Midnight Lake of Tears

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Kokichi hurried in front of Shuichi as they came home from work, holding the door open for the latter. They worked side-by-side in a detective agency that Shuichi and Kirigiri had created together after graduating. The purplette loved working as a detective, the two mainly specialised in homicide cases but occasionally dabbled in other fields. "Rantaro!~" He sang at the top of his lungs, smirking as Shuichi jumped.

"Could've warned me!" Shuichi frowned, uncovering his ears.

"Sorry babe, nishishi!" 

"Welcome home you two, is everything alright?" Rantaro asked, rounding the corner to hug and kiss each boyfriend.

"No, everything is not alright!" Kokichi frowned, shoving his fists on his hips. "You two aren't getting ready to go out!"

"Ko, it's almost ten at night, why do we need to go out?" Shuichi groaned, his eyes tired from working overtime.

"We're going on a date! Neither of us has had dinner yet and I hope you haven't 'Mami." Kokichi kept a calm, ordinary smile on his face, ignoring the rapid, nervous beating in his chest.

"No, I wanted to wait for you two. Why are we going on a date at this time Kichi?" Rantaro asked.

"D-Do you guys not want to go on a date?" Kokichi mumbled, forcing crocodile tears to well up into his eyes as he pouted. "You're both so mean! Why don't you love me?!"

"Don't cry Kokichi, we'll go out with you. It's just pretty sudden, that's all," Shuichi explained, ruffling the purplette's hair.

"Yahoo!" Kokichi cheered, kissing both of his boyfriends and running towards their shared bedroom. "Oh and by the way," he shouted, peeking his head over the railing. "Dress up fancy, but not like you're going to a wedding! We need to leave in five minutes so hurry up!" Running away again, Kokichi snatched a long-sleeved black button-down shirt with black dress pants from the closet. Before Rantaro or Shuichi could catch up to him, the male picked up the belongings he'd hidden underneath the bed and shoved them into his pockets. I'm so excited!


Kokichi took the helmet off his head, shaking out his hair into its natural position as Shuichi and Rantaro arrived behind him, doing the same. To keep his secret, Kokichi had insisted the other two rode on the same motorbike, and he'd lead them to their destination. "Why are we here? How'd you get us in?" Rantaro asked, staring at the fine-dining restaurant in awe.

"This place is impossible to get a reservation for..." Shuichi mumbled, equally as shocked as Rantaro.

"Yep! That's why I made the reservation three months ago!" Kokichi grinned. "Come on, let's go inside!" Locking the helmet to his motorbike, Kokichi led the two into the restaurant towards the host stand. Shuichi handed over his jacket before the three were taken to their table with a window view. Looking out of the window, the trio had a beautiful view of a large lake glistening in the moonlight.

"Why are we here Kokichi? I know you say you wanted to take us out on a date but this is... Fancy," Shuichi asked, skimming through the menu of expensive dishes.

"I wanted to treat you guys! We never go out to eat as a date." The three smiled at each other, ordering their desired meals and enjoying their time together.


Kokichi finished paying and thanked the hostess, leaving the restaurant to meet his soulmates who waited outside by their motorbikes. "Did you both enjoy it?" He asked, hoping it went well so he could continue with the rest of his plan.

"That was amazing Ko, thank you," Rantaro smiled, leaning over to kiss Kokichi's cheek.

"Agreed, it was a nice surprise," Shuichi approved as he pulled his jacket tighter over his body, shivering from the cold night air. "We should go home."

"No!" Kokichi frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. "We're going on a walk to that lake over there!" He pointed towards the body of water, obstructed by the restaurant building. Rantaro and Shuichi shared a confused glance, but both nodded at their smaller partner. Cheering, Kokichi grabbed their hands and marched towards the dirt pathway surrounding the lake. They walked through a gorgeous archway of trees and flowers, approaching the wooden pier lit with lamp posts along the string railing.

The three stared out at the water, diamonds glistening on its surface. Throughout the rippled lake, the water had a navy blue ombre. "Hey, Rantaro, Shuichi, I want to tell you both something," Kokichi smiled, stepping back so he could look his boyfriends in the eyes. "I love you both so much, you mean the world to me. At this point, I know I can't live without either of you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you two." 

Taking a deep breath, Kokichi slipped his hands into his pockets where he stashed the objects from under the bed. Pulling out the small black boxes, Kokichi lowered himself on one knee and opened the boxes to reveal matching engagement rings. Holding out the rings, his eyes filled with hope as he stared at his boyfriends. Shuichi and Rantaro gasped, the detective holding a hand over his mouth as he teared up. "Saihara Shuichi, Amami Rantaro, will you both marry me?"

Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes, please say yes! Kokichi repeated in his head, the world slowing to a stop as the fear of God awakened in the purplette's stomach.

"Of course!" Shuichi shouted, attracting attention from the surrounding passersby. 

"You idiot, why would we say no?" Rantaro laughed. Tears of immeasurable pleasure dripped from Kokichi's face as he slipped the rings on his fiancee's fingers, the purplette releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding. Strangers watching the commotion clapped and cheered for the three as they shared a passionate kiss. Kokichi looked down, glancing at the rings he'd just proposed with. The gold rings shone on the males' fingers, white gemstones shining in the light. I can't wait to put mine on later, just to show everyone that we're in a happy, loving relationship. Everyone else can be jealous. Suck on this Mother and Father! Kaho will be so happy, I can't wait to tell her and Celeste!

Grinning to himself, the three hugged each other tight, never wanting to leave the moment. Life is going well, I can't believe I've come this far. I'm glad everything turned out perfect.

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