The Lying Thief

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"Do you two have something to tell us?" Mrs Ouma stood before the children with her hands on her hips. Kokichi glanced at Celestia in his peripherals, the couple both shook their heads. "Is that so? From what your father and I have been told, you two weren't on a date together." 

"I received a call that someone spotted both of you in a park with fifteen other students. You two were supposed to be on a date with each other, not an entire class." Mrs Ludenberg narrowed her eyes, clearly disappointed in both the kids idling before her.

"We came across Kokichi's peers whilst out on our date. I wanted him to introduce me to them. This is entirely my fault, Mr and Mrs Ouma, my apologies." Celestia curtseyed towards her boyfriend's parents.

"Apology accepted Celestia." Mr Ouma showed one of his rare smiles as Mr Ludenberg wrapped an arm around Celestia's shoulders.

"We should get going, I'm sure we've overstayed our welcome." Celestia's father waved goodbye to the Ouma family as he guided his daughter towards their car. As they left, Kokichi sadly waved to his new friend as she disappeared inside the hunk of metal around a street corner.

"Kokichi, go to your room. Your father and I are sorting out adult things." Bullshit, Kaho doesn't have to go to her room so how adult are you two getting? Kokichi mentally groaned and trudged towards the basement stairs. Remembering the stash of diabetes in his backpack, Kokichi rummaged through it and shoved each bag of candy in the furthest corner of his closet. Having nothing else to occupy his time, the boy decided to at least make a start on his homework for the night.


"Kokichi!" His mother's shrill voice rattled the basement ceiling. Must be time for dinner already. At least I got these notes done. The boy sighed as he gathered his homework in one pile and stored it on a random bare shelf in his room before heaving upstairs towards his mother. "Ah, Kokichi you finally got your ass here."

"We'd like to know what soulmark you got today at your ceremony." Kokichi's father drawled, looking disinterested in anything other than his phone.

"Oh, it's a poker chip. I guess Celestia turned out to be my soulmate." He lied through his teeth with ease. After years of failed lies, Kokichi managed to perfect the art and often liked to refer to himself as the Ultimate Manipulator as a result. 

"Show us." Mr Ouma demanded, glaring down his son's soul. Kokichi stared back at his father, not backing down from the threat. Out of his peripherals, the boy noticed his mother leaving the room.

"I can't, it's in a bit of an awkward spot..." Kokichi tried his hardest not to fumble over his words as he rocked back and forth. His father seemed to ponder his son's answer for a moment, Kokichi could feel his heart threatening to burst inside the cage of his ribs.

"Okay. Just remember you are to marry Celeste no matter what. I don't care if she's your soulmate or not, she will be your wife." Mr Ouma commanded in his usual, authoritative elderly male tone. 

"Yes father."

"Kokichi. Ouma." He swished around at the mention of his name, his blood running cold at his mother's disciplinarian expression as she held up the food Celestia had given to him. "Care to explain why I found candy in your closet?"

"I-I- uh-" No lie could squeeze him out of this situation, Kokichi was caught too off-guard. His father mocked the boy's stutter as he stood from his chair, towering over Kokichi's small, defenceless figure.

"You thought you could just sneak yourself some food and not tell us? We tell you when to eat and what to eat, and that shit is certainly not approved. Go to your room now." Not daring to defy orders, Kokichi hurried towards his bedroom door, rushing down the stairs. If he'd walked any slower, Kokichi feared his head would no longer attach to his body. "And don't think we're feeding you for the next week either you ungrateful bitch!" He heard Mrs Ouma shout after his retreating body.

Kokichi crawled into his bed and wrapped himself in his blankets to comfort him. Fearful tears threatened to fall from purple orbs whilst Kokichi held them back with deep breaths.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The boy's parents threateningly stomped down the stairs. Kokichi caught a brief glimpse of a ruler before his blankets violently tore from him. His parents overlooked him with horrid expressions that could rival Satan's. Raising the stick above her head, Kokichi squeezed his eyes shut as his mother swung it into his face.


Kokichi felt his heart sink as his best friends raced towards him. Letting his hair fall over his face, he hoped no one would question the blue and black spots littering his body. "Oh my God what happened?! Your eye..." Rantaro attempted to touch the boy's face but Kokichi flinched away.

"If you think I'm bad, you should see the guy I beat up on the way here!" Kokichi held his body upright with pride, reciting the line he'd practised the entire walk to school. As if eavesdropping on their conversation, Celestia appeared from thin air and embraced her boyfriend, who gently eased her off. "Hey, I have a reputation ya know!"

"I'd say your reputation is pretty good considering you two are together," Rantaro replied, smirking at the smaller boy. "Oh, no offence Celeste."

"None taken," She smiled. Ringing alarmed the group, indicating the beginning of the school day as students hanging around made their way towards their classes.

"I'll see you soon Celestia." Kokichi waved goodbye as she split away from the boys who made their way inside the large building. "So, you two have the same soulmark huh? That's pretty awkward~!" He sang, attempting to create some drama to entertain himself.

"Yeah, we talked more about it after you left and everyone had different ideas," Rantaro explained as the three took their seats, leaning onto Shuichi's desk so no one would overhear their whispers. 

"Personally, I think someone dies. When one of you dies, the crown will probably start dating the other." Kokichi attempted to provide an explanation, although not happy will the grim response.

"No one is going to die," Shuichi mumbled. He only talks like that when he's in detective mode. It's kind of cute, but the Ultimate Detective and Ultimate Supreme Leader could never work. 

"How are you so sure?" With narrowing eyes, Kokichi glared at Shuichi with confused curiosity.

"Because Rantaro and I have two soulmarks."

Love and Lies [Saioumami]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora