We Know as Much as You, Okay?

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Kokichi groaned, rubbing his eyes for a moment and hissing from pain. Fuck, I forgot about the bruise. Glancing at Rantaro beside him, he noticed the ice pack from last night sitting between them, a large, damp puddle soaking into the blankets. "Don't worry about it, it's only water," Rantaro mumbled, stretching out his arms as he yawned. 

Jumping out of bed, Kokichi grabbed his school uniform and slipped into the bathroom, changing out of the clothes Rantaro had leant him as pyjamas. Sighing, Kokichi shook away the remaining sleepiness as he returned to Rantaro's bedroom, seeing him already in his school uniform. "How are you already functioning?" Rantaro yawned again, exhaustion radiating from his body. Kokichi only shrugged, not intending to reveal the true answer. It's only because if I don't wake up immediately at home I'll get punished. "Let's go get breakfast before school, Mum will have made some for us."

"No thanks, I can't eat in the morning," Kokichi lied, a grin spreading over his face.

"Yes you can, I've seen you do it before. You didn't eat dinner, you can at least eat breakfast," Rantaro frowned. I don't know what's wrong, I'm starving but the thought of eating makes me want to vomit. Maybe I'll just have some juice or something? Without waiting for an answer, Rantaro took Kokichi's hand and pulled him downstairs towards the kitchen where most of the Amami family were already eating.

"Big Bro! I need your help, I can't get my eyeliner right," Yua cried, running up towards her adult brother.

"Woah, calm down, here I'll show you how to do it again," Rantaro smiled, taking the eyeliner pencil from Yua's hand and walking away, leaving Kokichi alone. Well, this is awkward, I feel so out of place right now.

"Ouma, here, have some toast. Sorry, I didn't know what you like so if there's anything you want on it, help yourself!" Mrs Amami's caring, motherly smile warmed Kokichi's heart. He took the plate of toast, smiling to himself as he felt accepted by a family for once.

"Thank you, I prefer plain toast so this is fine," Kokichi nodded as the woman walked away, fussing over her children. Nibbling on the bread crust, Kokichi forced himself to swallow as he leaned against the wall, away from the family so he didn't intrude. It'd be rude if I didn't eat all of this, come on Kokichi you can do this. Do it for mother and father, they'll be proud of your manners.

"Hey, you're eating, I'm proud of you Koki," Rantaro grinned, ruffling his messy purple hair. "Drink some of this too," he handed a small box of apple juice to the male. Sighing, Kokichi took the beverage and forced it down with what remained of his toast. "We're going to be late, come on," Rantaro snatched a few slices of toast and waved goodbye to his family, leaving the mansion with Kokichi's hand wrapped in his.


Kokichi couldn't resist the grin on his face as he and Rantaro walked into class early. The walk on the way to school had been unusually calm and enjoyable with Rantaro distracting the male from his usual intrusive thoughts and worry. I don't deserve to be this happy, I don't deserve the love Rantaro and Shuichi give me.

"Ouma! Amami!" Snapping from his worry, Kokichi glanced up to see his classmates running towards him.

"Calm down, one at a time, there's enough of me to go around!" Kokichi smirked, swinging his hands behind his head.

"Where's Shuichi? He's been gone for ages and you two stay behind every class. There's something wrong with him, isn't there?" Akamatsu asked, frowning as she crossed her arms under her chest.

"Just because we stay behind after class doesn't mean something's wrong with Shuichi," Rantaro countered, pushing past everyone to his desk.

"You three are best friends," Yumeno drawled, "somehow," she mumbled, staring at Kokichi before continuing. "Saihara hasn't been to class for weeks, if anyone hates missing school, it's him."

"People can get sick you know, Shuichi isn't immune to every single disease in the world," Kokichi laughed.

"Did you do something to him Ouma?" Momota glared, towering over the male. Without answering, Kokichi stuck out his tongue like a child, resisting the urge to beat Momota to a puddle of blood and human remains. How fucking dare you accuse me of doing something to Shuichi?! If only you fucking knew, but if Momota knew we were dating he'd probably try to kill me.

"Momota Kaito, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" Rantaro growled, a shadow forming over his eyes. Woah, I've never seen him get this mad, he usually smiles when he looks all creepy and insane. "Kokichi hasn't done anything to Shuichi, we've told you, he's just sick. If you want to tell me what's wrong with my boyfriend, by all means, go ahead." Smiling as he glanced at his Ultimate classmates, Kokichi felt ecstatic his secret boyfriend stood up for him, but also felt weak that he couldn't do it himself. Leaning towards Kokichi, Rantaro whispered in his ear, "remember, what happened wasn't your fault, don't let them tell you otherwise. They don't know about the incident."

"Onto a different topic, Ouma, I heard you and Ludenberg broke up, what happened?" Shinguji questioned, no hint of malicious intent detected anywhere in his voice.

"Wait, what?! You two broke up?!" Kiibo shouted. Kokichi awkwardly flicked his eyes around the room, noticing the shocked and surprised expressions of his classmates.

"You ain't give her good dick or some shit?" Miu cackled before Akamatsu flicked the back of her head.

"Settle down class, please take your seats," the teacher ordered, entering the room as the siren rang to start the school day. Kokichi shot a quick smile at Rantaro, taking a seat next to him and taking out his notebook.


Packing away his belongings, Kokichi hung back as his classmates left the lesson. Approaching the teacher marking papers behind her desk, Kokichi cleared his throat. "Can I have another copy of the homework? It's for Shuichi so he doesn't get behind."

"Of course Ouma, here you go," she smiled, handing the paper to her student. "I've heard Saihara won't be in class for another few weeks, please send him my best wishes." Kokichi nodded before leaving the room, finding Rantaro outside the door waiting.

"Hey, Amami, Ouma!" Akamatsu waved, jogging towards the two. "Why did you need a second copy of homework Ouma?"

"It's for Rantaro, he didn't get one," the male lied, handing the paper to the greenette.

"Yes he did, I watched everyone in class get one."

"Maybe it's for me instead? Who knows, I am a liar after all!" Kokichi giggled, hoping for the pianist to leave them alone.

"You got one too. It's for Shuichi, isn't it?" Akamatsu frowned, her hands aggressively slamming to her hips.

"I could've ripped mine and needed another one for all you know, keep out of it," Kokichi matched the woman's frown.

"Either way, you both said Shuichi's off sick. He's rarely unwell, so what's wrong with him? He hasn't been answering my calls or texts, and apparently, he's even ignoring Momota and Harukawa! We all went over to his house and his uncle and cousin just told us to leave! What is going on?!"

"Nothing! Shut up will you?!" Kokichi shouted, faintly aware of his boyfriend's hand on his shoulder. Too mad to care, he ignored the male attempting to calm him.

"Please, just tell me what's going on. Is he okay?"

"Akamatsu, we know as much as you do, and I know how much it hurts me, much less all of you. I'm sure he's fine, if something were really wrong, we would know," Rantaro explained, attempting to deescalate the situation. Kokichi glared at the female, not wanting to back down from fear of revealing the truth against Shuichi's wishes. He noticed people gathering around them as they argued, watching, waiting for a fight to occur.

"Can I please just see him at least? I know you guys know what's going on," Akamatsu begged.

"Just leave us the fuck alone!" Kokichi screamed, guilty sobs crawling up his oesophagus as he held back tears. In order to keep his reputation, Kokichi turned and pushed past anyone in his way aggressively, storming down the hallway to any place he could find without people there to bother him.

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