Kind Hearts

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Kokichi stared at the large academy, letting out a heavy sigh as he passed the school gate, returning to his normal routine. Making his way through the school with his head down, the boy approached his locker and stared at it. This is where it happened, as soon as I opened my locker, I think someone grabbed me, from what Kirigiri said she noticed on the security cameras. I wish I could remember what exactly happened.

"Hey, Kokichi, I didn't think you'd be at school for a while." Turning to the voice, the boy watched his two best friends, along with multiple other classmates. Rantaro approached him and wrapped a friendly arm around his shoulder in a bro-hug.

"Why wouldn't I?" Rolling his eyes, the boy opened his locker, feeling safer now that his classmates were watching over him, although that in itself raised his anxiety.

"After what happened we all thought you'd need time to heal," Akamatsu smiled, her optimistic attitude illuminating the air around them.

"Most people who were kidnapped and tortured don't just turn up at school the next day," Chabashira informed the boy as if he didn't know.

"I wasn't tortured, or kidnapped, so stop with your little daydream. It's fucking weird," Kokichi lied through his teeth, shutting his locker after grabbing what he needed.

"Your parents were all over the news after you were found, they released everything." Staring blankly at Kiibo, Kokichi felt sobs crawling up his throat. Is that the truth? I can see them doing that for their own gain, but it's my fault that it happened, maybe it was their way of coping? 

Shuichi stepped forward, holding Kokichi's hand in his as Rantaro kept his arm around the boy's shoulders. "Are you alright?" Frowning, the supreme leader shoved each boy from his body, freeing himself from the chains. Not trusting his voice, the boy shoved past the crowd and hurried towards the nearest bathroom, locking himself in a stall and leaning against the wall. Tears poured down his cheeks as Kokichi used all of his willpower to try and keep himself together.

Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve all of this? Please someone tell me, I must've done something! "Kokichi?" Oh fuck, no no no no no. The boy jumped as someone knocked on the stall door. "I know you're in there."

"G-go away."

"No, not when you're upset. Can you come out?" Kokichi shoved his fists into his eyes in an attempt to wipe away his tears, creaking open the door to see Rantaro standing there. "Come here," with a pity-filled smile on his face, Rantaro invited the boy into his open arms. Without argument, Kokichi charged into the Ultimate Adventurer's arms, enveloping him in a tight hug and sobbing into his chest. Normally, the boy despised showing vulnerability in front of anyone, but his emotions were no longer within his grasp or control.

Rantaro rubbed circles on the boy's back, holding his head to his chest and whispering calming words to Kokichi. "I'm fucking sick of this, so much has happened lately and I can't keep up anymore." The boy cried, ugly sobbing as he gripped the boy in front of him to prevent him from disappearing. Allowing Kokichi to let out his emotions, Rantaro continued to hold his best friend, allowing him to let out all of his pent up anger, frustration and sorrow.

Kokichi soon calmed down, not moving from his position as he panted and took deep breaths. Pushing himself off the taller boy, Kokichi closed his eyes and let out a short sigh, his shoulders shaking away the vulnerability. "Let's go to class," the smaller boy mumbled, splashing his face with water to wash away the pain.


Walking past the gate of his home, Kokichi approached the front door, taking off his scarf as it started to dig into his neck. "Wait, Ouma can we talk?" Turning around, the boy noticed Rantaro approaching him.

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