Fifteen Third Wheels

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"What the fuck is that little shit doing here?" Momota exclaimed as Kokichi waltzed up to his classmates. Shuichi sighed, they weren't even with the group and the two were already at it.

"Such foul language." Celestia scoffed, feigning disgust even though she could have a dirtier mouth than a sailor. Kokichi grinned, proud to have a famous, beautiful girl on his side.

"Sorry," Momota genuinely apologised, rolling his eyes when they locked with Kokichi's. God, he's fucking annoying. I guess I should try to be nice though for Rantaro and Shuichi's sake.

"Are you going to answer him?" Harukawa interrupted Kokichi's thoughts. "Why are Ouma and that girl here?"

"I thought Celeste should be introduced to everyone, and it's not much of a class hangout if the class counsellor isn't here," Shuichi explained. Akamatsu took initiative and approached Celestia, reaching out a hand.

"Apologies but I do not touch strangers. A pleasure to meet you." Celestia smiled at the familiar girl. Akamatsu lowered her hand and matched the gambler's grin, nodding in understanding.

"Let's go buy snacks!" Miu shouted, leading the group in the race towards the nearby shops. Kokichi and Celestia lagged behind, chatting amongst themselves where no one could overhear. The two were the last to enter the store, making it easy for Celestia to pull Kokichi away from anyone else for a serious conversation.

"Kokichi, are you allowed to buy food?" He couldn't help but feel startled at the sudden, weird question.

"Um, duh? How else would I survive?" Celestia rolled her eyes, her expression more serious than normal.

"It's really obvious how you're treated at home Kokichi, maybe only since I've been there for dinner." Kokichi started to argue, but Celestia cut him off instantly. "Oh come on Kokichi! Being so eager to be away from home, the bruises you randomly come into school with, the silence around your parents. You don't even look at them, I saw how your father reacted when you talked to my paren-"

"Okay, I get it!" Kokichi shouted at the top of his lungs, eager to push down the intense, bubbling emotions threatening to escape. His shout earned a few odd glances from random members of the public just trying to shop, but Kokichi didn't care. "Fine. I'm not allowed to buy food for myself. I don't have any money anyway so have fun shopping for shitty pieces of diabetes and heart failure." He continued shouting, this time not as loud since he didn't want to attract the wrong attention. 

Kokichi stormed back outside, glaring at a random lady he bumped into on his way back towards the meeting area. Considering he was alone, the small leader took his chance to inspect his soulmarks more thoroughly than earlier that day. Lifting his sleeve, he stared back at the tiny orca with large, ecstatic eyes. Next was the one on his collarbone. Grabbing his phone, Kokichi used the selfie camera and took off his scarf to inspect the small stain. It looked like a children's sun drawing with sixteen points around the circle. I was right, it is a compass. Definitely has a weird shape to it though.

"Stop taking sexy photos, Ludenberg won't like them with your body." Miu cackled, carrying a large bag overflowing with candy. Kokichi shoved his scarf around his neck, choking himself in the process. Celestia linked her elbow with Kokichi's pulling him in close from protective instinct. 

One by one, the rest of the group emerged from the store with their snacks. Kiibo noticed the couple with their arms linked. "I don't know what you see in him." Thinking fast, Kokichi's grin spread across his cheeks as he whispered something into Celestia's ear.

"Kiibo, correct? Do you have a dick?" None other than Celestia Ludenberg could ask a crude question with such elegance. Everyone's expressions consisted of nothing other than pure shock and horror whilst Kokichi laughed so hysterically he fell onto the grass. Attempting to use the situation to her advantage, Celestia picked up Kokichi's schoolbag and started rummaging through it.

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