I Need To Know You're Okay Too

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Leaving the police station, Kokichi wiped the tear stains from his cheeks as his parents approached. The multiple-hour investigation was boring and exhausting, only one thing stood out to the boy. He, Rantaro and Shuichi assumed their soulmarks meant polyamory, but it could also mean death. Kokichi had been reminded that if one person dies, the other two soulmates would remain together, without the third. He'd thought of the outcome when the marks first appeared but pushed it to the back of his mind, the thought too painful.

Rantaro reached his secret boyfriend before his family, enveloping Kokichi in a hug as he started crying again. "Come on Big Bro, grow up! You only lost one of those stuffed animal things!" Kaho giggled, dancing around the boys. Only a stuffed fucking toy? Are you kidding me?!

"Let's get you home so you can rest Kokichi. You've had a long day," His mother smiled.

"Um, before you leave, do you mind if I have a private word with Ouma, Ma'am? We can't talk about the situation to anyone outside the case," Rantaro asked. His lie is decent, but I could teach him how to improve.

"Of course, just don't take too long," Kokichi's father reminded the two. They're going to punish me for breaking curfew without their permission, aren't they? Rantaro and Kokichi walked to the side of the pathway, out of the Ouma family's hearing.

"Koki, call me if anything happens, okay? I'll keep my phone on me all night, if you think you're in danger I'll get there immediately." The smaller boy smiled at Rantaro's concern, finding his lack of memory amusing.

"I would if I had a phone. I'll probably just be locked in my room again anyway so it's no big deal."

"Hmm, oh I have an idea, just follow my lead okay? If I'm doing anything wrong then cross your arms, that way we don't need to hold hands or anything around your parents." Kokichi nodded, proud of his boyfriend for the idea. The two approached the purple-haired adults, the smaller's heart beating a thousand times per second. "Excuse me, Ma'am, Sir, I have a question. Ouma and I are quite shaken up by what happened, and although we're just classmates, do you think I could spend the night? I'm so sorry for asking last minute."

The two adults shared a confused glance before flicking their gazes between the two eighteen-year-olds. "Apologies, Amami was it? We haven't had anything set up for you, and it is quite late notice." As Rantaro continued to attempt to manipulate the experts, Kokichi glanced down at his covered wrist. Shuichi's still alive, the orca is still there. We haven't heard anything about him though, the police told us that his condition is unknown.

"If Ouma needs someone to talk to, he isn't legally allowed to talk to you two, but he can talk to me. We aren't exactly friends, but I don't want to see anyone hurting."

"Alright, we'll allow it. Kokichi can set up a spare bed in his room for you." As the family turned to walk towards their car, Rantaro winked at the male. Lagging behind his family, Kokichi leant closer to his boyfriend.

"How did you manage to win them over?"

"I picked up a thing or two from you," Rantaro chuckled. "We're about to get into a car, aren't we?"

"Don't worry, I'll be right next to you the whole time," Kokichi reassured, secretly squeezing the boy's hand.


Pulling up to a familiar home, Mrs Ouma turned to her son. "Kokichi, be a dear and help Amami with his belongings will you?"

"Yes mother," Kokichi nodded, following Rantaro out of the car. As they approached the front door, the smaller male turned to his soulmate. "Why are we at your place?"

"You were standing there when we talked about it, did you not pay attention?"

"Well, it wasn't important enough to pay attention to!" Kokichi retorted, following Rantaro into the home towards his room.

"You were thinking about Shuichi, weren't you? I noticed you look at your wrist." Kokichi sighed, not intending to answer the question. Rantaro already knew the answer anyway. They walked into the Ultimate Adventurer's room in silence, the smaller watching from the corner as Rantaro dug through his drawer set. "Hey, come here."

"Hm? You wanna show off your lacy lingerie?~" Kokichi teased, approaching the male to see an alien phone in his hand.

"No," Rantaro rolled his eyes. "I want to give you this. It's a spare phone I never used, I figured you could have it so you wouldn't have to argue with your parents to get a new one." Kokichi took the phone, handling it with the care of a new mother holding her newborn.

"Thank you, are you sure it's alright?" 

"Yeah, don't worry about it. It's all set up already, I'll help you change the password and everything when we get to your place, okay?" Kokichi nodded in response, pocketing the brand new phone and helping Rantaro with his belongings for the night.


Getting out of the car again, Kokichi carried Rantaro's items (upon order from his parents) and followed everyone into his home, locking the front door behind him. "You remember where my room is, right?" He asked, aware his parents would berate him if they heard his usual, rude tone.

"Yep, this way, isn't it?" Rantaro lead the way towards the basement entrance, taking his backpack from Kokichi once they were out of adult supervision. "Hey, your closet is fixed."

"Yessiree, finally got around to his a few days ago. Anyway, put your stuff down wherever, I have to go make dinner. Don't jack off while I'm gone!~" Kokichi chuckled, turning to leave the basement.

"Wait, let me help," Rantaro chucked his bag to the bottom of the stairs, reuniting with Kokichi. "Please?"

"My parents won't let that happen."

"They're going to have to, because I'm not giving in. What are we making?" Rantaro put his hands on his hips, ready to help his boyfriend. He's acting a little off, I guess he needs something to distract himself from what happened to Shuichi. I'll take whatever punishment I get later, Rantaro's mental health comes first.

"Gyoza. I was going to make ramen but I never got the groceries today." Kokichi explained, leading the boy towards the kitchen. "If you're going to help, can you grab the ingredients? They're in a basket in that cabinet, I got everything set up there as a backup meal for the week."

"You're reminding me of Tojo."

"Just because I'm in charge of cooking for the week? You aren't getting me to wear a maid dress any time soon."

"I'm sure you have one somewhere in that closet."

"You aren't using that as an excuse to steal my boxers Rantaro," Kokichi giggled, turning around to grab whatever equipment he needed.


Placing the final plate of gyoza on the table, Kokichi sat down, not used to joining his parents for dinner aside from business meetings. "Thank you so much Kokichi, we appreciate you cooking for us. I have such a caring son," the boy's mother leant over and pinched the boy's cheek a little too hard.

"Amami, why don't you tell us about yourself? You've been around here often lately," Kokichi's father started a conversation.

"I'm sorry for that, I hope it's not a problem. I don't like talking over the phone when people can talk in person," Rantaro smiled. Says the one who'd die without their phone.

"It's refreshing to hear someone your age say that. Your generation is glued to electronics nowadays."

"That's just because you're not up to date with the latest models Mum!" Kaho chuckled, earning a genuine smile from her mother. I wish she'd smile at me too.

"You cheeky little monkey."

"What's your Ultimate Amami? I see you around school a lot!" Kaho asked, diverting the conversation to the guest. Kokichi zoned out as he nibbled his food, staring at the clothed orca on his wrist. Shuichi, please be okay.

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