One step closer

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As I walked near he looked up at me and... smiled? What the hell is happening

The man spoke "Good afternoon" I stood there looking at him "Hi" I said scared to let a wrong word come out, I'm trying to act smart or not die. Same thing in this case "Please take a seat" he said gently, too gently. This is creeping me out. Is this Vincent? he looks... mean. Not so bad, I thought he'd be an old creep trying to kill me.
I sat confused. Should I ask? I started building up the courage at each breath I took and before I knew it I had blurted it out "are you Vincent?"
I felt my blood pressure sinking when his eyes darted directly to mine "That's me and I am sorry that I wasn't here earlier I had a... work thing to do" he explained. Why is he explaining it like he owes it to me? I don't care about it, I just want to go home "Did Jordan show you around?"
He is acting so normal, as if this is ever going to be near 'normal'. I nodded answering his question "do you like your room?"
My room? I'm screwed. What does he mean by my room. This makes no sense. What did I do to be here "I just have a question" My voice was so low, almost like a whisper "Go ahead" he said. I gulped, preparing the words I was going to articulate "Why am I here? I mean I don't remember anything I've done to be here" I spoke too quickly, shit "Mia..." He said furrowing his eyebrows.

He's creeping me out. Am I psycho? Is this real? is he a psycho? "I don't want to sound disrespectful but I did nothing wrong. Is it about money?" I would do anything to get out of here "I don't want money from you, I just you know... simply... want to have you. Mia I need to have you"

Have me? Am I a toy or a doll or something? "I'm sorry, have me?" Since when am I on sales? "Not have you, I misinterpreted myself, but I do want you"
What is he talking about. That's not how the world works "Anything else?" About two pages full of questions "Why do you want me?" I breathed out "first let's eat and then we can talk." I thought we were going to talk about it since he asked but fine I guess. I looked at him suspiciously trying to figure out in what mess I was stuck in.  I quickly looked down once he fixated his gaze on me, his eyebrows were low and his eyes were analysing.

"Funny how you frown at everything I say" I looked at him not knowing what to say or do "Don't be scared to talk. I don't bite, you are safe with me" Knowing that this guy wants to owe me is the weirdest and scariest thought I've ever had and he says I'm safe with him?

The food came and it was pasta alfredo "How do you like it?" I stared at it for some time, maybe if I'm nice he'll let me go "one of my favourites"
I tried to make nice talking "I know" he sighed "stalker" I uncontrollably muttered under my breath and I regretted saying that in the very same moment. It was as fast as a gunshot but he smirked
Oh my god. This way I'm definitely not surviving.

After eating he lead me to the Garden to talk

"Do you like the house?" he asked and I frowned "the Mansion?" I rolled my eyes. Alright I have to stop. I heard him slightly chuckle breathlessly so maybe it's not that bad "Do you want to know why you are not allowed to use the elevator?" he asked clearly making small talk. I didn't answer waiting for him to keep talking
"Jordan told me you argued a little about it. That the elevator is just for people that work here"
"I... did?" I spoke softly. He shook his head "No I made it up" he said sarcastically "The elevator is for the maids so they can bring things easily up/down when we ask for, or it can be for someone bruised who can't walk" he explained while we walked through the flowery garden "that's nice" I said
"yeah and you can walk so you don't need it" what ? "says who?" I tried to act like couldn't walk with one leg to joke, I mean is the type of joke I'd make with Lia, but I tripped and fell "shit-" I prepared myself to face the hard concrete but that didn't happen, he held me with one hand on my lower back and the other on my head. His face was inches away. Literally a move could become anything but most likely a kiss. I am so stupid, he gives me a little bit of closure and I act like I've known him forever, plus that was like a non funny and very childish joke, note; don't do it again. Not even with friends, it was awkward

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now