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Kokichi grinned as Rantaro and Shuichi approached him outside the school. "Took ya long enough, finish sucking off Shuichi in the bathroom?" The boy teased Rantaro.

"No, but I finished blowing his back out." Rantaro smirked, elbowing the red-faced Shuichi who hid his face behind his hands.

"We didn't do anything... Asshole," the detective mumbled. "Stop encouraging him."

"Anyway, enough about your perfect sex life." Kokichi continued as if nothing weird happened. "I'll get your clothes back to you tomorrow Rantaro."

"No no, you don't need to give them back. They look awesome on you anyway. Think of it as a gift." Before Kokichi could retort, Rantaro held out a hand. "Don't even think about it. Keep them."

"Fine, fine." Kokichi mumbled, pouting. "I'll see you guys tomorrow!" 

"Bye!" Shuichi and Rantaro waved as they split off from the boy. Kokichi dropped his fake smile once away from his friends, walking home towards his demise. He only hoped his parents wouldn't find out about the lunchtime detention he received earlier.

Lost in his thoughts, it didn't take long before he found himself opening the front door of the Ouma household, not noticing the strange car parked in the driveway. "Oh, you're back." He raised his head from the floor to see Kaho standing in front of them, an evil grin on her face. "Mum and Dad won't be happy!~" She sang, running into the house. Kokichi sighed and went to lock the door before familiar voices distracted him.

"Thank you, Mrs Amami, the uniform won't be a problem. I appreciate what you did for Kokichi last night." Kokichi's father left his office with Rantaro's mum in tow, the two talking as they left a meeting. Mrs Amami turned to see Kokichi, smiling and waving and the boy.

"Ah, Ouma! I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly this morning, I'd like to say you were an absolute wonder to have over last night. Again, I'm so sorry for your uniform."

"It's okay Ma'am, thank you for letting me stay over." Kokichi mumbled, his voice quiet around his father.

"Well, I best be off now. I'll see you around." Mrs Amami smiled as she left, slipping into her car and driving away. Kokichi watched the vehicle with dread as the smile on Kokichi's father's face diminished.

"Kokichi. Do you know how much that uniform cost us?"

"Yes father." He held himself together, trying his hardest not to let his voice tremble. Gravity took hold of Kokichi's body, keeping him in place as he watched his father's fist raise into the air and into his cheek.

"First you destroy your uniform, and then you think it's okay to get detention?" Kokichi's back hit the wall as he felt another punch to his sternum. "Don't pretend like you thought you could get away with that! This is why Kaho is the favourite, she'd never get detention or destroy our property."

"I-It wasn't my fault!" Kokichi shouted without thinking, attempting to verbally protect himself. 

"What was that? You dare raise your voice at me?!" His father shouted. Kokichi raised his arms in a cross over his head as his father littered him with a few punches before deciding he'd given enough punishment. "Go get a new uniform, you know what to do."

Kokichi nodded, scrambling away to his bedroom. I don't want to do this, but what choice do I have? If I lose the class counsellor position then I lose my ultimate status, and I'd definitely lose it after a bunch of detentions. I'm already one strike now, three and I'm out. Grabbing a black hoodie and jeans, he dressed in a way he'd be less conspicuous in a crowded place. Brushing out his wavy locks, Kokichi straightened out his hair, making sure to use enough hairspray for it to set in the unique position. All this just so people don't know who I am, but it's what Mother and Father want. After all, it's not the first time I've had to gamble.

Grabbing a ten-dollar note from his stash of little cash, Kokichi shoved it in his pocket and lifted his hoodie over his head. Can't forget the most important thing. Creeping through the glass shards still adorning the ground from his broken closet, he reached deep inside and pulled out a clown mask with his identification card taped to the inside, shoving them both inside his jacket.

Kokichi left the house, making his way towards the casino his parents owned. The route had become standard to the boy, having gambled so often it became his second life. He enjoyed gambling, specifically the despair on people's faces as they lost after being so certain they'd been winning. His parents often forced him to pay off random debts to them he didn't know he had, as they believed he needed to repay them for the simple fact they birthed him into the world. As if that was my choice.

The casino overloaded Kokichi's senses as he entered, the pounding music and screaming of defeated patrons filled his ears to the point of pain. At least I'm not staying in this part for long. Making his way towards the back of the casino, Kokichi slipped on his mask underneath his hood and approached one of the bouncers protecting a discreet door.

"What business do you have here?" One of them asked the unidentifiable boy. Pulling out his identification card, he flashed it at the bouncer asking. "I see." The bouncer nodded to his colleague who opened the door for the boy, allowing him to enter before closing the door behind him. Kokichi looked around to see his favourite part of casinos, one that happened to be particularly rare. 

The illegal part.

People didn't attempt to hide their guns and knives kept on them. Few had ever attacked someone on-site, as even in the criminal world, people respected the business. Everyone only used weapons as scare tactics. Making his way towards an empty table, Kokichi took a seat and glared at anyone passing by, knowing full well that his face was properly concealed.

"You look like fun." A stranger smirked, taking a seat across from Kokichi. He only hummed at the muscular man, showing no emotion. "What secrets you got to be wearing a face like that?"

"None of your business." Kokichi growled, shooting down any questions as the man waved over a friend of his to join.

"Whatever, doesn't matter to me. All we want is your money."

"Hey bro, before we start there's one more person who should join us." The second man said, turning around in his seat and wolf-whistling. "Ayo Mama, come and give Daddy some love with that fine ass." You're disgusting, fucking creep.

"If you want me so badly, you're going to have to earn me." Kokichi's head snapped towards the woman's voice to see Celestia approaching the table, taking a seat next to him. "What are we playing this evening?"

"Ladies first, after all, you're going to need some advantage sweetheart." Man One grinned, both he and his friend ogling Celestia. If only you two knew she's technically my girlfriend. Hell, if Celestia only knew she's sitting next to me.

"How about poker?" The two men nodded. 

"Fucking idiots," Kokichi mumbled before being able to filter his words. Receiving a glare from the two men, Kokichi sneered behind the mask.

"What was that?" One man pulled out a knife from his waist, aiming it towards the small boy. He'd be lying if he said it didn't get his heart racing, but Kokichi knew he was safe. With his secret identity as the owners' son, the bouncers never let him out of their sight, ready to kill anyone who threatened him.

"You both are idiots. Let's start the game." Kokichi placed his ten dollars into the middle of the table, earning a laugh from the men.

"That all ya got? We got better and richer people to go up against kid." Just before the men could leave the table, Kokichi pulled out the switchblade he brought and flicked it open, pointing it at the men.

"Sit. Down. Ten dollars is all you and your little friend there are worth. Make the bet or suffer the consequences." Kokichi's voice dripped with malicious intent, he even noticed Celestia shudder beside him. The men shared a worried glance before slowly sitting back down and placing five hundred dollars each on the table.

"I guess this shall start the game." Celestia's innocent smile never faltered as she pulled out her own cash. Here goes nothing, time to go up against the Ultimate Gambler.

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