You're Doing So Well

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Kokichi pushed himself off of the bed rail, taking one step at a time around the room as Shuichi and Rantaro watched him walk, ready to catch him if he ever fell. The two visitors had been spending all of their spare time in the past few weeks next to the hospital bed, keeping Kokichi company during his recovery. He could now walk on his own, but too much activity brought back the pain and stiffness in his hip.

"You're doing great Kokichi!" Rantaro cheered on his friend.

"Oh hush, it's not like I just started walking," Kokichi retorted, hiding the grin on his face as he continued the light exercise.

"Wait, Kokichi I totally forgot, I brought you the homework for this week." Kokichi groaned, nevertheless making his way back towards the bed.

"Do I have to?!"

"I'll help you, come on you need to do it and it'll keep you busy," Shuichi took out a small stack of papers and a pen, putting it on the table next to Kokichi's bed.

"Fine," the patient pouted, sitting back down and snatching the papers from Shuichi. Rantaro and Shuichi helped explain the work as he completed a few pages, albeit not without forcing himself.

"I'm here!" Akamatsu announced, entering the room and swinging her backpack in front of her to pull out a small bottle of grape Panta. "I know this is your favourite, so I snuck it in for you."

Kokichi grabbed the Panta from Akamatsu's outstretched hand and stared at her like a deer in headlights. "I think I love you," he joked, chugging half of the bottle in a second. The group laughed as Akamatsu picked up the homework in front of Kokichi, putting it to the side.

"Oh, that reminds me. I brought a gift for you too," Rantaro rifled through his bag, pulling out a pack of three metal bracelets with a ring of colour down the centre. He handed the purple one to Kokichi and the blue one to Shuichi, keeping the green one for himself.

"I do too, and it's not homework this time," Shuichi chuckled, pulling a neatly folded shirt from his bag and handing it to the patient. Kokichi unfolded it to see the main character of his favourite anime plastered on the front, with the logo on the sleeves and back.

"You guys, thank you so much. I'll wear these things when I'm out of this shithole." Kokichi refolded the shirt and put it to the side, placing the bracelet on the top. "How'd you know my shirt size Shuichi?"

"Uh," Shuichi chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck and looking anywhere but Kokichi. "Well, I might've looked at the size on your uniform when we slept over at Rantaro's house. I bought it just after the sleepover but I couldn't find the right time to give it to you."

"Welp, everyone say hello to Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Stalker!" Finishing his drink, Kokichi threw the empty bottle into the trashcan across the room just as a nurse entered.

"Hello everyone, I'd like to speak with Ouma alone please," the nurse asked. Akamatsu, Rantaro and Shuichi all left the room, leaving Kokichi alone with a hospital worker. "How are you feeling today Ouma?"

"Fine thanks, is something wrong?" Kokichi questioned, assuming the worst was about to come out of the nurse's mouth.

"No, the opposite in fact. We're so happy with your recovery that you'll be discharged soon unless something changes. You'll have to take medication daily which we'll give you a prescription for. You're also not to partake in heavy or medium impact physical activity for three weeks," the nurse explained, smiling warmly at the patient. "Tomorrow, before you're discharged, I'll come in and give you a final, full-body examination as a last-minute check, okay?"

"Sounds great, but I don't have a way to get home on my own."

"I can contact someone for you, but remember since you're an adult I will not tell anyone anything you don't want me to," the nurse comforted Kokichi. He thought about it, knowing he had no way to contact his parents to pick him up, but there was no guarantee they'd even turn up to take him home.

I have no choice, they've already been to visit me so they know I'm here. "Can you contact my parents for me? Just tell them about the discharge and that I need them to pick me up." 

"Okay, I'll do that for you. It's been nice knowing you Ouma" With their final words, the nurse left the room. Kokichi rested his head back against the bed that was in a seated position, staring at the ceiling as he realised he'd soon be back home where everything would start over again. I'll only end up here in the end, but what would people think of my parents if they lost their son? They love me, this won't happen again.

"Kokichi, is everything alright?" Kaede asked as Rantaro, Shuichi and her reentered the room.

"Yep, I'm going home tomorrow!" He grinned, holding his fear deep down in his core, hiding it from himself and others.

"That's... Good, I guess?" Rantaro mumbled.

"Hey, don't be too happy for me," Kokichi joked.

"Kokichi... Your home isn't the safest place while you're recovering," Shuichi attempted to explain, trying to be as calm and collected as possible.

"If the police said that a burglar broke in and tried to kill me, then that's the truth." Kokichi frowned, daring Shuichi to continue the argument.

"I think we should celebrate when you get out, with the whole class!" Akamatsu beamed, punching the air.

"No, Kokichi needs to rest," Rantaro argued with the pianist.

"I've been resting for weeks Rantaro, I need to get outside," Kokichi pointed a finger at Rantaro. Secretly he had no want to hang out with a bunch of people who made their dislike of him unmistakable, but maybe it was a good idea to hang out in a safe environment.

Grabbing the homework that'd been placed to the side, Kokichi continued to occupy his mind. Freeing himself from the tedious hospital stay, he made his way through the homework with the help of Shuichi and Rantaro, with Akamatsu attempting to take the homework away so Kokichi could have fun.

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