Class Assignment

646 33 41

🥀 WARNING - This chapter (and some future ones) contains a feeling of abandonment. 🥀

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Kokichi stumbled over his feet as he hurried around another corner, flattening his small body against the closest wall. He hadn't seen either Rantaro or Shuichi since he'd last been at the latter's house. Shuichi's Yacchi matches my soulmark exactly, even the weird eye is the same. I can't be the reason their relationship is ruined, after all, they're so happy together. Losing himself in thought, Kokichi continued down the hallway as he stared blankly at the floor.

I see them holding hands around the school often, and they're always smiling and laughing with each other. It's kind of upsetting since I'm losing my best friends, but it's for the sake of their happiness. After all, I- The supreme leader's thoughts fizzled away as he hit a soft yet sturdy object.

"Oh, hey Kokichi. How are you-" Rantaro, otherwise known as a soft yet sturdy object, couldn't finish his question before Kokichi took off in the other direction. Nope, not doing it. I'm so sorry for ghosting you both but I have no choice. If I get too close to you two, I won't be able to stop myself from falling further in love. Celestia is my soulmate now, whether I like it or not.


Kokichi sighed, doodling in his English notepad and ignoring most of what the teacher was saying. That was until they mentioned the magic word: 'project'. "You will all be split up into groups I've pre-prepared. Every group needs to make a poster board on a topic that troubles people in your age group. Today you'll get your outline and marking guide. For homework, you'll each need to create a list of what each person is going to do in this project, otherwise, you'll all have to complete the project on your own." As they talked, the teacher wrote a bunch of names on the whiteboard before the class.

Something Kokichi loved about his English teacher was that they didn't take shit from anyone. They always marked each assessment based on individual effort rather than the entire finished product. He'd been caught out at the beginning of the year when he did one thing in the entire group and had to redo the project on his own in order to pass.

"If you have any problems, please come to me after class." As soon as the teacher finished their sentence, the siren signalling end of class rang throughout the halls. Every student immediately jumped to their feet and raced out the door, Kokichi remaining behind as he skipped up to the teacher. "Um, can I be moved to another group?"

"Can I ask why? I can barely get you, Amami and Saihara to stop talking in my class." The teacher chuckled, "I thought you three would love being in a group together?"

"It's uh... soulmate trouble." Well, technically, right? I'm not exactly lying.

"Ah, I should've guessed. I remember my soulmark ceremony... How I miss the joy that brought me. Unfortunately Ouma, as much as I'd love to help, I can't change the groups around."

"What?!" Kokichi interrupted, attempting to hide his frustration. "You said: Come to me if you have any problems, and I have a problem!"

"I understand Ouma, but I didn't choose the groups in the first place. You were allowed to be with your friends since I pulled a few strings for you. I'm pretty sure you'll love this project though since it's a poster. If I could do more, I would."

"It's okay, I know it's not your fault. Thanks anyway." Kokichi mumbled, turning on his heel and leaving the classroom. I guess I can do my part on my own, right? Before the boy could find a place to hide and listen to music as his lunch, his phone came to life with a call from Celestia. "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey Kokichi, can you meet me behind the gym?" Without a chance to hear an answer, Celestia hung up on her boyfriend. Guess I should see her? I wonder why she wants to meet there though, but I guess it can't hurt. He reached the gym within no time, finding his girlfriend leaning against the wall. "Oh, Kokichi you're here."

"Yep! Why'd you wanna meet here? You know this area is where people either smoke weed or fuck, right?" 

"Also when their friends refuse to talk to them." Kokichi turned around just in time for his back to hit the wall yet again. Rantaro loves breaking my back, doesn't he? Oh God, that sounds bad... Wait, who cares? No one can hear my thoughts.

"We're all going to need to get along again if we have a project together." Rantaro had a clear, no-nonsense attitude, no longer attempting the friendly approach with Kokichi anymore.

"Kokichi, you've been quite distant with all three of us. We're all concerned about you, and you just keep pushing us away." Celestia stood next to Rantaro, creating a third set of judgemental eyes. Rantaro shifted his position and leant down in order to keep a stable posture.

"I can talk to Kaito if he's creating trouble."

"Just shut up!" Kokichi shouted, cutting off Shuichi's offer. "Everyone please just stop talking. If you want to talk to me, stop luring me places and pinning me down!" 

"Um... Sorry, I know this is bad timing." Shuichi mumbled, his serious aura transforming to an understanding one, "but Rantaro, the crown is white." Sure enough, the soulmark on Rantaro's collarbone was a bright white, contrasting the usual black. It'd only become noticeable due to Rantaro leaning down whilst wearing his loose-fitting shirt.

Rantaro's grip slackened on Kokichi as Shuichi reached for the boy to test out a theory. Using this to his advantage, Kokichi ducked out of Rantaro's grip and raced towards the fence, clambering up the wire and jumping to the other side. He ran down the street towards the small park where he found his comfort. They know. Oh my God, they know now! I've ruined everything, I've ruined their relationship! I'm going to lose my best friends, they'll never want to be in a relationship with someone like me.

Kokichi climbed his favourite tree, resting his schoolbag on a nearby branch before burying his head in his knees. I'm such a horrible person, they must be ashamed to have me as a soulmate. Mother and Father are right, I'm just a burden on everyone, and now I'm a burden on the only friends I have here.

A loud pinging noise interrupted Kokichi's self-abusive episode, bringing his attention to his phone. Pulling it from his pocket, Kokichi noticed a message from Shuichi reading 'We need to talk.' Great, I'll have to face the music at some point. Time to lose the last friends I got.

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