They Love Me, I Swear

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Kokichi opened his eyes, blinded by the bright white room as he adjusted to the hospital room. He groaned, attracting the attention of his visitors chatting amongst themselves. Shuichi gasped and grabbed Kokichi's hand, squeezing it tight. "Y-You're awake! Guys, he's awake!" One by one, Shuichi, Rantaro, Celestia, Miu and Gokuhara hugged Kokichi as he lay in the bed.

"How long have I been out?" Kokichi croaked, his voice rusty due to being out of commission.

"Just over a week," Rantaro expressed.

"We've been worried about you," Miu shot a grin to the patient. "I missed having someone to call an abortion. The fuck happened to ya?"

Kokichi stared at the blankets covering his lap, gathering up the energy to speak. "I fell asleep, that's all I remember." If I tell them what actually happened, I'm fucked.

"I found you bleeding out on the floor in the basement. The police said it was a burglary gone wrong, but that's not what happened, is it?" Shuichi asked, clasping one of Kokichi's hands in his.

"Did your parents do this to you?" Celestia asked, taking a seat in one of the spare chairs next to the bed. Kokichi didn't answer, staring into no-mans-land as he tried for too long to figure out a lie. Normally he'd be able to figure out a lie on the spot, but in his current state, his ability rendered unavailable.

"Kokichi, I can get you out of that home. You can come and live with me," Rantaro offered.

"I don't need to move out. Look, someone attacked me at home okay?" Whilst Kokichi spoke, his scratchy voice caused him to cough in between words. "It's hard to talk."

"Have water," Gokuhara handed a glass of water to Kokichi, helping him take a small, soothing sip.

Continuing his explanation, Kokichi continued with a polished throat. "My parents love me, they just have a different way of showing it. They didn't do this to me." His voice quietened to a mumble. "They love me, they love me, they love me," he repeated.

"It's not love if it's abusive. There's a big difference between tough love and abuse Kokichi."

"Shut up! How many times do I have to say it, they didn't do this to me! The police are right." Kokichi attempted to shout but his voice wouldn't raise, a pained hush was all that escaped.

"I'm taking your bastards of parents to court!" Miu shouted, slamming her hands into her hips out of second-hand anger.

"You can't do that if I'm not a victim," Kokichi reminded the girl. "Without me, you have no proof."

"People who love you never hit you," Gokuhara tried to explain, but Kokichi only rolled his eyes.

Attempting to raise his voice, the boy only succeeded in lowering it. "I told you that you've got it all wrong, so stop fucking assuming!"


"No, fuck off, all of you! I don't need anyone here right now!" Kokichi turned his head to look out the window at his view of a brick wall. His visitors attempted to argue with him, but the patient shut himself off from the world, not realising that Gokuhara and Miu had left the room.

"Kokichi? Are you okay?" The boy turned to face Rantaro, three visitors remaining by his bedside.

"Why do they suddenly care? Now that I'm in this fucking place, why are they here?" He asked, voice calm as it became harder to speak.

"Our assignment. I'm sorry, this is my fault." Shuichi looked down at the ground, his words shaking with guilt. "Everyone took Kaito's words and our research and made connections. After what your dad did at Rantaro's party, everyone's worried about you."

"It's why you randomly come into school with a limp, or with bruises, right?" Rantaro questioned, having connected the dots. "The reason you act out, it's your parents, right?"

"You don't know better about my life than I do," Kokichi frowned, coughing as knives scraped the inside of his throat, making it almost impossible to continue speaking. Taking the glass of water, Celestia held it to Kokichi's lips and helped him drink, lubricating his throat. "I want to leave." He mumbled, groaning and hissing in pain as he forced himself to sit up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.

"No, you need to rest. The hospital is the best place to help right now." Rantaro stood in front of Kokichi, bending down so he didn't unintentionally intimidate the patient with his height. Once Kokichi had fully risen to a seated position, his head felt like lead as he swayed in place, an immense pain radiating in his brain. He groaned, holding his head to try and numb the pain.

He heard the three speaking to him, but the pain in his head took all of his focus. Rantaro and Shuichi helped him lie back on the hospital bed, with Celestia pulling the thin blanket over his bruised and battered body. "Take your time to rest, struggling will make this experience worse." Celestia stroked her boyfriend's hair, soothing him. She's the only one who understands, she knows why I can't admit anything, she knows how I feel.

Kokichi stared at Celestia, losing himself in thought. He felt like the two had become extremely close, despite the arranged relationship. They had both witnessed each other's situation to a degree, and they knew how each other took their family reputation seriously, due to their status in their own worlds.

Tears dripped down Kokichi's cheeks as he continued to stare at his girlfriend, the salty liquid dripping to his chest and soaking into his hospital gown. Celestia smiled like a mother comforting her child as she eased Kokichi into a calm hug, patting his hair and resting it on her shoulder. "They love me, I know they do deep down." He whispered into Celestia's body.

"Shh Kokichi, it's okay. Just breathe." Celestia soothed as Kokichi continued to cry, holding to his blanket for dear life.

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