96% of a Patient

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Kokichi sighed, putting down the feather duster as he finished his chores and trudging down into the basement to finish his homework. Seeing a bright light apparate from thin air, the male approached his new phone to see a message from Rantaro. "Hey, I'm on my way to pick you up, we're going to see Shuichi," Kokichi read out loud. As he read, the male's face started glowing, an excited grin spreading across his cheeks.

"Oh my God, I need to ask Mother and Father! I can't wait to see him!" Kokichi jumped up and down in place, the excitement of seeing his boyfriend overtaking his body. It'd been two weeks since the incident and one week since Kirigiri contacted them. Slipping his phone into his pocket, the male hurried upstairs to find his parents. Locating the two adults, Kokichi approached with extreme caution, preparing himself for the conversation to go horribly wrong.

"Um, Mother, Father? Can I visit my classmate in the hospital?"

"What classmate?"

"The one injured in the shopping centre incident," Kokichi held his breath. If they say no, I don't know what I'll do. He watched as his parents looked at him, then each other before standing from their spots on the living room couch.

"Why would he want you to see him? The last thing people need in the hospital is a little bitch like you ruining everything for them!" Kokichi's mother shouted, taking one step towards him with every word. "You want to ruin people's lives, and you're doing a great fucking job!"

"You know what Kokichi," the boy's father spoke with an eerily calm voice, something more terrifying than his usual shouting. "I'm done with your shit." Towering over the male, the grown man slammed his fist into his left eye. Kokichi doubled over, stumbling backwards as he held his eye in immense pain. "Come with me." Grabbing his son, Kokichi's father dragged him by the upper arm towards the front door, throwing him to the porch. "If you want to go see your classmate so badly, go ahead, but don't you fucking dare come back to this home for a week if you do."

That went well, I guess. Fuck them if they think I'm choosing them over Shuichi or Rantaro. Kokichi sighed, rubbing his eye as he trudged towards the road to wait for Rantaro. This will bruise soon, just another black eye to add to the collection. Hearing the engine of a motorbike approach, Kokichi looked up to see Rantaro pulling up in front of him, shaking away his helmet hair. Right, I tend to forget he only rides motorcycles, he's always had a fear of being in a car crash so Rantaro never rides in cars if he can help it. "Wow, cliche love story much?"

"Your prince has arrived, my lady," Rantaro laughed. "Why are you out here? Waiting for me?~"

"Oh?~ Definitely not, I just happened to be out here.~ Be careful, my parents might be able to see us," Kokichi mumbled, his joking behaviour lowering to a hush.

"Let's move down the street then, I need to talk to you about something before we go," Rantaro suggested, grabbing his bike and wheeling it along the footpath. What could he want to talk to me about, maybe something about Shuichi? "Alright, Kokichi what's wrong with your eye?" The taller male asked, stopping out of sight of the Ouma home and cradling Kokichi's face in his palm.

"What are you talking about? Nothing's happened, can we go and see Shuichi? Please?" Kokichi begged, attempting to flip the focus. Rantaro stayed quiet for a few seconds, frowning at his boyfriend's face, although that wasn't what caught his attention. Grabbing the greenette's wrist, Kokichi's heart dropped to the core of the earth, his stomach churning with terror. "Where's your soulmark?"

"Relax, it's okay, it just moved," Rantaro kissed the worried boy's forehead, taking back his wrist. Staring intently, Kokichi watched as Rantaro rolled up his sleeve, revealing that the orca had shifted in the middle of his forearm, facing outward. "Shuichi's doing fine as far as I know, but why don't we go and see for ourselves?" Kokichi nodded, taking the spare helmet from Rantaro and forcing his hair to flatten inside it as they hopped on the motorbike.

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