What Are You Two Really?

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"What do you mean Shuichi?" Kokichi attempted to play along as a confused bystander, although he knew the answer already.

"It's simple. If Rantaro and I have the crown, it wouldn't make sense for whoever the crown represents to die. Soulmates also don't break up for long periods since they're destined to be together, so it's not an affair situation. The only thing I can think of is polyamory. I seem to have two soulmates, one of which is Rantaro's soulmate." Shuichi went into one of his detective spirals.

Before either Rantaro or Kokichi could reply to their friend, they were interrupted. "Alright class, quieten down and get your books out for class. Akamatsu, are you here?" Their teacher started class, causing the three to part ways and focus on their desks, their conversation being put on hold.

If Shuichi's correct... surely it's a coincidence right? There's no way I'd be lucky enough to be soulmates with someone I like. Although, he could be the orca or compass... Maybe I'm the crown? That would mean Rantaro's one of my soulmates too. Why is this so fucking complicated? Kokichi held back a groan of frustration and shook away his thoughts, paying attention to the doodles covering his notepad.


"Hey, Celestia." Kokichi grinned at his girlfriend as he approached, taking a seat at the table only occupied by her. 

"Kokichi, what a pleasure." She smiled back, making room for the boy to sit beside her. "Your parents haven't found the food yet, have they?"

"They did, they also asked about what soulmark I got." He looked at the blank table, embarrassed to open up about his situation. "I lied to them though, told them I had a poker chip to symbolise you... Sorry, I should've asked your permission to do that."

"I agreed when we started dating, didn't I?" Celestia showed the boy a rare, genuine smile. "Anyway, come on."

"Where are we going?" Kokichi hesitated to stand.

"Down the street. I know we can't leave school grounds but I'm buying you lunch and I'm sure you'd rather not eat that disgusting cafeteria food." 

"You aren't buying me food Celestia. Come on, sit down."

"Kokichi, you need to eat lunch," Celestia sighed. "I rarely feel bad for someone, so you better take this opportunity."

Before Kokichi could respond, a familiar, lilac-haired girl interrupted the two. She approached the couple, oozing with confidence and sophistication. "Ah, I hope I haven't interrupted anything important, I wanted to know if Celestia would like to hang out for the rest of lunch?" Celestia seemed to glance at Kokichi for permission, to which he simply nodded.

"Of course Kyoko, I'd love to. First, I'd like to introduce you to Kokichi Ouma, my... good friend." So, around Kirigiri, I guess we aren't dating?

"You're one of my cousin's friends aren't you?" Kokichi nodded, surprised that Shuichi's cousin remembered who he was, although it wasn't too surprising considering their entire family had an amazing memory. "How about we talk in private for a few minutes, if you don't mind Celestia?"

"Of course not, I'll be over there." Celestia curtseyed before walking to the other side of the cafeteria where a well-known rich (kind of an asshole) boy along with a slightly weird girl with long twin braids sat. 

"Ouma, you seem close with Celestia, is that correct?"

"We both refer to her by Celestia, so I'm sure you can figure it out Miss Detective." Kokichi teased, not wanting to reveal their dating situation if Celestia seemed to hide it earlier.

"Is her favourite game blackjack by chance?" Is she asking because...

"Well, she's famous for never losing a game. Although I guess it could be her favourite." Kirigiri nodded, seeming satisfied with Kokichi's answer. Now would be the perfect time to ask about Shuichi. I feel bad for not knowing though, he is my best friend. "Hey uh-" No I shouldn't get her involved, I need to figure this soulmark stuff out for myself.

"What's wrong?" Kokichi hesitated, unsure of whether to lie or tell the truth. I suppose it can't hurt... she is a detective after all.

"Does Shuichi like orcas or... compasses? Or something to do with either of them?" Kirigiri smiled warmly at her cousin's best friend, obviously having figured out the situation.

"I'll gather as much information as I can and report it back to you. Whilst we're talking, may I ask something?"

"You just did!" Kokichi chuckled, pleased with his horrible joke. Kirigiri just ignored him and continued, taking the light-hearted attitude as an affirmative.

"What's the real relationship between you and Celestia? There are rumours around the school that you're both dating." Oh shit... I didn't expect this. Kokichi stuttered over multiple answers at the same time.

"G-give me a minute." He ran towards Celestia, pushing past other students crowding the courtyard. Upon reaching the group Celestia was in, she stood and pulled him away. 

"What happened?"

"She wants to know if the rumours are true. If we're dating. I panicked and-"

"-Ran away to see what I told her?" Kokichi nodded. "If you agree, I'd like to tell her the truth about our relationship. I've never felt this way about anyone before and I don't want to ruin what relationship Kyoko and I have."

"I understand. We should all meet up after school, how about right here?" Celestia nodded, prompting Kokichi to make his way back towards the confused Kirigiri. "Hey, good news! Meet Celestia and I here after school and we'll explain everything."

"Explain? I only asked if you two were in a romantic or platonic relationship."

"The answer's more complicated than you'd think. Celestia wants you to know the whole truth and we don't have much time before lunch is over."

"Oh, okay. I'll see the two of you back here then." Kirigiri nodded her farewell before walking away. I hope this doesn't ruin things between them, they seem great for each other. Kokichi's sigh was drowned out by the sound of the school siren. He made his way towards his next class, knowing that he wasn't going to be able to focus for the rest of the day. 

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