The Perfect Life

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"I don't think I can do this after all." Kokichi released a shaky breath as a tear dripped down his cheek.

"You were so excited to go through with this before, what changed?" Shuichi asked, rubbing Kokichi's shoulder.

"What if I turn out like my parents?" Kokichi stuttered, holding back his emotions.

"You won't, I know you're going to spoil and love the kids beyond belief," Rantaro chuckled. "We'll be by your side to help raise them. I know it's hard to see now, but when we have the children, you'll see how amazing you are as a parent." 

Kokichi sniffed as a smile crept onto his face. He wiped his tears and jumped to his feet. "Alright! Let's do this!" The three left the house, ready to drive to the adoption centre as they'd planned for months. I really want to have kids with Rantaro and Shuichi, but I'm worried that I can't be a good parent. It'll make them happy, so I have to do this.


Walking into the adoption centre, they approached the staff and started the procedure. Shuichi filled out the appropriate paperwork whilst Rantaro and Kokichi went to see the children, following a cheerful woman who led them to the outside play area. The married trio had already agreed that they were going to adopt children up to five years of age, but were open to a change of mind.

Entering the play area, Rantaro and Kokichi were instantly surrounded by children who were excited to see them. "No need to look at those losers, I'll pack my things now," a brunette grinned, her hands on her hips.

"You're on your own with that one," Kokichi chuckled, slipping away from the crowd. Leaving Rantaro to talk to the overenthusiastic children, Kokichi scanned the room and mentally prepared himself for the situation. His eyes landed on two almost identical children sitting on a bench near the playground, isolating themselves. Carefully approaching so he didn't scare them, Kokichi knelt on the ground in front of them and waved. Both of them had jet black hair and scarlet eyes, mimicking the other perfectly. They look like identical twins.

The two stared at each other before turning to Kokichi, one seeming to shift in front of her sister in a protective manner. Seeing their faces, Kokichi noticed they each had a scar, like him. "Hey there, why aren't you playing with the others?" He spoke with a soft voice, doing his best to treat the children in the way he thought was appropriate.

"You have a scar too," the girl spoke up from behind her sister, ignoring the question. She had a scar over her left eye, one that mimicked Kokichi's.

"They call us freaks for how we look." The girl in the front mumbled, glaring at Kokichi with unspoken threats. She had a scar stretching across her cheeks, travelling over the bridge of her nose.

"I guess that makes me a freak too," Kokichi chuckled in an attempt to build a relationship with the kids. "What are your names?"

"I'm Azumi, that's Kai," the girl at the front replied. Her aura reminded Kokichi of Maki when they were eighteen, protective and ready to kill anyone who wronged her.

"How would you feel having three dads?" Kokichi asked, turning to point at Rantaro and Shuichi (who'd finished the paperwork).

"Kyouya will come with us," Azumi frowned, pointing at the playground where a group of boys were playing tag. "Hey, Kyouya, get over here!" Azumi screamed, attracting the attention of a boy with light blue hair and deep blue eyes. The male waved to his friends and raced towards the three, a smile stretching from ear to ear. As he approached, Kokichi noticed a jagged scar stretching from the corner of his lip down his neck, disappearing behind his shirt.

"Are we getting a family?!" Kyouya asked, jumping up and down in excitement. His eyes sparkled with delight as he silently begged Kokichi. How can I say no to them? Instantly feeling a connection forming, Kokichi decided he'd made up his mind.

"One second, I'll go beg those two," he winked at the kids, hearing them chuckle as he approached his husbands. They're either saying yes, or I'm adopting them on my own and getting a divorce. "Have you two had any luck?" He asked, the two shaking their heads. "Perfect, because I've found our kids," he grinned. The three approached Azumi, Kai and Kyouya, noticing a smile on their faces, even Azumi's.

"Hi there, can you tell us about yourselves?" Shuichi asked, squatting so he was at eye level with the children.

"You have one arm," Kyouya pointed out, playing with the empty sleeve of his shirt. "Cool! I'm Kyouya." Shuichi laughed at the boy's curiosity.

"Azumi, that's Kai. We're seven, Kyouya's eight."

"Those scars look bad," Rantaro mentioned, asking a question without making them feel forced to answer.

"Our parents did it. They're in jail, so we're here now," Kai muttered under her breath. Their parents gave them scars too... Kokichi, Rantaro and Shuichi shared knowing glances, smiling at each other.

"We're not going to hurt you at all. Would you like for us to adopt you three?" Shuichi asked, still allowing Kyouya to fiddle with his empty sleeve.

"Yes!" Kai and Kyouya cheered, accompanied by Azumi nodding. Rantaro left to fetch an employee as Kokichi and Shuichi continued to talk with their future addition to the family.


The six arrived home, Shuichi helped the children out of the car as they approached the front door, cautiously entering their new house. Azumi and Kai held hands, the latter holding a rabbit plushie in her free arm. Rantaro and Kokichi grabbed the children's belongings and lugged them inside, watching the three running around and exploring every inch of the place.

Taking the children's belongings to their new bedrooms, Kokichi smiled to himself as he watched the joy in his kids' eyes. They'd only prepared two bedrooms with the necessities and some items that the kids would need, not intending to adopt more than two children. It turned out well, as it seemed Kai and Azumi would be inseparable, the identical twin sisters have never left each other's side. Kokichi and Shuichi took their belongings and led them to their upstairs bedroom, across the hallway from their brother with the adults at the end of the hall.

Azumi and Kai entered their bedroom and cheered, immediately running to the bed and jumping on it. "Hey, be careful!" Shuichi called out in worry. Kokichi laughed as the children ran around, excited by the new room.

"Can we paint the walls?!" Kai asked.

"Can we have bunk beds?" Azumi followed up with a new question, as there was only one bed in the room.

"Of course, we'll go shopping tomorrow for whatever you guys want," Kokichi reassured them. The two started unpacking what little belongings they owned, the adults helping them reach anything up high.

Life is perfect, I wouldn't change it for the world.

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Welp, that's the end of the story. Hope ya'll liked it! I have one question though: would people like a story centred around Azumi, Kai and Kyouya? Mainly through their school life and a bit of home life. I don't have any plot in mind, but I'm sure I can think of something if people actually want to see it.

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