Pissing me off

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Chris returned with the shots for Caleb. "Chug! chug!" Rachel started shouting "Chug!" Chris joined her, and then we just heard "chug" and their palms clapping as Caleb shoved the 3 shots inside.

"Hey! let's all drink some?" Lola proposed

I will get drunk.
Everyone fully agreed with her.
They ordered a bunch of shots.
They started drinking them, laughing and having fun

"Aie Mia get those shots there!" Deena tapped my shoulder. I was indecisive so my curious eyes peeked at Vinnie.
Son of a bitch.
He doesn't want me to have fun but he seems to be having a great time with that stripper.

Without thinking twice I took the shots and they ran down my throat without a waste of time.

I was losing count of how many drinks I was having, but... if I was drunk? I was pretty drunk...

Then Vinnie came up to me and started kissing me and getting all glued to me.
Who does he think he is? "Get off. You think you can do whatever you want."
I said pushing him. "Hey, come on. One night stand? No feelings attached" He spoke grabbing my waist without letting go. "Let me go." I yelled loudly, which made all eyes turn to me. Why is he doing that shit? And where the fuck is Caleb?
Vinnie tried to discreetly take us aside, so we would have "privacy" but... wait- what is happening? another Vinnie hit Vinnie? Like this? wait.

Hold up.
The faces were morphing. It was all confusing, I was dizzy and the bar was turning as if I spun around for 10 minutes.
I looked around and... every person I focused on to recognize kinda looks like Vinnie... or Leonardo di caprio? Oh... that's nice.

What the fuck? I am so drunk. Or there is a lot but like a lot of Vinnies and Leonardos and I've never noticed before.

Vinnie landed a fist that knocked him to the ground. Then other people picked the person up off the ground and took them away...
I started to get more dizzy, nauseous and feeling my head ache.
My stomach felt like it was going to come out of the gutter.
My senses weren't wrong. I ran to something where I could throw up, someone running after me. I came to a cleaning bucket that was 20 feet away from me.

And it was there, the excess alcohol started leaving my body. With dinner and other things to go with it. Someone held my hair back, rubbing my back while I puked my soul out.

After a few minutes, the person helped me up to a sink and I rinsed out my mouth. How disgusting it is, also tastes really bad.

I turned around and it was Vinnie... or I was still seeing random Vinnies but it sounded like him this time.

"Are you better?"
It's his voice, clearly now. "Yes, thanks for helping. But I gotta go to my friends." "We're going home. Come on." He helped me because even though I was more sober, I think. I still wasn't walking correctly.
I felt better that he helped me which made me realize that he still cared about me in a way but why is he being a douchebag ?
There are no reasons. He took me because he liked me, and now all of a sudden he acts like he's doing me favor? I'm confused. The possibility of falling in love with my kidnapper is big and weird and I don't know if I want or even if I can bare it, to love is not something you chose. It doesn't matter if I want it or not, I don't have a choice on my feelings. Vinnie is really... good. I mean he cares about me and- am I fooling myself? Anyways, these are not the thoughts I should be having, he is putting me in this ridiculous situation.


Fottuta stupidità.
She is really drunk.
I told her not to get drunk, also not to talk to other men. But no. She had to be stupid. Now I'm going to have to take care of her. It's not that I don't want to but god she could've listened to me, for once.

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now