Who Did You Call?

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"I don't need an ambulance, I only fell! Why would you waste their time when someone might be dying?" Kokichi continued to argue his case, going back and forth between him and Sakura.

"Okay, okay fine, I won't call an ambulance. I'm taking you upstairs." Sakura waved her wrist, motioning for Kokichi to follow her. She seemed to hesitate to grab his wrist before realising it would be a mistake. Kokichi attempted to start a conversation, but the two entered a large, blue and white, office themed bedroom before he could speak. "I'm calling my sister so she knows you're here, I don't know if she's home. She's the Ultimate Doctor so she'll be able to help you."

"Alright," Kokichi shrugged, shuffling in place. He could feel the glass still embedded in his body move around with him, although it wasn't excruciating. Sakura led him towards the bathroom, sitting him on a stool before leaving and shutting the en suite door behind her for privacy. Without anything else to do for the time being, Kokichi took in the appearance of the bathroom. The walls and furniture matched the light blue and white hospital theme of the bedroom and the corner where he sat had no end of medical supplies. Fitting for the Ultimate Doctor's room.

Two knocks interrupted Kokichi before Sakura entered again with her eyes covered. "Are you decent?"

"You know, people normally ask that before entering the room, but yes, I am." Kokichi chuckled as Sakura playfully rolled her eyes, sitting on one of the two chairs next to him. "Amami, tell me about yourself, I've heard a lot of good things from Rantaro about his sisters."

"Oh, so you know Rantaro? Well, I don't know what he's told you so forgive me if you know this. I'm the Ultimate Chemist, and Sumomo and I work together to help people who can't see a doctor for any reason, or if it's an emergency. Also, please call me Sakura."

"Does that mean you two own Amami Medical? Rantaro said two of his sisters ran the place."

"Yep, that's us! Sumomo and I are twins, so naturally, we wanted to do something together!" Sakura beamed, clearly idolising her twin sister. 

"Do all your sisters go to Hope's Peak?"

"The ones that are old enough do, but none of us are forced to go, we all just want to. Sibling rivalry, you know? All of the younger ones are trying their hardest to find their ultimate ability so they can be better than the rest of us." Before Kokichi could continue the conversation, a woman radiating maturity and sophistication entered the bathroom. Her long, green ponytail draped over her shoulder as she slipped on a white coat that fell to her knees.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Sumomo but please call me Momo. Ouma Kokichi, right? Can you tell me what happened?"

"I fell over." Kokichi didn't want to overexplain anything, as he could've caught himself in a lie. Yes, his entire class might've considered him the Ultimate Liar or Manipulator, but when there's glass painfully embedded in half of your body, it's hard to keep track of your lies.

"Can you follow the light for me?" Doing as she asked, Momo subjected Kokichi to multiple basic tests in order to check for any brain injuries. "Are you comfortable taking off your clothes for me? I'll need to check your entire body."

"I get that I'm hot but I'm not getting naked." Kokichi grinned, taking pride in the girls' smiles.

"Being a doctor means I've seen that many naked people that it doesn't matter to me anymore. I don't need you to be fully naked anyway, you can keep your underwear on." Kokichi rolled his eyes and unclipped his shirt, hesitating to continue removing his clothes. Momo nodded towards Sakura, who left the room.

"I can see you're not comfortable. Sakura's going to get you a gown to cover yourself with so I can only check the parts of your body I need to. Is that okay?" Thank God I don't have to stand in front of them shirtless.

"Of course that's better, that means you won't be blinded by my immense beauty!" Momo simply smiled, tending to the small cuts over Kokichi's left cheek.


Adjusting his scarf, Kokichi shouted for Momo and Sakura to reenter the room. He gingerly stood up so he didn't dislodge any of the bandages wrapped around his torso, thigh and arm. "Remember, if you notice any symptoms on this sheet, come here immediately and ask for me. I know you said you fell, can you elaborate?"

"I just tripped and fell on the street. There was some broken glass I didn't notice and I fell into it."

"Are you sure?" Sakura asked, receiving an elbow from her sister.

"Yes I'm sure, I was there!"

"Okay, we won't talk about this further since you seem upset, but I'm here if you need to talk about your mental health." Momo smiled, somehow managing to calm the boy. "Was that the reason you came here?"

That's right, I never introduced myself. If my parents could see me now. "Nope, here to see Rantaro and Shuichi. We have a group project to complete."

"Oh, I was just with them! They're in Rantaro's room. Before you go and see them, Sakura, can you get some analgesics for Ouma?" Sakura nodded and rushed out of the room.

"Analgesics? Sounds like a weird kink, nishishi!" Momo giggled at Kokichi's response. 

"It's the medical term for painkillers. I'm not shoving something up your ass." 

"That's not very professional language Mrs Doctor." Kokichi pointed an accusatory finger at the girl.

"Oh come on, I'm seventeen. I need to be a child sometimes too." Momo winked, "plus, it's nice to be able to joke around with a patient. Anyway, back on topic. I need to ask this again, and I'm sorry for being repetitive, but did you really fall over Ouma?"

Oh my fucking God just let it go! Kokichi internally shouted, keeping a calm, external smile. "Yes, I fell down on the street and landed on some glass by the looks of things."

"Ouma, if you need me to call the police-"

"No!" He screamed, a slight voice crack escaping his throat. Momo seemed taken aback at the sudden outburst, her posture straightening. "I-I just mean... There's no need to call the police. It's nothing, I just fell over, so there's no need to waste the police's time."

"Okay, I understand." Momo smiled, grabbing a nearby pen and paper from a stack of fully supplied stationery. 

"What are you doing?" Kokichi questioned, assuming that the doctor had decided to secretly go against his wishes.

"Don't worry, I'm just writing down your information. For legal reasons, I have to write down who I've treated, what was wrong, all that stuff." Hmm, that makes sense. "Let's go, I'll take you to Rantaro's room and Sakura will give you the painkillers there."

Kokichi stood, admittedly with a wince and hiss of pain before Momo delicately took his hand, helping him walk towards Rantaro's room. Luckily for his body, the Ultimate Adventurers room wasn't far from Momo's, so the two reached there without any problems. Momo knocked on the door, which opened almost immediately.

"Hey Momo... Uh, hi Kokichi!" Shuichi faltered, surprised to see him before smiling, waving at the two. "Didn't know you were here!"

"Kokichi?! What happened to you?" Rantaro rushed forward, reaching out for his friend who stepped backwards, out of reach.

"Nothing important, let's just do the project. Thanks, Momo." The girl smiled, waving as she left down the hall as Rantaro and Shuichi ushered their friend inside. A small back and forth ensued where Shuichi and Rantaro tried to find out why Kokichi had a few bandages on his cheek and blood soaking his uniform, but the latter wouldn't tell the couple anything. After a few minutes, the argument died down as another knock interrupted them.

"Hi, sorry for interrupting, I have your painkillers Ouma." Sakura entered the room, holding a small cup of water and two white pills. 

"Oh, thanks Sakura!" With a great urge to suppress the painful stings over his body, Kokichi snatched the pills, swallowing them in a hurry. A sudden change in atmosphere shocked the boy as Sakura's face held an expression of guilt. 

"He's in here officers."

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