Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

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"Non, allow me," Celestia sighed, reaching forward to fluff out Kokichi's skirt for him. "How is this?" Kokichi turned to the full-length mirror and gasped, his fists clenched in front of his shoulders in joy. 

"I look beautiful!" He laughed, bouncing in the chantilly princess gown. Having only ever dreamed of this day, Kokichi smiled to himself that it was coming to fruition. He'd been worried that his gown wouldn't fit, but Shirogane had been thorough in taking measurements, insisting he wasn't allowed to see the dress until the wedding day. Although he'd drawn plans and tried on many plain styles for his perfect wedding gown, the real thing looked ten times better than any paper design.

White, lace flowers littered the white tulle skirt, gemstones adorning the centre of each one. Kokichi's dress had off-shoulder sleeves, lilac tulle flowing around his upper arms. His bodice fit snug to his chest, shaping the curves of his thin, feminine waist. "Should I put the gloves on?" Kokichi asked his ex-girlfriend, one of the best friends he'd kept in contact with from high school.

"Non, it would be horrible," Celestia replied, folding the lace gloves on the vanity table. The scars on my arms look pretty obvious, I wish they healed more discreetly. Staring at the pale outlines all over his arms, Kokichi sighed. This fucking eye scar is way worse, why did that cut have to be so deep? Even at my wedding, I can't get rid of you two fuckers. "Kokichi, no one will be looking at your scars, especially with that beautiful dress of yours to focus on. Let me finish your hair."

"Alright." There's no need, they're a part of me now. It's my life, not my parents, I'm in control now.

Celestia shouted in joy and placed down the can of hairspray, interlocking her fingers and resting her chin on her hands. "Viola, perfection." Turning to the mirror again, Kokichi smiled and twisted his body for an almost three-sixty degree view. His hair could never be tamed from its waves, but Celestia had somehow used that to her advantage. Purple locks had been fluffed out and created a messy bob, his bangs held back with a loosely fitted flower crown, white roses situated at the back of his head.

"It's... Perfect! Thank you so much, Celestia!" Kokichi cheered, kissing the female's cheek in adoration.

"Knock knock, coming in!" A female giggled, entering the room and squealing at the sight. Kokichi smiled at his sister's reaction, watching her dance around him in awe. "You- How- You're absolutely stunning!"

"I know!~" Kokichi winked with a smirk.

"I'm still walking you down the aisle, right?" Kaho took Kokichi's trembling hand in hers. "You're alright with that? Can I, can I, can I?!"

"Why wouldn't you be? You're my family and we already agreed on this. Having Hirohito hand me off to his son would be a bit weird," Kokichi laughed. "Let's finish off everything, the ceremony starts soon and I'm nowhere near ready."


Kaho looped her elbow around Kokichi's, the two walking down the aisle towards Shuichi and Rantaro, the guests smiling at them. A large glass dome protected the venue from the environment, sunlight shining through into the beautiful indoor garden. Ivory furniture was naturally decorated with vines curling up the seats and arch. Kokichi gazed at his soulmates in immense devotion, the two each in black suits with personal accessories.

Stepping onto the stage beside his fiancees, Kokichi's smile remained permanently plastered on his face. "I understand you three have written your vows. Please hold hands so we may begin." The priest asked, motioning towards the middle of the three. Kokichi turned and held out his red and white bouquet to his maid of honour, Maki, who held it with the care of a newborn baby.

Rantaro reached out to the other two, who took his hands with a grin. Kokichi and Shuichi reached out to hold hands, realising their mistake at the last moment, too caught up in the wedding. Laughter broke out throughout the venue as Shuichi and Kokichi attempted to figure out a solution. They couldn't get close enough to wrap arms around each other, as Kokichi's dress kept everyone a mile away. "Just hold my arm," Shuichi laughed, holding out his clothed limb, the sleeve drooping where his arm should be. Reaching out, Kokichi did as he asked, the three ready to start their vows.

The priest started speaking, reminding Shuichi what he needed to repeat for the marriage to be completed. Kokichi ignored the priest, focusing only on his fiancee's loving speech. "I, Saihara Shuichi, promise to take you, Amami Rantaro, and you, Ouma Kokichi, as my lawfully wedded husbands. To both of you, I promise to be forever by your side. I will be your light in the darkness, your health in times of sickness, your hope in despair. Although we're here today to become husbands, we will be soulmates forever."

Tears welled up in Kokichi's eyes, dripping down his face and streaking his makeup. "I fucking love you both," he grinned, the venue laughing at his sudden outburst. The priest turned to Rantaro, who took a deep breath before beginning his vows.

"I, Amami Rantaro, promise to take you, Ouma Kokichi, and you, Saihara Shuichi, as my lawfully wedded husbands.  I promise to only bring the best out of you, challenging you both to be the best versions of you that you can be. I will laugh with you, cry with you, dream with you and grow with you. Till the day we die, I'll never leave either of your sides. In sickness and in health, you can't get rid of me, no matter how hard you might try." Rantaro laughed, ending off his vows with a light-hearted joke. Kokichi knew he'd do as such, and had written multiple jokes into his vows to ease any nerves between the group.

Kokichi's trembling body halted, his nerves transforming into adrenaline as he realised he'd soon be married to his soulmates. The three had talked about their surnames, and Kokichi couldn't wait to take the name Saihara-Amami Kokichi. Before the purplette could begin his vows, the large entrance to the venue burst open, unwelcome visitors storming into the ceremony.

"I object to this marriage!"

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