Pink. Red.

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Today I woke up.

Well I woke up at the time I wanted, it's so... freeing. However not the weirdest part, the weirdest part was when I went downstairs and Vincent told me all about what he was going to do today... now I know that may be normal but this, whatever is happening is not normal. So it's kind of weird. I mean it's been a few days since I woke up here, it's difficult to pretend that this is okay. I have no other choice, but it's not like this is hell. Vincent is pretty kind to me. He's funny -well sometimes- . Very rarely.

Right now, I'm putting on this shirt I like, because they -I mean Vincent and his friends, and who I think is a stripper-, they want to play a game so... since I don't have much choices...
You know what...
I do. I have my own choices. I'm staying here. In my room. I'm going to watch Netflix. Yeah I mean why should I give up on my right? -because he might kill me?- I think I'm going to stay. He doesn't seem harmful, he's definitely not harmless tough.

I turned the TV on, Not going to lie, never felt so nervous about watching TV. I put Youtube on and... just sat there, planning on staying like this the whole night.
Well it is 9 pm so I don't think this will last long.


"You were supposed to be downstairs." he growled. No hi? hello? or knocking? the door just flew open and there he was.
"I don't want to." I said forcing my eyes to turn to the TV. He scoffed "I didn't ask." he waited for me to look back at him.

But I couldn't cave in "Mia, come on." no harm. he's no harm. He's dangerous but not harmful, to me at least not and I have to know why "Mia" he repeated, my name rolled off soft. Softer than I thought. I looked in his direction and he cocked an eyebrow "Why would I go?" I shrugged "It's going to be... fun." Fun. Yeah right. It'd be fun if I went home "If I go, do I get to go home afterwards?" I asked and he sighed "Yes." That word sounded so... easy? "Repeat that again." I demanded "Yes." he rolled off. Yes. Yes. "Thank you so much." I jumped off the bed, then realized that it'd be awkward if we... uhm I just nodded and he made space for me to pass through the door.

Oh god. Yes. This. This feels amazing.

"Well you guys..." I grinned "I got 4 sixes." I laid my cards down on the table not believing it. "Get it Mia" Maddy -Jordan's Girlfriend- cheered me up. Vincent just lightly furrowed his eyebrows. I don't care, I mean I won. I collected all the pieces to myself in excitement, Poker is not my game but I'm living for the taste of victory. However I shouldn't excite myself, It's not finished yet.


No. Horrible. This is terrible.

I knew I shouldn't have been excited too early. Everyone is already out it's just me and Vincent. The stripper is not exactly a player, if you know what I mean.
"I see your 7... and I'll raise you..15" I looked him in the eyes with a straight expression. I mean Poker face you may say. I didn't only look in his eyes for the game, it had also something to do with the way the hooker was whispering things in his ear, and smiling, kissing, touching... I just needed to not look at it.
He started growing a smirk, "I see your 15... and I'll raise you 20" I gulped. I don't know if I had more than 30 dollars with me when I came here. Or was brought here. "I see your 20, and I'll raise you... 23" he nodded "Alright... I'm calling your 23." he stared at me "What do you got?" he asked and the stripper sat on his lap. She was grinding on him and whispering things, and it was all just unbearable "Get off." he stated and she lightly gasped at his tone "Full house" please god, be on my side for this once. There was a tension in the air when he inhaled heavily while looking at his cards. He took a moment and then sighed. He shook his head lightly and put his cards down. Oh god, did I just? win? "Got me" he pursed his lips. I gasped while grinning "What? How?"  Vinnie's friend scoffed and Vinnie shrugged "Oh my god. I won!" I jumped up "I won and you clearly lost" I grinned, rubbing my victory on his face. "Cheers to... me!" I raised a toast and Maddy gently hit her glass against mine and drank while smiling "Seems like she's the boss now." she smirked and looked at him. She's funny, out of all my favourite is Maddy.


"Well me and... uhh her... are going to.... take off." Vincent's friend pointed at the stripper who was giggling and clinging onto him "And we're going home." Jordan and Maddy got up from the couch and followed the other two. I think this may be my cue to go or I'll be stuck with Vincent here in an awkward silence. "Well what's on your mind Winner?" Vincent blew a laugh and drank another margarita. "I don't know." I giggled and finished my... 5th? margarita. "Do you know what I have to celebrate this?" He asked putting his glass down. "What?" I looked at him and he smirked, he sighed and let his body lie back on the couch "You like pink?" I like pink? Pink is fun

"I don't dislike Pink" Pink. Pink, Pink, Pink. Pink is a funny word. "What do you say.." he trailed of and stared at me "Pink Vodka" Vodka. Vodka, Vodka, Vodka. Vodka is a funny word. "Cool" I grinned. "Cool" he stared at me. Pink vodka, will my tongue get pink? He jumped up and disappeared behind the couch. I want my tongue to be bright pink. "Here" he gave me a shot glass. He raised the bottle, it was a bright neon Pink with glitters. I want that to stain my tongue. I raised my cup to him and he filled it in. I watched the glitters move as he poured himself one. "To us winners" he proposed a toast. I immediately shook my head "To me the winner" I correct him and pushed my glass against his. He pulled his arm back not letting the glasses touch

"No darling, you wouldn't have won if I hadn't let you." He said and I dramatically gasped. Sarcastically. "I don't care." We banged our glasses together and chugged down the pink liquid down our throats. It burned but it was good. He was staring at me "what?" I asked when he stared too long at me, he sighed "I'm breaking my promise." Promise? Promise? "What promise?" he stayed quiet and filled our glasses "You're not leaving. I can't let go of you now." he admitted.

Now? I can't let go of you now , those words stuck. "Should I waste my time crying or forget that you're an asshole" I said angrily "Second one" he pleaded and I did. I don't remember what we were even talking about so... whatever. I drank the shot. I love the burning. I stuck my tongue out and he starred at it "Is it pink?" I tried to get the words out with my mouth open. He shook his head, well then what is he waiting for? I gave him my cup "I want it Pink" He smirked "How pink?" he asked "Very Pink" I looked at the bottle "So Pink it could be red?" he sat beside me. So pink it could be red. Yes. I want it Pink, so Pink it could be Red. I nodded. "I can do that for you" he looked at my lips. He stared at my lips, actually. I nodded. Again? no, I actually didn't stop nodding. "You want me to do that for you" He stared at my lips. He talked to my lips. I nodded. No. I kept nodding. "Talk to me" he barely talked. he whispered. "Yes, do it." his breathing was hitting on my face. It was still hitting on my face actually. "If you don't stop me..." He looked at my eyes. In my eyes. He's doing it if I don't stop him. I'm not stopping him. I know I'm not.

"I want it very Pink, almost Red." I whispered and closed off more of the little space between our faces. He nodded "However you want it." He went in to kiss when "You guys! Have you seen my phone?" when those words triggered me into pulling away. The sound of his voice echoedin the living room as my heart skipped a few beats "I can't find it. I think I left it here." Jordan said entering the living room. Vinnie's sigh was audible "There it is!" he picked his phone up from the couch. "Well I'm headed." he said and made his way out. I yawned while we both watched him. The door closed and we both turned to each other "So... Pink." he smirked. I yawned again and got up "Pink dreams sweetie." I can wait to stain my tongue pink. I mean, I was going to let him make my tongue pink, pink almost red. Who knows what was about to happen.
I heard him chuckle.

I got to my room and fell on my bed knowing I was going to fall asleep right there like that.

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now