Gifting A Friendship

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"Now don't you dare try to pretend to your class that we don't love you. Just because they don't understand tough love doesn't mean they get to think we're abusive. Got that?" Kokichi's mother hissed at him outside the classroom door. He only nodded, too scared to speak without permission. Grazing the bruise hidden underneath his tight shirt, Kokichi mentally sighed, hoping he could get through the day without revealing one of the many fresh bruises littering his body.

Kokichi fidgeted in place, uncomfortable with the long-sleeved shirt and pants his mother forced him to wear. She'd talked to the school and allowed him to wear a plain, full-white outfit for a while until he bought a new uniform, but the only clothes he could wear were too tight for his liking.

His mother knocked on the door, receiving an answer from the teacher who waved them into the class. "Hello Ma'am, I'm here to drop Kokichi off, I apologise for how late he is."

"That's okay Mrs Ouma, he'll easily be able to catch up on the past half hour." The teacher smiled, although Kokichi was more focused on the looks his classmates were giving him.

"I'd also like to apologise for Kokichi's horrid outfit choice last week, there was no excuse for that behaviour and he understands that now, don't you Kokichi?" She turned to her son, the fake smile sickening Kokichi to his core.

"Yes, mother."

"I'll see you after school sweetie." His mother leaned down, attempting to kiss her son on his cheek. Kokichi flinched, taking a step back. You stupid idiot, if they didn't need more convincing after Dad's tantrum, you just had to fucking flinch in front of them all. "Ah, teenagers, too embarrassed to show their parents love in front of their friends." She chuckled, turning to the teacher who silently agreed with her.

Harukawa scoffed loudly, making no attempt to hide her disdain. "Who'd want love from you?" Chabashira spat, earning a death glare from Kokichi that'd make the Grim Reaper cower. Kokichi's mother turned to the girl, a glance of false sorrow souring her face.

"I understand what happened between Kokichi and his father on the weekend, and his father is getting therapy." Bullshit, the only thing he's getting is sore knuckles from beating me. "That situation sparked from some personal issues we had no idea he was dealing with and will be the only time that happens." Kokichi rolled his eyes, his gaze landing on Shuichi to see he'd been watching the boy the entire time. Shuichi sent him a pitiful smile, silently telling Kokichi he knew the truth.

"I'll get going now, have a good day Kokichi." She smiled, her high heels clicking against the floor as she sauntered from the room.

"Yes mother." He mumbled, making his way to his seat next to Shuichi. 

"Hey, are you alright?" Shuichi whispered as the teacher returned to the lesson. Kokichi nodded, taking his pens and notebook out of his backpack. "Here, wear this for the day." Turning to face his friend, Kokichi saw Shuichi taking off his jacket and draping it around Kokichi's shoulders. He felt bad about taking the boy's uniform, but it felt better than wearing such a tight shirt.

"Thanks," Kokichi mumbled, shoving his arms through the sleeves of the jacket. He attempted to fold up the sleeves so they wouldn't get in the way to no avail. Shuichi chuckled and took his hands, folding the sleeves for him.

"Ouma, Saihara, please pay attention." The teacher interrupted, the two boys turning towards their notebooks and smiling to themselves.


Kokichi sat alone in the courtyard, hugging Shuichi's jacket close as he messed around on his phone to pass the lunch break. "Hey, Ouma, I've been looking everywhere for you!" The boy raised his head to see Akamatsu approaching him, her usual bright smile spreading on her face. "Are you doing anything important right now?"

"Yeah, actually this is some really important secret organisation thing." 

"Oh, really?"

"Nope, I'm lying to ya! Nishishi!~" Kokichi chuckled, holding a finger to his lips as he jumped to his feet, pocketing the phone. "What'cha need?"

"I have something to show you, it's on the oval." 

"Are you going to kill me behind the school or something?" Kokichi chuckled as the two made their way towards the oval located behind the gymnasium.

"Why would I do that? I could never be able to kill someone." Akamatsu continued smiling, seeming to be one of the rare people who wanted to tolerate Kokichi's antics. The two continued in a comfortable silence as they reached the oval, revealing his peers along with Celestia waiting for Kokichi. 

"The fuck is that?" Kokichi turned to Akamatsu before they were in earshot of the group.

"Well, as your classmate, Vice-Counsellor and friend, I organised a little present for you. Everyone wanted to participate, so don't feel bad." Akamatsu smiled, taking Kokichi's hand and leading him towards the group. Kokichi couldn't help the nerves growing butterflies in his stomach, causing him to play with the jacket sleeve which kept the butterflies at bay.

"Ouma's here!" Gokuhara shouted, bringing the group's attention to the boy. Usually, Kokichi would love having people's attention, that's why he made his uniform represent a straight jacket after all, but in certain moods, he didn't welcome it. Approaching the small boy, Gokuhara held a pile of clothes in his hands, holding them out to Kokichi. "These for Ouma!"

"What's this?" Kokichi took the clothes only to find it was his uniform. 

"Everyone helped with supplies, and Shirogane made it for you." Kokichi looked towards the Ultimate Cosplayer, smiling with pride. Holding up the checkered scarf, Kokichi wrapped it around his neck to find it'd been to his exact measurements.

"You even got the buttons right," Kokichi mumbled, investigating the coloured buttons on his shirt.

"What was that? Do I sense a compliment?" Shirogane grinned, holding a hand to her ear.

"Take it how you want, weeb." Kokichi grinned, holding the rest of his uniform close to his chest.

"We also have this." Celestia picked up a wicker basket filled with small objects. "Everyone's contributed something." Taking the basket, Kokichi looked inside to see small packs of food, medical supplies and small gifts. As he spotted each object, anger bubbled in Kokichi's chest until it instantly burst. Shoving the uniform (except for the neckerchief he wore) into the gift basket, Kokichi shoved it back into Celestia's chest and glared at his classmates.

"Go fuck yourselves, I'm not a charity case. I don't need your fucking help." He glowered, storming away from the oval towards the gymnasium, wanting to be anywhere other than the oval. Deep down, he knew they were only trying to help with the information they had, but Kokichi hated being treated like a baby, like someone who needed to rely on everyone else to live.

"Wait up you little bitch." Miu's voice approached the boy as he continued walking. If I ignore her, she'll go away. "Don't ignore me." Kokichi attempted to keep walking, stopped in his tracks when Miu grabbed his wrist. "You know we aren't trying to treat you like a charity case, right? We're trying to help the only way we know how."

"I don't need your pity." Kokichi stepped around her, disappearing around the corner only to find Miu stepping in front of him, basket in hand.

"Listen, tell your friends over there that I can handle myself. Whatever you think is going on with my parents is wrong, my dad made a mistake. Deal with it." Kokichi scowled, jabbing a finger into her sternum.

"Even Harukawa and Momota pitched in for this. Just take the basket, if you throw it out afterwards then that's your choice but at least give everyone the satisfaction of helping." Miu showed her irregular, compassionate side as he held out the basket again. "We haven't exactly gotten along well, but I'd like to try and be friends. You're the only person I can fight with and have it actually be fun, you take it as seriously as I do." 

She's not wrong, I enjoy our little verbal fights too. It's refreshing to be able to insult someone and have them blow it off and return another joke. I've always considered her a friend anyway. "Whatever." Kokichi grabbed the basket and sighed, looking to his side as he mumbled, "thank you."

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