You kissed him?" he looked disgusted, he looked like he was smelling shit. "I didn't. But what if I did? I'm not yours. You're not mine. We are not together." He slightly smiled "You're wrong. However everyone makes mistakes." he said

"Yes. Like Jett did. You should apologise to him" I told him "The way I see it is the other way around" I scoffed at him "You're ridiculous" "And you don't know what you're talking about." "Excuse me? You're the one that beat up his best friend without knowing if he had done something with me because you were not there." I raised my voice "Mia, he has rules. Everyone has, so don't try to be a hero and defend that bastard because you don't know him." he spat the words fiercely. This irritates me, the fact that he thinks he can rule over everyone "What if he was caught up in the moment? Or I don't know maybe he had a crush or something. Maybe he regrets it, it doesn't matter because you don't rule over people and you didn't have the right to do that." He started laughing. What's so funny to him. Such a dickhead

"I'm sorry to break it to you princess but he doesn't 'have a crush' on you, alright. I know him better than you do and if you knew what goes on in his mind you'd enjoy watching me beat him." he said. He does know him longer than I do but it doesn't mean anything. I don't think Jett has some crush on me but either way it doesn't justify Vincent's actions. "For you're information, I rule. I'm the boss here. Welcome to reality, darling." he smiled tightly and stormed off. My anger was in another level. I wanted to scream. I wanted to get his fucking attention and show him that he doesn't rule over me.
I stormed behind him, he was getting closer to the end of the hallway when I yelled to him "Fuck you. And I rather die than have you rule over me." I gave him the middle finger. Surprisingly he smirked, I went back in the room, done with his stupid  behaviour.
I sat on the bed looking at the broken wood on the floor. Sick. His shadow appeared by the door. I physically refused to look at him.
His steps were loud. Maybe not in reality but the sound made my stomach drop. I kept my stare at the floor, pretending that his presence wasn't bothering me.
His fingers tilted my head so I'd face him "I like the way you see me" He smirked. I furrowed my eyebrows "You're not letting me rule over you." He said "Never." I managed to get out "Good." he whispered. His fingers left my chin and my gaze dropped back to the wood door on the floor. He started walking back out. Bastard.
He stopped before exiting "Slut. He thinks that you're a slut." I looked up at him. He such a disgusting pig "What?" "He thinks I hired you. I've told him that's not it. He didn't want to understand. So if I'm sick for beating him up for treating you like a slut, then take me to the fucking doctor." He clenched his jaw and left.
Jett's a pig.

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now