Publicity Stunt

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Kokichi grunted as he lifted the dumbbell again. "Alright, that's enough for today. Everything looks good, you can walk around and leave the house now. No need for your eyepatch either, the redness is just because of the scar." Momo started packing up her bag of medical examination supplies.

"Thank fuck for that, what about the rest of my body though?" Kokichi asked, putting the dumbbell down and sitting on his bed.

"Those injuries are a little deeper, keep the bandages on for a while longer," Momo smiled. A faint knock on the door pulled their attention to the bedroom entrance, the boy seeing his soulmates standing there smiling. Are they wearing bathers?

"Kokichi! How are you doing? I'm sorry I haven't been able to visit you much, the detective agency is taking more time than I thought," Shuichi pouted, hugging Kokichi carefully.

"It's fine Shu, you need this job and we've called every night anyway!" Kokichi grinned, kissing the bluenette. "Why are you guys so happy? What do you have planned?" He narrowed his eyes at the two with suspicion.

"Well, all of our former classmates are celebrating graduation at the beach. You should be there," Rantaro explained. Kokichi's face dropped as he realised he couldn't spend time with the Ultimates for (possibly) the last time.

"I... Can't," Kokichi frowned, tears threatening to spill past his eyelids. He felt terrified to leave the house, knowing his abusers were still roaming free.

"I promise we'll protect you," Shuichi smiled, his arm still wrapped around the male. "You're safe now."

"Go on Kokichi, you've been stuck in here for a long time. Have some fun at the beach, just no swimming, okay?" Momo chuckled, swinging her bag over her shoulder. "Just call me if you notice bleeding through the bandages or if there's any abnormal pain, alright?"

"Will do Momo, thank you," Kokichi smiled, having entered his new family's phone numbers into his mobile. Momo waved at the men as she left the room, the soulmates alone. Stumbling into his closet, Kokichi grabbed a hoodie and attempted to put it on before feeling the fabric evaporate from his hands.

"You're not wearing that, it's way too hot outside. You'll be fine Kokichi, after all, didn't you say you weren't going to hide it anymore?" Rantaro asked, hanging the hoodie back in the closet. Kokichi opened his mouth to argue, realising the greenette was correct. I did tell them I didn't mind telling people now, and the entire class already knows so it won't be a massive surprise. You can do this Kokichi, no need to hide from people anymore.

"Fine, let's go!" Kokichi grinned, taking the hands of his boyfriends and walking out of the bedroom for the first time since the incident. He felt slightly out of place with his black jeans and grape Panta shirt, but he felt amazing wearing what he wanted for once.


Running through the plan in his mind, Kokichi felt his heart race as he saw his old classmates running around on the beach. Akamatsu shouted as she saw the three, running towards them and hugging Shuichi. "Damn Bakamatsu, shoving your bikini tits into Saihara like that right in front of his boyfriend?" Iruma cackled as the four entered the circle of friends.

"It- I didn't mean to-" Akamatsu stuttered, jumping away from Shuichi and blushing.

"It's fine Akamatsu, I know you didn't mean anything weird," Shuichi and Rantaro smiled at the woman. She only ever had good intentions and would never try to steal a taken man. Kokichi shoved his hands into his pockets as everyone hugged and high-fived, not without Iruma commenting on everyone's breasts or genitals.

"Yo, Ouma, the fuck you doing over there? Get your twink ass over here," Iruma grinned. Kokichi laughed, approaching the group to tease more people. Before he could insult Iruma, she gently punched Kokichi's arm, something she did to everyone to say hello. Crying out, Kokichi jerked backward and held his arm out of reflex, his hands shaking as he stared wide-eyed at the sand. Oh shit, now they're all looking at me, aren't they? Why don't I hear them talking anymore?

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