Art Club

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Kokichi sighed as he finished writing out his homework, dropping the pen to the floor. Rantaro, Shuichi and Kokichi were each required to write out a list of their specific parts in the poster board project. Looking down at his list, the boy cringed at the chosen topic, still disappointed that he couldn't change his friends' opinions. The paper read:

Kokichi's Topics - How to get help, Warning signs.
Rantaro's Topics - What classifies as domestic abuse, What to do if you witness domestic abuse.
Shuichi's Topics - Statistics, Common causes/reasons.
Everyone will help with putting together the poster.

He'd been having trouble sleeping all night, unable to sleep in a new place unless he'd been there for days. Finally, the sunlight crept past the shut curtains and Kokichi decided to get up and rewrite his note page to make it more painless for his teacher to read.

Standing from his spot on the soft, cluttered carpet, Kokichi turned to see Shuichi and Rantaro's limbs intertwined as they cuddled in their sleep, an empty spot beside them where Kokichi rested previously. They're cute together, I wish I could take a photo. I have to tease them about this when they're awake. Chuckling to himself, he surveyed the room. He'd already taken in every surrounding and the exact positions of each object but couldn't investigate when Rantaro and Shuichi had an eye on him.

Not wanting to invade Rantaro's privacy too much, Kokichi closely investigated only objects that were on display. Multiple maps of different landmarks or countries lined Rantaro's walls, with small potted plants around the walls all labelled with their country of origin. Anyone could tell that Rantaro held the title of Ultimate Adventurer with just one look at his bedroom. One small display took Kokichi's attention, something that he wanted to look at since the first moment he stepped into the space.

A large map of Madagascar rested on the wall with small, expensive trinkets arranged in a beautiful display atop the dresser underneath the frame. One trinket rested on a velvet box, encased in a glass case. As Kokichi approached, his already pale skin whitened further as he finally had a chance to investigate the familiar object.

It was a compass, matching the mark on Kokichi's collarbone down to the position of the spikes.

"My grandfather gave it to me before he moved away to Madagascar. I hope to see him again soon." Rantaro informed his friend, moving to stand next to him. "He went in search for a pirate treasure, Captain Henry Avery's pirate treasure to be exact. If anyone can find it, it's him."

How could I be so fucking stupid? Obviously, a compass would represent an adventurer, what fucking else?! "Really? He couldn't give you his number so you can call him?" Kokichi joked, keeping his voice to a whisper when he noticed Shuichi still fast asleep in the comfortable bed.

"Haha, very funny," Rantaro chuckled. "You should probably get changed, you can use the bathroom."

"Nah, I don't think I will. You're the host so you go first." Kokichi attempted to push Rantaro towards the bathroom, only succeeding in causing the larger boy to stumble.

"You're the guest." Are we really arguing about using the bathroom right now?

"You're the one who needs a shower. I showered last night, remember? I can get changed later now go!" Kokichi huffed, whisper-yelling.

"Fine, fine, just knock if you need me." Rantaro sighed, collecting his school uniform and going into the bathroom.

"I'm sure Shuichi will come in for your shower-sex session." Kokichi chuckled just before the door closed. I suppose I should get my uniform, maybe I can quickly wash it in the sink when Rantaro's finished. His plan immediately flew out of the window as he noticed the filthy uniform he'd stashed in the corner had disappeared, the door slightly ajar.

A small knock pushed the door further, a small girl along with a young kid stood. "U-um, hey," The older girl stuttered.

"Hey, Rantaro's in the shower if you're after him," Kokichi whispered.

"No, I'm here for you. Sorry, I don't know your name, I'm Yua," she mumbled.

"Ouma Kokichi," he introduced himself. Kokichi left the room and gently closed the door behind him as to let Shuichi sleep as long as he needed to. "What's going on?"

"Um, well, Yukire got ahold of your uniform last night and, well. Show him what you did." The smaller kid held up a cardboard square with random fabrics haphazardly glued to it, including Kokichi's obvious uniform. Yua held up the remains of his uniform next to her in a transparent bag, the bloodstains still prominent.

"Is it good? Do you like it?!" Yukire shouted, beaming with joy at her creation. Kokichi knelt down and patted her head.

"It's amazing, you're a wonderful artist." He grinned, holding no anger as the uniform had already been destroyed.

Yukire's mouth dropped, utter surprise overtook her expression before she jumped up and down with glee. "You hear that Sis?! He says I'm an artist!" Turning and running down the hall, the small child repeated, "I'm an artist, I'm an artist!" as she ran away.

Yua giggled at her little sister's antics, watching the girl jump down the stairs step-by-step. "Sorry, she wants to be the Ultimate Artist when she's older. She might not be great at it, but the thought's there."

"I happen to know the actual Ultimate Artist. She hosts an art club at school every Tuesday and Thursday for anyone who wants to come by, I could hook you up?" Kokichi offered.

"That would be lovely, thank you so much Ouma. Anyway, do you want your uniform back or should I throw it out for you?"

"I'll throw it out, thank you though." Kokichi attempted to reach for the bag, which Yukire yanked away.

"No, I'll do it. By the way, do you have another uniform? The storm's passed now so Mum and Dad are sending us to school today."

"I'll... Figure something out." Kokichi mumbled, waving goodbye to Yukire and turning around to enter the bedroom again.

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