Lil' Ultimate Doctors

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Kokichi scowled at the policemen that entered Rantaro's bedroom. "Sorry to interrupt, but we'd like to talk to Kokichi Ouma."

"Never heard of him, sorry!" The evil leader chuckled, turning around to see Rantaro and Shuichi holding a disappointed pout.

"Kokichi... You should talk to them. We'll be here if you need us." Rantaro approached the boy, attempting to usher him towards the door.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth, but it's for your own good." Sakura apologised, receiving a frown from Kokichi as he left the room with both police officers. Following them, Sakura led the group towards a vacant room resembling a study hall before leaving to give them privacy.

"Kokichi Ouma, can you show your soulmarks so we can identify we have the right person?" The older cop asked. Without saying anything, Kokichi twisted his scarf around to reveal his collarbone, pulling his left sleeve up to show off his orca. Both police examined a file they'd brought with them, nodding to each other as if confirming their target's identity.

The younger, outwardly empathetic cop continued the investigation, uncrossing their arms to give the illusion of safety. As if I wouldn't know that trick. "You seem to be very injured, what happened and have you been given appropriate help?"

"I fell over and I saw Doctor Sumomo when you were called." Kokichi grinned, attempting to seem powerful and confident. Does Sakura think she's stealthy? Surely she wouldn't take that long to grab painkillers. Rantaro mentioned that both sets of twins in the family have connected rooms, so Sakura didn't have to travel far. She must've called the police then.

"Where did you fall?"

"The road? I don't know exactly where." 

"What's your address?" Kokichi continued to answer tedious questions, not hiding the boredom as he continually sighed. "How are things at home? Do you like it there?"

"Home is perfectly fine thank you. Where do you get off suggesting something like that?!"

"Ouma, this is only protocol. We don't mean to offend you. We've finished our questions, sorry for what we've put you through." The nicer cop shoved their notes into the cream manila folder, packing it up with the rest of their stuff. "We've opened a file for you with Child Protection Services as per protocol in this situation, and no one else will know as it's strictly confidential. If we told your parents that would defeat the purpose. Report any abuse to this number immediately and it'll be put on your file until enough evidence is collected." 

Sliding a slip of paper over to Kokichi, the older officer continued. "Your file will be closed after two months if nothing happens."

"Got it," Kokichi snatched the paper and pretended to investigate the phone number scribbled on it.

"Thank you for talking with us Ouma." The police officers stood from their seats, the young one waving goodbye as they left the Amami residence. Kokichi groaned and crumpled the paper into a tiny ball, throwing it at the wall furthest from him.

"Collect enough evidence my ass. Why the fuck would I wait for a fucking police officer to do something for me?" Easing painfully out of his seat, Kokichi shuffled out of the study only to stumble into two young, identical children holding each other close. The only difference between the two was their eye colour, with one having yellow eyes and the other having green.

Despite the pain, Kokichi knelt down so he could be face to face with the terrified twins. "What's wrong? You two look like you saw a ghost!" He chuckled, raising clawed hands like a monster.

"There were policemans! Are you hurt Mister?" 

"Yeah, yeah! Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?" Yellow Eyes echoed her sister.

"No no, not at all. They were helping me after I fell over." Kokichi explained, not wanting two innocent souls growing up in fear of everyone. At the mention of an injury, the twins' eyes lit up with excitement.

"You're hurt?!"

"Can we help you?!"

Not even the Ultimate Supreme Leader of Evil could deny the twins their dream after seeing their adorable, pleading eyes. "I'd love your help." Jumping at the chance, both girls each grabbed one of Kokichi's hands and ran throughout the house. Making their way down the hall, another flight of stairs and another hallway before reaching a large bedroom.

"We'll help you!"

"You'll be good soon!" 

Kokichi was led into the bathroom of the twins, one that had a similar design to Momos. Feeling tugs on his arms, he plopped to the ground and watched both girls run around the room. I guess it couldn't hurt to avoid Shuichi and Rantaro for now. Dropping their plastic tools in front of the boy, Kokichi continued to watch the girls rummage through their fake doctor set. "What's the names of my doctors?"

"I'm Doctor Kimi!" The green-eyed girl cheered.

"I'm Doctor Miki! What's your name?" 

"I'm Kokichi."

"Cookie!" Both twins shouted, creating an adorable nickname for the boy who accepted it wholeheartedly. 

"Sure, why not?"

Without any further words, the two small doctors got to work. Kimi grabbed a stethoscope, holding it to his stomach and listening to his heartbeat. Great technique, but awful execution. Miki hit Kokichi's kneecap with a small hammer, encouraging the boy to overexaggerate and kick his leg. "Check-up done!" Both of them chanted, carefully putting away their tools and grabbing small, cheap princess bandaids.

Before he knew it, the twins had every inch of Kokichi's skin in pink, princess-themed bandaids, there were even some on in his hair and over some of the patches of blood on his clothes. Once his treatment had finished, small beeps filled the house which was soon accompanied by the groans of Kimi and Miki. The two grabbed Kokichi's hands and trudged out of the bedroom, on another adventure throughout the mansion.

Without much time to take in his surroundings, Kokichi found himself in a large, foyer surrounded by the entire Amami family and Shuichi. Momo noticed the boy and approached them with a large grin on her face as she knelt to face the twins. "You two did a great job, I'm so proud of you!"


"Thank you, Momo!"

Sakura appeared behind Momo and smiled at Kokichi as her twin took Kimi and Miki away. "They got to you huh? I hope you played along, they might not know much about medicine but they try."

"They're adorable, even someone as evil as me has to play along, nishishi!" Kokichi laughed, "so what's that beeping?"

"Oh, I forgot that's not a normal thing. Well, since our house is large and there's so many of us, our parents installed an alarm that they activate when there's a family meeting." Sakura explained in an extremely understanding and unbiased manner. "They could text a family group chat or something, but the younger ones like the twins don't have phones so that wouldn't work."

Upon finishing her sentence, Kokichi noticed an older guy and gal enter the large, marble foyer. "Sorry for interrupting you all, but we have great news! Yachiyo, would you like to tell your siblings?" Oh, so they're the parents. Considering the three were best friends, Kokichi had never met either Rantaro or Shuichi's parents, and they'd never met his.

"Fine." A preteen girl not any older than fourteen stomped towards her parents, her pigtails bouncing behind her. Kokichi couldn't help but feel jealous at how well she suited her steampunk outfit. "I'm going to Hope's Peak next year."

"Congratulation Yachiyo!" Rantaro shouted, clapping for his sister. "What's your ultimate?"

"Ultimate Archer," Yachiyo mumbled, holding her pigtail in embarrassment at all the positive attention. She reminds me of Harukawa. One by one, each Amami child approached the archer and congratulated her, patting her on the back and wrapping her in hugs.

Uninvolved in the celebration, Shuichi approached Kokichi who remained on the outskirts. "What did the police do to you?" The two shared a quiet chuckle.

"Kimi and Miki did it. They seemed really interesting in healing me."

"Sorry to interrupt you two," Rantaro's father approached them. "Could I talk to you?" He asked Kokichi.

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