Mi Casa, Su Casa

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"As much as I'd love you two to stay, visiting hours are almost up. You should go before you get in trouble," Shuichi mumbled with a frown.

"We'll be back within a few days, and once you get your phone back please message us," Rantaro smiled, giving his boyfriend one last kiss. Kokichi followed suit, hugging Shuichi tight. This won't be the last time I see you, I'm sure of it, but why does it feel that way?

"I'll bring you homework, I can use my amazing Ultimate Supreme Leader skills to get any work you'll miss in school," Kokichi grinned.

"Thank you Kokichi, just, please don't tell anyone what happened. I want to tell people in person when I'm ready," Shuichi sighed, staring at the ghost of his left arm.

"I think the teachers' know, or at least the principal does, but don't worry, we haven't told anyone," Rantaro reassured the male. "We'll be back soon babe." The two visitors left the hospital, hand in hand as they walked out into the deep orange and purple sky, two stars flickering to life. "Come on, I'll drop you back home," the green-haired male approached his motorbike, holding out the spare helmet to Kokichi.

Remembering the words of his father earlier, Kokichi stopped dead in his tracks, his face whiter than snow. I can't go home, what do I do? There's no way I can tell Rantaro what happened, not when Shuichi should be our primary concern. "Kokichi, what's the matter? What happened at home?" Fuck. Shaking his head back into reality, Kokichi noticed the other male had hopped off the bike and stood in front of the purplette. Before the smaller boy could reply, Rantaro had bent down slightly and held the side of Kokichi's face, gently rubbing his thumb over the skin underneath his eye. "They hit you."

"No, they didn't," Kokichi mumbled, attempting to take Rantaro's hand off his face.

"Your eye is bruised, that's why it was red before, isn't it?" Staring into green eyes for what felt like hours, Kokichi sighed and looked to the ground.

"I can't go home for a week. They've kicked me out. You go home and I'll sort myself out, don't worry about me."

"Obviously I'm going to worry about you Koki, why wouldn't I?" Rantaro asked with a gentle tone, pulling him into a caring, protective hug. "I'm sorry for not helping earlier when I should've."

"It's not your fault, our focus is on Shuichi right now anyway," Kokichi took a deep breath to will the frog in his throat to subside.

"No, our focus is on whoever needs help, whether that's none of us or all three." Kokichi felt Rantaro's lips on his hair, a hand twirling one of the bouncy locks. "You're staying with me for the week, no arguing," the other male stated, unwrapping himself from the other male and approaching his bike. He'd do that for me?

"Alright!" Kokichi smiled, more than happy to spend a week with his boyfriend rather than in the street. His parents kicking him out for a week or two wasn't unheard of, multiple times he'd been forced to find an empty alley or park to sleep in until he was allowed back home. Rantaro and Kokichi walked down the street, bike rolling along the pavement beside them so they had more time to talk.

"Kokichi, I promise that I'll do everything I can to get you out of that home as soon as I can, and only when it's safe to do so." Rantaro turned to the smaller male, his smile holding a genuine caring aura that the purplette had rarely experienced before the relationship. Sure, when he, Shuichi and Rantaro were best friends they'd been amazing to him, but it was different having someone love you in a relationship. "Can you tell me what exactly happened to get you kicked out?"

"It's nothing." Glancing over at the other, Kokichi noticed his boyfriend giving him the look he always did when the leader made an obvious lie. "Fine, I got your message about seeing Shuichi and asked my parents if I could go. They got mad at me for bothering people who don't want to see me and told me to make a choice between them or Shuichi."

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