Welcome Home... I Guess?

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Kokichi stared at the thin, white bedsheets, listening to his parents berating him for surviving the ordeal. The boy despised the second hospital visit in three months, enduring another week of treatment for his wounds and trauma. His parents made it clear that they had no intent to visit him, only being present in the current moment due to his discharge.

"You've never told us what happened," Kokichi's father demanded an explanation from the boy. It wasn't a lie, Kokichi's parents had introduced a rule that he couldn't speak in their presence without permission, so he'd never explained what happened.

"Two men that I faced at the casino kidnapped me because they wanted payment. Someone told them who I was so they managed to find me," Kokichi explained, his voice faint and submissive.

"Oh, we know all of that. We told them who you were when they asked, I hoped they'd finish off the job we wanted to do." Kokichi's mother smiled at him, her expression was innocent but her soul remained malevolent. Just hurry up and kill me then if you want it so badly. 

"Knock knock, hello." A doctor entered the room, smiling to calm the patient and his family. "You're almost free to go Ouma, I just have a few things to talk about with you before you're discharged. Could I please talk to the patient alone?" The doctor turned to Kokichi's parents and sister, asking them to leave the room.

"It's okay, they're my family, I'd like them to hear as well," Kokichi informed the doctor. I don't want them to know about my health, but they said they'd punish me if I didn't let them stay in the room.

"Alright then. Your checks came back fine, there's no lasting injuries and you should fully heal within a week or two. I have a few brochures here for you and your family to take home which details different mental therapy options." Handing the small stack of papers to Kokichi, the doctor continued. "All of these therapists are covered and free of charge. Now, the tests found that you lack some vitamins and minerals in your body, so here's a list of foods that you'll need to eat daily. It's not a diet, but just what to include in your meals throughout the day."

"Sorry to interrupt, but I assumed the IV drip he's been on would care for all of that?" Mrs Ouma asked the doctor.

"Temporarily, but Ouma is going to need to follow certain dietary needs so he doesn't end up here being treated for malnourishment again. You have good news too, you have a medical exemption from school for two weeks to sit at home and recover. I recommend you don't stay still or sleep all day, but don't overwork yourself, okay? Here are some prescriptions that'll help you feel better. Any questions?" Taking the slips of paper, Kokichi stared at the many prescriptions. There are more pills here than an old people's home. The entire family shook their heads, thanking the doctor for their help as Kokichi finalised the discharge process.


"Remember, feel free to give us a call if there are any complications, questions or concerns." The receptionist smiled as the Ouma's left the hospital, Kokichi's mother forcing the boy to hold her hand on the way to their vehicle. During the walk to the car, he felt his mother painfully squeeze his hand, Kokichi swore he felt his bones condensing. Once they reached the car, Kokichi freed his hand from the woman's, clenching and unclenching it so the pain reduced.

Slipping into the back of the car next to Kaho, Kokichi noticed his mother squeeze a few drops of hand sanitiser onto her hands. Imagine needing to cleanse yourself from your child who's just been in a sterile hospital. Staring out of the car window, Kokichi fiddled with the brochures in his grip, losing himself in a daydream. Whatever's out there, please let Mother and Father just care for me, let them love me.

Having lost himself in the daydream of love and affection, the Ouma's reached their home within the blink of an eye. Before he could return to the real world and exit the car, the door opened and the boy was yanked to the driveway by his wrist, his head colliding with the stone ground. He gripped the therapy brochures, prescriptions and food intake list for dear life as he flew to the ground, hoping to keep them and change his life for the better. "Get up and follow us." 

Scrambling to his feet, Kokichi hurried inside the home behind his parents, following them through the hallways towards one of the many living rooms. Snatching the papers from Kokichi's grip, his parents ripped up the therapy pamphlets with glee. "You won't be needing these, you don't need therapy. After all, you have a home, food and clothes, so don't complain. Don't think you're getting out of school either you lazy piece of shit, you're going back tomorrow!"

Taking the prescriptions, Kokichi watched with a numb surrender as his parents ripped them into pieces. Goodbye happy ending, hello hell. Kokichi stared at the two adults continued to rip apart all of the papers that the hospital had given the boy, all items that would heal him. "You're just looking for attention, get over yourself."

"He just got out of the hospital, he deserves a bit of a break," Kaho argued, entering the room after watching the entire ordeal. Her long, black hair fluttered behind her as she stood beside her older brother.

"Sweetie, why don't you go to your room. This is more complicated than you think." Kokichi watched his mother ushering his sister upstairs to her room, jealous of the special treatment his parents gave Kaho.

"Get to cleaning, you've slacked off for long enough. You better have this entire house spotless and dinner ready on time." His face fell in despair, Kokichi's father shoving the boy as he walked past him. Without time on his side, Kokichi ignored the dizziness, aches and pains of his body and started cleaning the weeks worth of filth and grime.

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