A Pleasant Day Out

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Kokichi held Rantaro's hand as the two, along with Shuichi, walked around the shopping centre. He couldn't help but grin as he watched his two boyfriends argue over whether or not a candle had a nice scent or not. I know this isn't exactly the best first date for the three of us, but it's all I could do. "What do you think Ko?"

"Huh?" Kokichi shook his head, returning to reality as he saw his boyfriends staring at him, Shuichi holding out the candle in question. "Oh, right." Leaning forward, the male caught a whiff of wood. "It smells like a cabinet maker's wet dream."

"Exactly! I guess you lose Ran!" Shuichi cheered, grinning as he replaced the candle on the shelf.

"You guys are just wrong," Rantaro smiled, tugging on Kokichi's hand. "Why don't we go to a different store, you need to get those groceries for your parents, right?"

"I'll do that later, right now let's just spend time together," Kokichi ordered, ushering the three towards a store marketing soft toys. He let go of Rantaro's hand and hurried towards a window where an assortment of plush toys lay. Despite his antagonistic exterior, the Supreme Leader adored stuffed animals (although he'd only admitted it to his soulmates), having a few on his bed that he slept with at night. They helped comfort him sometimes, impersonating the love and affection he seldom received. Watching Rantaro separate from the two and investigate something, Kokichi turned his attention to the task at hand.

"Of course you like this store," Shuichi laughed. "Hey, this kind of reminds me of you Kokichi." The boy turned to see the other holding a small plushie, a purple cat wrapped in sushi.

"It's... Adorable!" Kokichi giggled, taking the toy and hugging it to his chest briefly before Shuichi took it back.

"I'll buy it for you then." Before Kokichi could argue, Shuichi silenced him with a finger to his lip. "Hey, I can buy things for one of my boyfriends, you aren't swaying me on this." Kokichi pouted, mumbling hesitant acceptance as he continued to investigate the variety of toys, vaguely aware of Rantaro speaking to Shuichi. Behind the shelf of animals, the boy noticed something he'd always wanted to try.

"Guys, guys! You two!" A childish grin erupted on Kokichi's face, mimicking that of a toddler seeing an ice cream truck. Turning to his boyfriends, he shook their arms and pointed out the window. "It's a bake sale, can we go?!" Shuichi and Rantaro turned to each other and laughed, a faint blush spreading over the blue-haired male's cheeks.

"Yeah, sure, let me pay for this first," Shuichi smiled, freeing his arm and leading the three towards the counter. Halfway across the store, screaming flooded the store, everyone around them running in every direction. Kokichi felt the familiar sensation of glass battering the back of his body, watching it litter the ground around the trio. 

Turning towards the window, Kokichi noted the flaming truck that had crashed into the building, concrete crumbling around them. Rantaro grabbed the others' arms and tried to run further into the building, knowing it would be safer than leaving through the flaming window. What's going on, what the fuck, this is happening way too quickly! Kokichi panted, unable to process the situation as he let Rantaro take him wherever he wanted.

A chunk of ceiling crashed down in front of them, causing Kokichi to stumble as he didn't have time to manoeuvre out of the way. His head collided with the tiled floor, rattling his brain as he tried to scramble to his feet, hearing more thuds as the ceiling continued to collapse around him. "Kokichi, are you alright?!" Shuichi asked, pulling him to his feet as a clothes rack from the second floor crashed beside them.

"Focus on that after we get to safety, get to Rantaro and go!" Kokichi fought, pushing his soulmate forward into the crowd of frenzied civilians. Keeping close proximity, Kokichi ran behind Shuichi as the building crumbled around them. The Supreme Leader watched as Rantaro pushed through the crowd towards them, almost reaching them as Shuichi collided with a stranger who pushed him over, continuing to run during the panic.

Scrambling to his feet, the two watched as Shuichi fell again, the merciless crown only focusing on their own safety rather than the others around them. I need to help him. Pushing through anyone in his way, Kokichi reached Shuichi and pulled him to his feet, dragging him forward through the crowd with an iron grip. A deafening crash erupted behind the two, causing Kokichi to cover his ears from the sudden noise.

Screams erupted behind him, people calling out for loved ones left and right as no one knew what to do. All this from a rouge semi-truck?! Turning around, Kokichi's heart dropped at the horrific sight. Multiple people were trapped under a large slab of concrete, a humungous chunk of the second story floor having collapsed from the crumbling structure. Blood soaked the debris as the pool of sticky liquid crept towards any survivors. Holy fuck, Shuichi! Kokichi's footsteps splashed blood around him as he knelt beside Shuichi, his foot trapped underneath a casing of sorts. "Shuichi! Are you hurt?!" Rantaro shouted, kneeling on the other side of their boyfriend.

"Yeah, don't worry about me I'll get out of here, you two go and I'll catch up!" Shuichi hurried, tugging his calf in different angles to try and free it.

"We can help!" Kokichi grabbed some debris pushing it away, grabbing the case to try and lift it.

"No, just go, I can do this on my own!" Shuichi huffed, his foot shifting in the entrapment. "I'm not hurt at all, I'll be fine."

"Kokichi let's go, he'll be okay," Rantaro argued, grabbing Kokichi's arm and pulling him up from the blood pond. Without words, the Supreme Leader only shook his head, trying to grab his boyfriend and hold them both close. "Let's go."

"You lot, get out of there!" A stranger yelled, pointing above the trio. Kokichi looked up to see a large shelf teetering on the edge of a hole, directly above them. We need to get Shuichi out of here, he's going to die!

"You two, please, just go, I can shift out of the way, I'll be fine. Just leave and I'll wait for firefighters when they come and help, okay? I love you two, so much." Shuichi smiled, remaining happy in the horrendous situation. No, I'm going to save you! I can't lose you Shuichi! Before Kokichi could reach out to the detective, Rantaro grabbed him and pulled him away, rushing towards safety.

"What the fuck Amami?! We need to help him!" Kokichi cried, on the verge of tears.

"We need to go, that's what Shuichi wants. You trust him, right?" Rantaro grabbed the boy's shoulders, staring into his eyes. "Let's go." Kokichi opened his mouth to argue, the words drowned out by a loud bang beside them. Turning to their side, Kokichi's heart stopped, his brain whirring to figure out a reaction. The shelf had fallen on Shuichi, blood painted part of the metal as most of the detective's body remained hidden behind the debris. One thing remained, reminding the couple where Shuichi previously lay. His bodiless arm lay in the pool of civilian's blood, the sushi cat plush slowly soaking up the blood around it as it lay in the arm's palm.

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