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Kokichi's head throbbed with immense pain as he groaned, waking up on the freezing, stone floor. What the fuck happened? The last thing I remember is reading a weird note inside my locker and... "You're awake, finally." Lifting his head, the boy analysed his surroundings. He lay on the floor of a barren cell, the only objects being chains hanging from the ceiling. A circle of muscular men built like bodyguards surrounded the boy, grinning with malice.

"You thought that mask could hide your identity, huh? We have our ways to find those who wrong us kid," the man kneeling down spat at Kokichi. That's the one who catcalled Celestia when I went out gambling, and there's his friend. He noticed the other familiar guy behind the kneeling man. "Ah, so you recognise us? Perfect. Allow me to introduce ourselves, I'm Kenji, and that's Kane."

Kane knelt next to his friend, lifting Kokichi's face by his chin. "Let's cut to the chase. You know what we want, you've taken the money we were entitled to, and we're going to get it back."

"I-I can pay you, just give me a month or two," Kokichi begged, fearing for his life. Even if I don't exactly like living, I don't want to die like this. The two men shared a glance and laughed, accompanied by the chuckles of the surrounding, tattooed men. 

"Oh don't worry kid, you'll pay up, just not with cash." Kenji grinned, standing over the cowering captive. "That's what you get for fucking with our gang, we aren't letting you out easy." Turning to two people leaning against the bland concrete wall, Kenji nodded. At the wordless order, the two marched over to Kokichi and tied a rope around his wrists, shoving them behind his back and lifting him to his feet.

Kokichi stumbled over his feet as the gang members shoved him forward, encouraging him to follow Kenji and Kane. They travelled throughout many short hallways, random members of the so-called gang shooting death glares and middle fingers at the prisoner. His legs burned with pins and needles, most likely from being unconscious on the floor for God knows how long.

Kenji and Kane continued to escort Kokichi through the gang's labyrinth. Reaching two gigantic, raven doors, Kokichi's body involuntarily lurched through them behind his captors, who knelt in front of an athletic man modelling on a throne. The ringleader held an aura of power and command, women in lingerie posing on the arms of his throne and in his lap. "This is the kid who took our money?"

"Yes, Boss."

Boss, that's what DICE called me in front of outsiders. I miss them, I wish I didn't have to leave my closest family behind, but I shouldn't be thinking of them right now. They're dead anyway. "Oi, kneel you little shit," a female smoking a cigarette kicked Kokichi in the back, causing his body to fall to the ground with his lack of balance. Watching the ringleader's boots approach him, Kokichi held a poker face.

"How did a little, tiny weakling like you beat two of my best men? Tell me your secrets." The ringleader bent down, grabbing Kokichi's neck and lifting his body, pushing his head up to look him in the eyes. "You're good kid, but not good enough. When you're in the criminal world, you've gotta make sure you're not going to get ratted out. Have fun paying us back, and think about who you trust."

Someone told them who I was? No one knew my identity... Except for the security guards who saw my ID. Kokichi felt a kick to his jaw, blood immediately pooling in his mouth. People around him laughed at his suffering as he sustained impact after impact. If I pretend I'm in a lot of pain, they'll think I'm suffering more than I am. Having experience with enduring abuse, Kokichi took each hit as it came, accepting the injuries and pain as punishment for his actions.


His leg bounced as he tapped his pen against the desk, anxiety distracting him from his classwork. "Shuichi, look at me, he's probably just getting a checkup and couldn't tell us he'd be gone." Rantaro turned to his boyfriend, taking his unoccupied hand and intertwining their fingers.

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