Shuichi's Decision

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Kokichi shoved his textbooks into his backpack, closing his locker and talking to Rantaro and Shuichi before they left school for the day. Shuichi fussed with his sleeve, keeping it tucked into his pocket to hide the injury. "Hey, uh, guys, I think I'm ready to tell a few people."

"About what?" Rantaro asked, frowning.

"My arm. I want to tell Kaede, Maki and Kaito, they're my best friends outside of you both, they deserve to know." Shuichi stared at the group, keeping his voice low. "Can you both come to my house? I'm scared to do this alone."

"Of course!" Rantaro smiled, planting a kiss on Shuichi's cheek. The detective grinned and whipped out his phone, presumably texting his other three friends.

My parents won't allow this, they want me to go straight home tonight. Shuichi's more important though, this will only happen once and I've been in trouble with my parents before. "I'll come along if I have to," Kokichi chuckled, investigating his hand.

"Perfect! Everyone's coming, let's go," Shuichi went to grab both males' hands, his face dropping as he realised his error. Kokichi rolled his eyes with a smirk, jumping in front of the two so Rantaro and Shuichi could hold hands without either feeling guilty about leaving the purplette out. The three left the school amongst the crowd of other students, on course for the Kirigiri-Saihara household. "Wait, what if this is a bad idea?" Shuichi mumbled. Walking backwards, Kokichi noticed Shuichi's gaze fixed to the pavement, the detective chewing his lip in fear.

"You'll have to do this at some point Sai, everything will be fine," Rantaro comforted the male.

"What if they don't want to be friends after this?"

"I'll beat their fucking asses if they say anything bad," Kokichi grinned maliciously, seeing Rantaro shiver. "Come on, let's give me an excuse to stab someone!" The three continued on their trip, entering the home after Shuichi.

"Shuichi, is that you?" A voice shouted throughout the home, Jin appearing before the students. "Ah, hello Amami, Ouma, it's nice to see you both again." Rantaro and Kokichi nodded at the older adult.

"You don't mind if they stay over for a while, do you, Uncle? Kaede, Maki and Kaito will be joining us in a bit."

"Of course, you know I don't mind as long as you aren't doing anything illegal. I'll send them up to your room when they're here," Jin laughed, hugging his nephew. The two guests thanked the older man, following Shuichi to his bedroom and closing the door behind them. Shuichi took off his striped jacket, hanging it on the wall.

"It'll be alright Shu~Shu," Kokichi smiled, sitting on the bed next to his boyfriend and kissing his cheek, resting his head on the detective's shoulder. "If we accept you, so will they, don't overthink it."

"Thanks, Kichi, I think it's in my nature to overthink though," Shuichi huffed out a laugh. Kokichi jumped off Shuichi as they heard a knock on the bedroom door, swinging open to reveal the three latecomers.

"What's this about?" Harukawa frowned, glaring at Kokichi who stuck his tongue out in a mocking manner. "Why is he here?"

"He's my friend too; Maki, I wanted him to be here," Shuichi mumbled, staring at the carpet. Rantaro took a seat next to his soulmate, pulling him into a side-hug. "I need to show you all something, but it has to stay between us, okay? At least until I'm ready to tell others."

"Has something happened? What's wrong Shuichi?" Akamatsu asked, her face wrought with worry.

"Are you alright Sidekick?" Momota questioned, frowning at the male.

"Oi, let him speak," Kokichi raised his voice, leaving no room for discussion. I'll do what I can to help ease Shuichi's worry, especially since I can't hug him and remind him that I love him right now.

"Guys, I uh, don't know how to say this. Shit, I had it all planned out and everything," Shuichi mumbled, leaning his head into Rantaro's chest. 

"Take your time, just breathe. Do you want Kokichi and I to explain?" Rantaro rubbed circles on Shuichi's back, ignoring the confused glances from the other three. 

"No, I want to do it, I can do it," Shuichi encouraged himself. "Okay so, I'm sorry for lying to you three. Um, I wasn't off school because I was sick, I actually got injured."

"Are you alright? What happened?" Akamatsu panicked.

"Well, um, this," Shuichi sighed, untucking his white sleeve from his pants pocket. Unbuttoning the top of his shirt, the detective adjusted his clothes and pulled out what remained of his left arm. Closing his eyes, Kokichi watched Shuichi lean into Rantaro's embrace as gasps filled the room. "I'm sorry for lying, I was worried how people would react."

"Don't apologise, something like this isn't easy to tell people. Good to know you trust us enough to tell us," Harukawa's blank stare strangely held a compassionate aura.

"When did- How?" Akamatsu stuttered, leaping forward to hug her best friend.

"The shopping centre that collapsed on the news. We three were caught in it," Rantaro explained.

"We'll do whatever we can to help you, Sidekick!" Momota punched his fists together, his overenthusiastic grin bringing out a laugh from the bluenette.

"Thank you guys, but I don't want to be treated any differently," Shuichi begged his friends with his pleading eyes. Everyone agreed, all but Harukawa hugging the male. "Do you guys, uh, want to hang out for a while?"

"Sure!" Akamatsu cheered, jumping around the room to set up a few video games. Kokichi rolled his eyes as he heard Harukawa and Momota mumbling to each other, expressing disdain for the Supreme Leader's presence. 

"I'd love to stay, but I'll be off now, have fun you lot!" Kokichi laughed, swinging his bag over his shoulder and leaving the room. 

"Wait, Koki, I'll walk you out," Rantaro chased after the boy, the two walking to the front garden of the home. "What's the hurry? Is it because Momota and Harukawa are here?"

"No, I have to get home. Have fun with that lot." Chuckling, Kokichi turned to leave, stopped by the Ultimate Adventurer grabbing his arm.

"Are you going to be alright? You won't be in trouble, will you?"

"No, I just need to study and do chores. Graduation's coming up and my parents need me to get four awards, minimum," Kokichi sighed. Rubbing his head, the male developed a headache from the thought of graduation awards alone.

"Four?!" Rantaro shouted, his eyes wide with shock. "There's only twelve! It's impossible to get two, but fucking four?!"

"I know, I know, but if anyone can do it, it's me!" Kokichi grinned, snapping his fingers in the air with a hand on his hip.

"Alright, but if you get overwhelmed or anything give me a call, okay? I love you," Rantaro kissed his boyfriend's cheek, waving goodbye as Kokichi walked down the street.

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