Arguments with Friends and Enemies

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Kokichi watched from dry land as his former classmates played in the water, having the time of their lives. I wish I could join them... He sighed, staring blankly at Rantaro who went underwater and pulled Shuichi down, the latter shouting momentarily before his head disappeared from view. They resurfaced and laughed together, noticing Kokichi staring at them and waving to the male, who waved back with a lying grin. Glancing around the sandy beach, the previous supreme leader noticed Kiibo filming the crew, unable to go into such a large amount of water as a robot.

"Hey, Ouma, we need to talk." Harukawa left no room for debate, she and her boyfriend sitting on either side of Kokichi. "Listen, we might not like you, but if you're going to date Shuichi then I guess we'll have to learn to get along."

"Woah, that's nice of you Harukawa, but I can't get along with the former Ultimate Assassin!~" Kokichi joked, grinning with his hands behind his head. "I guess it couldn't hurt to try, but only for Shu's sake, nothing more."

"Don't bother, you and Shuichi are only going to break up anyway," Momota interrupted. Kokichi winced, feeling a stab to his heart at the male's words. "He doesn't deserve a manipulative liar."

"Kaito, knock it off," Harukawa glared, venom seeping through her reprimand as she glared at the male. "If Shuichi's happy, our job is to support him as his best friends, not upset him. He says Ouma and Amami are his soulmates, and it's not our job to decide whether it's true or not." Kokichi stared blankly at Harukawa who continued to watch the glistening water as she spoke. Why is she standing up for me? There's no way she cares, what's their true motive here?

"Come on babe, you've been like this ever since everyone got our soulmarks! Shuichi's wrong, there's no way he can have two soul marks!" Momota argued. Kokichi slid backwards, not wanting to be caught in the middle of the fight.

"We've seen them, and Amami's, and Ouma's. Listen, we've talked about this and you're wrong. Get over it." Harukawa broke her iron gaze and glared daggers at Momota, who rolled his eyes. "Shuichi's happy, all we can do is be happy for him too. He's strong and if Ouma had done something to him, Shuichi would've killed him."

"Um, I'm right here you know!" Kokichi waved, the two continuing to argue with each other.

"You can't have two soulmarks! It's unheard of!" Momota shouted.

"It's rare, not unheard of. Polyamorous relationships are just as acceptable as monogamous ones."

"That's not the problem!" 

"If it gets you two to stop arguing, I have an idea," Kokichi rolled his eyes, standing up and waving at the water. "Shuichi! Rantaro!" He screamed, laughing as Harukawa and Momota winced from the sudden noise.

"Could've warned us," Momota mumbled. Kokichi ignored him and waved to his boyfriends in a summoning motion. Watching Shuichi and Rantaro swim back to shore, he approached the edge of the rocks, careful not to slip.

"Hey, what's going on?" Rantaro asked. The two floated in the water, unable to climb the slippery rocks. Without explaining, Kokichi reached out and placed a hand on their damp hair, watching the black marks on Rantaro and Shuichi's shirtless bodies shine white. Taking his hands away from the two, the marks faded to their usual black as Kokichi turned to glare at Momota.

"See? Their marks turned white, we're all soulmates. Do you believe it now?" He frowned, standing with his hands on his hips.

"Whatever," Momota rolled his eyes, standing up and leaving the group. Kokichi grimaced as the astronaut jumped down from the rocks and stormed off into the water alone.

"Fucking man-child," Kokichi mumbled sitting next to Harukawa. Rantaro and Shuichi shared a confused glance, their gaze flicking between the two. "What are you two looking at?"

"You two. How are you both sitting next to each other and neither of you are dead?" Rantaro asked.

"Is this something to be concerned about?" Shuichi laughed.

"No, I just wanted to talk to him. I've been acting like a child and an idiot, all because of a prank a few years ago. Let's pretend like that never happened Ouma." Harukawa turned to the small male. the ghost of a smile dancing behind her lips. "Congratulations you three, I'm sure you'll all have a great relationship. I'm going to get Kaito's shit together, he's just confused so give him time." With that, the former assassin left, chasing after her boyfriend and soulmate.

"What... Just happened?" Rantaro asked, the three laughing together.

"I think I have a new friend," Kokichi mumbled, smiling to himself.

"You two will get along great, I just know it. How are you feeling right now Kichi? I feel bad that you and Kiibo aren't able to join us," Shuichi mumbled, glancing at his friends in the water behind him.

"It's fine, you lot have fun," Kokichi waved them off, watching his boyfriends nod and swim back to their friends. Zoning out, the male stared at the bright blue sky, lying against the cool rocks to combat the sun's heat. Closing his eyes, Kokichi smiled to himself as he listened to laughter and waves knocking on the rocks.

"Hey, Ouma, are you alright?" Opening his eyes, Kokichi groaned and held up his arm to shield himself from the blinding sunlight. As he adjusted to the light, the male noticed Tojo kneeling beside him.

"Huh? Yeah, why?" Kokichi asked, lifting himself in a seated position to see no one in the water anymore.

"You were not responding when we called you, you seem to have fallen asleep," Tojo explained, holding the back of her hand to Kokichi's forehead. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just closed my eyes for a moment," Kokichi mumbled, gently rubbing the drowsiness from his eyes. "Wha do you all want?"

"We decided to go and buy some ice cream, that way everyone can be included since some cannot swim. Iruma has also invented something that allows Kiibo to eat and would like to test it."

"Sounds fun, let's go! I'll race you!" Kokichi cheered, jumping to his feet and racing Tojo along the beach.


Kokichi grinned as he licked his bubblegum ice cream, the group sitting in a park nearby to enjoy their treat. He glanced around the group, everyone enjoying their time together, ready to make their way in the adult world. Turning to Rantaro and Shuichi who sat on either side of him, Kokichi felt his heart flutter with hope. I'm so lucky to have you both in my life, and for my best friends to be my soulmates. My parents are out of my life, I'm finally able to feel happy and I have the freedom I always wanted. Hopefully, things will work out and life treats me well.

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