Serious question for the readers

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So if y'all don't know Vinnie has been sexually harassed recently, and I know it's not the first time something like that happens but even so I had put him as a character in this story.

I based the story on him and more characters that are/were friends with him irl.

You know he's the man with who Mia will have a story, anyways I've put Vinnie as the character and made this a fanfic, but now with all that happened I really feel bad for putting him as the character that is sexually active.

People who read fanfic about him, I assume they read it because of a crush or a fictional character that helps
them with mental health, and that's OK,

what I want to say is that this is a story were Vinnie is a character, and I didn't mean to sexualize him, but normalize the character's life (the one I put Vinnie to be), bc we all know that sex is a normal part of life so that's why this story has it.

Now I can let it be like it is, but at the same time I feel bad because yk, imagine having a story where you do things, I would feel kind of upset and this is confusing me so I'll let you decide.

Do I change the characters names for example: Vinnie, Jett or Jordan.

Or do I let it?

Now if you want to know what happened,

is that two people (Brazilian) were talking about Vinnie as if he was a sexual toy, they talked about having intimate moments with him and how his intimate parts would be.

They said things like "imagine having a quickie with him" or things like jumping on him and shit. One of them made sounds like clapping and said "Oh Vinnie! Stop it! Stop smacking my ass!" And they laughed about it.

They spoke in Portuguese/Brazilian, and someone probably translated it for Vinnie, or he did it himself, I'm not sure about how he found it but I'm going to put the link of video from where I found out here

After knowing about this Vinnie tweeted this

I'm not aware of more but if y'all know more about this please tell me

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I'm not aware of more but if y'all know more about this please tell me

I feel awfully bad for him because he's just a child and I know that making this story with those parts doesn't help in that sense but I'm really sorry, sexualizing him was never my intention, I just wanted to make this story more mafia alike but at the same time a fanfic

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now