I Thought You Were Gay?

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Celestia fussed with Kokichi's hair as he took his last deep breath, calm now that he had time alone with his girlfriend. "It's most likely a polyamorous relationship, there's an easy way to find out though." Kokichi's brows furrowed. "If your two soulmates also have two soulmarks that match up." She stated matter-of-factly.

"Well, I guess it makes sense. Thanks for helping me feel better." The two shared another short hug, feeling comfortable in each other's arms.

"No problem, it's the least I could do to help. Come on I'll walk you back to class." Celestia stood, offering her hand out to Kokichi which he took. They made their way back to school hand in hand as the world calmed around them.

"So, you ran after me huh?" She gave the little leader a confused look. "In those heels? Are you sure Akamatsu didn't carry you?" Rolling her eyes, Celestia couldn't hold back the small chuckle at Kokichi's accusation. They continued back to school at their own pace, in no hurry to deal with the questions that would occur from them skipping an hour of classes. It didn't take long to arrive at their destination, as the small garden where Kokichi ran to wasn't as far as it'd felt earlier.

Kokichi excused himself to the bathroom to wash his face. The door groaned as it opened, Kokichi subtly checked under the stalls to make sure he was alone because staring at his bloodshot, puffy eyes in the mirror. "God, you're pathetic. Crying over fucking soulmates. They aren't fucking worth it, just ignore the marks and everything will be fine." He glared at his reflection with pure and utter hatred. Shaking the emotions away, he splashed his face with cold, disgusting public bathroom water, thoroughly drying himself before leaving the disgusting room.

"I was starting to get worried, you took your time." Kokichi jumped out of his skin at Celestia's voice, turning to see the girl leaning against the wall. "Before you ask, I'm taking you to class so you don't get in trouble."

"I'm a class counsellor, I never get in trouble!" He beamed.

"I'm a famous gambler, I never get in trouble." She countered. I guess being famous is slightly more important. Without saying another word, Kokichi grabbed Celestia's hand and led her upstairs, Celestia gently rapped on the classroom door when they reached their destination. "Follow my lead." 

"If I have to." Kokichi sarcastically groaned as the door swung open to reveal his entire class staring at him.

"Ah, come in." The two children stepped into the classroom, closing the door behind them. "Care to explain why you're so late Ouma? There are only ten minutes left." 

"I had a family emergency and Kokichi offered to help. Apologies for being the reason for his lateness." Celestia bowed respectfully, her demeanour commanding the room.

"And why was he helping you with a family emergency? Clearly, you both aren't related." The teacher, whom Kokichi nicknamed Sir Douchebag, aimed his question towards the male.

"First of all Sir, you're argument is flawed considering non-immediate family don't always look alike, and we could be half related for all you know. Second of all, I'm her boyfriend." Kokichi puffed out his chest, proud that he stood up to authority despite his heart screaming from anxiety. There's no point in lying about our relationship. After all, to lie to one person you have to lie to the world.

Kokichi glanced at his peers and noticed his best friends sitting with an empty desk near them. Why do they look sad? It has to be because they don't want me to abandon them for Celestia, right? "There's no way that hot-ass chick is your girlfriend!" Miu slammed her hands on her desks as she jumped to her feet.

"Oh yeah?" Kokichi grinned, turning to Celestia and planting a small kiss on her cheek which caused a few cheers from the class.

"That's enough everyone. Miss Ludenberg go back to class. Ouma, sit down and get out your books."

"Sir there's only seven minutes left of class!" Kokichi argued as Celestia sashayed back to her class.

"Plenty of time to catch up on what you missed. No talking." Sir Douchebag turned back to the whiteboard and continued his lesson as Kokichi made his way to his seat beside Rantaro. Grabbing out a singular notebook and pen, he pretended to take down notes as he doodled for the few minutes left of class.

A small, folded scrap of paper landed on his page, interrupting the student. Opening the note, Kokichi immediately recognised the familiar handwriting. I thought you were gay? Why are you dating a girl? Flipping the paper, Kokichi scratched a reply. You'll never know~~~ <3 Nishishi!!! He scrunched up the paper and threw it back to Rantaro, who read it before handing it over to Shuichi. All Kokichi did was grin maliciously at his two confused best friends.


"Kokichi, please? Just this once?" Shuichi begged the small child.

"No Shuichi. My parents won't let me on short notice, you know this!"

"Shuichi, we can't force him to join us." Rantaro sighed, already done with the argument.

"Ah, hello." Celestia approached the group, her smile contagious as they all welcomed her. "What seems to be the matter?"

"They want me to hang out with them but my parents aren't going to let me." Kokichi would never admit he wanted to spend some time with his classmates, but he knew he never could since he wasn't well-liked.

"Hand me your phone." Kokichi furrowed his brows, reluctantly handing over his phone as requested. 

"Wow, you two must be close. He never lets us even look at his phone." Rantaro commented, smiling at the two. "You could be good for each other." Kokichi just shrugged as Celestia put his phone to her ear. 

"Ah Mrs Ouma, it's Celeste. I wanted to ask permission to go on a date with Kokichi, apologies for such late notice." Celestia nodded, listening attentively to the woman on the line. "Thank you, he'll be home before six tonight." She hung up the call and handed Kokichi his phone. "There, now you have until six to have fun with friends. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Actually Celeste, why don't you come with us?" Rantaro interjected before the gothic princess could leave. "I'm sure Kokichi would love if you met his other friends," Kokichi shouted and punched the Ultimate Adventurer's shoulder.

"It would also help keep up the lie. If you were seen somewhere else it could ruin the whole thing." Shuichi added. Celestia sighed and nodded.

"Alright then, I shall spend time with you all. Although if anyone is uncomfortable with me being there I will leave, understood?" Everyone nodded as the couple interlocked their hands, following behind the two boys as their lie grew worse.

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