My Life is Almost Complete

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Finishing his vows, everyone clapped and cheered as Kokichi attempted not to cry tears of joy. "You may now kiss the grooms," the priest smiled, their hands clasped together. As Rantaro leaned in to kiss Shuichi, Kokichi turned to see Celestia whistling, the two grinning at each other. Returning his focus to his husbands, Kokichi kissed the both of them, taking their hands so the three could walk down the aisle and out of the venue.

The three approached a limousine, waiting for the newlywed trio. Instead of taking the vehicle to the reception, Rantaro hopped onto a motorbike, having already agreed that he wasn't getting into a car. Neither Kokichi nor Shuichi wanted Rantaro to risk having a panic attack after their wedding, so the two told him to do whatever made him comfortable. Bunching the skirt of his gown in his fists, Kokichi struggled to hop into the vehicle, laughing with Shuichi as the two clambered inside, heading towards the wedding reception.


Kokichi sighed, staring out at the night sky as tears silently dripped down his cheeks. His ballgown fluttered around him in the cool night breeze, the muffled noises of the reception party pounding from behind him. As he stared at the twinkling stars above him, Kokichi became aware of his hand trembling as he wept. The balcony door behind him slid open, the sound of partying briefly becoming louder before the door closed again. 

"Hey, I brought you some food." Shuichi stepped around Kokichi, a plate of snacks in his hand. Kokichi said nothing as he watched Shuichi notice his tears, the other male hurrying to put down the gift and pull Kokichi into a hug. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I'm happy and frustrated," Kokichi sighed, leaning into his husband's touch. He felt the ring on his finger as he hugged Shuichi, aware of the new metal accessory symbolising the love between him and his soulmates. "I can't believe we're finally married, I never thought I'd be this happy in my life," Kokichi started chuckling.

"Rantaro and I are always going to be here for you, we love you more than anything Ko," Shuichi muttered into Kokichi's ear. "If something's wrong, we're also going to do anything to help. What's the matter?"

Sighing, Kokichi broke the hug, the two now holding hands. "I can't believe the fucking audacity of my parents!" More tears fell down his cheeks, unable to drop to the floor as Shuichi wiped them away with his thumb. "I'll never be able to get rid of them, will I? I'd just started to get better too. Now I can look at myself without feeling like vomiting, I'm eating properly, I'm not self-harming and it's all for nothing."

"No, it's not," Shuichi whispered as Kokichi finished his rant. "You're so powerful and strong for everything you've gone through, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You've come so far. Think about it, you have a job you love, a house and now you're married. I won't let either of those assholes take anything from you, physically or mentally, which includes your self-esteem and confidence. I'm here for you, and so is Rantaro, we're not going anywhere. You also have your sister, Ludenberg and her family, my family, Rantaro's family and all of our friends from Hope's Peak Academy."

Kokichi chuckled, smiling as he looked at the bottom of his dress. "Thank you, Shu, I needed to hear that. Sorry for being so down on our big day."

"Don't apologise, a lot of people can find it daunting after the fact and end up upset. Come here," Shuichi smiled, reaching out his arm and placing it on Kokichi's waist, the latter wrapped his arms around the bluenette's neck. The two leant forward, over Kokichi's wedding dress as their lips crashed together in a deep, passionate kiss. Kokichi became overwhelmed with joy, all his worries fading as he felt safe in Shuichi's arms.

"Awe, you're leaving me out at our wedding reception?" Rantaro joked, shutting the door to the balcony behind him. "Huh? What happened Kokichi? Your mascara's running," he pointed out, his tone filled with worry and care. Kokichi's smile never faltered as he leant forward to kiss Rantaro, Shuichi following suit.

"I'm really happy about tonight, don't worry about it," Kokichi attempted to get away with a half-truth.

"You're also upset about your parents," Shuichi added. "Which we'll help you get through just like before."

"We're not going anywhere," Rantaro voiced Shuichi's thought. "Here, I have some tissues." Reaching into his pocket, Rantaro pulled out a small packet of tissues and tugged one out, dabbing at Kokichi's cheeks. The purplette stood motionless as Rantaro fixed his makeup as best as possible. "Alright, you look beautiful no matter what but there."

"Thanks," Kokichi sighed. "I'll try not to cry anymore, no matter how drunk I get," he joked.

"Speaking of which, I came to get you on behalf of Iruma. She wants to challenge you to a drinking game."

"Fuck yeah! I'm gonna show that bitch who's boss, I'll beat everyone in this damn place!" Kokichi cheered, turning to leave the balcony.

"Don't get too wasted!" Shuichi shouted as his husband went to find an excuse to get blackout drunk.


The newlyweds stumbled into their home, the three laughing with each other, the alcohol on their breath prominent. Shuichi placed a large gift basket on a table, the three slowly making their way through the house and upstairs to their bedroom. Kokichi laughed and jumped around, suddenly entranced by the way his dress bounced with him. He yelped as he landed on the skirt, tripping over and falling to the ground.

"Kokichi! Are you alright?!" Shuichi hurried to the purplette's side as Rantaro doubled over in laughter. 

"The dress is eating me!" Kokichi replied, flailing around in the poofy sea of tulle and chiffon. He attempted to stand up, but the dress made it difficult for the male to find his footing, Kokichi constantly tripping with every attempt. "Stop laughing and help me you bitch!" He shouted at Rantaro.

"I know one way to help," Rantaro chuckled, approaching Kokichi and holding his hands in the air. "Just take it off."

"You're dirty 'Mami," Kokichi laughed.

"It's a traditional thing Ko," Shuichi smirked, joining Rantaro in standing over their husband.

"If you both are that horny, you better get on with it," Kokichi joked. The air thickened with sexual tension as the night had only just begun.

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