Wedding Secrets

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Kokichi stood back and admired his work, a plate of freshly baked mochi organised in a pyramid on the white marble kitchen counter. "I'm bored now, ugh!" He shouted, swaying around as he walked aimlessly through his new home. Pooling their money together, Kokichi, Shuichi and Rantaro had managed to purchase their own home thanks to the three having high-paying jobs. Jumping out of his skin, Kokichi ran to the front door as the doorbell chimed throughout the white and black contemporary house.

Over the past few months, Kokichi had answered every visitor with enthusiasm and hope. Unfortunately, every time he'd been disappointed that Rantaro still hadn't come home. He hated when Rantaro went on his treasure hunts, he'd been in the Amazon rainforest for months without any call home. It's understandable, he doesn't have a way to contact us without mobile service. Plus he's not due home for another month. Keeping his hope high, Kokichi threw open the door and screamed, tears welling up behind his eyelids. "Taro!"

"Hi Ko," Rantaro laughed, dropping his duffle bag and suitcase as Kokichi jumped on him, wrapping his legs around the adventurer's waist. Kokichi clung to his soulmate like a koala, crying into his shoulder.

"I missed you so much!"

"I can tell, I've missed you too babe," Rantaro kissed Kokichi's neck, grinning from ear to ear. Kokichi hopped to the ground, wiping away the tears of joy on his cheeks. "Sorry for not messaging, I wanted to surprise you and Shuichi."

"Aren't you still supposed to be out for another month at least?" Kokichi asked, picking up Rantaro's duffle bag and helping the male inside.

"Yeah, but I made an agreement to go back in a few days to continue the search. I couldn't miss today after all," Rantaro laughed, shutting the front door behind him.

"Yay! I'm glad you can come with us! Maki threatened to kill me if I didn't go, so I guess I have to," Kokichi chuckled. "Oh, I made mochi, take one!" He ran to the kitchen, his heart pumping adrenaline through his veins as he picked up the plate of rice balls and thrust it towards Rantaro. Rantaro chuckled and popped one in his mouth.

"Wow! These are amazing as always Ko, your cooking is always excellent. By the way, is Shuichi here?"

"Yep, but he's shut himself in his office again. I haven't seen him much in the past few weeks," Kokichi mumbled, staring at the ground. He hated when Shuichi shut himself away to work on detective cases, it made him feel alone and like he'd hurt the other male.

"Really? Again?" Rantaro sighed, rolling his eyes. "Let's go give him a surprise." Giggling, Kokichi followed Rantaro through the home towards Shuichi's office, the greenette easing open the large black door.

"Give me a moment Kokichi, I'll start getting ready in a few minutes. I need to finish this report." Shuichi tapped away on his computer, his head hidden behind the screen.

"You can't spare a few seconds for a kiss?" Rantaro chuckled, grinning as Shuichi jumped and looked up from his work.

"Rantaro? Oh my God!" Shuichi gasped, jumping to his feet and hurrying around his desk to wrap his boyfriend in a tight hug. "Why are you back so early?"

"The wedding, remember?" Shuichi nodded, planting a kiss on both his boyfriends' cheeks. 

"Right, I'll start getting ready in a bit. I'm sorry for shutting myself away Kokichi," Shuichi apologised. Kokichi smirked, placing his hands on his hips.

"About time you apologised! Come on we have just under two hours to get ready!" Kokichi shouted, dragging his boyfriends out of the office and upstairs, ready to do their hair and makeup.


Walking around the wedding reception, Kokichi noticed the beaming bride he'd been searching for. Maki stood next to her new husband, Momota, in a beautiful pure-white dress. The fitted gown shaped her curves with a slit in the front of the skirt, a small train flowing along the floor. Silver and baby pink gemstones decorated the trim, matching her lace gloves and gemstone jewellery. Maki's hair flowed down her back and shoulders in a loose braid, decorated with pearl hairpins.

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