Everything Will Get Better, We Promise

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Kokichi tapped his foot against the ground, watching the students around him enter Hope's Peak Academy whilst he waited for his boyfriends. The hospital discharged Shuichi a few days prior and cleared him to go to school, Kokichi and Rantaro had promised to be by his side the entire time. He felt guilty that he hadn't met with Shuichi at his house, but his week was up, Kokichi had to return to his parents. Under normal circumstances, he'd just walk to Shuichi's home on the way to school, but with his parents under the impression he would try to skip class, they drove him directly there. I just wish I got here unharmed.

Spotting a familiar blob of blue and green approaching the academy, Kokichi gasped and ran towards his soulmates, pushing other students out of the way. Grinning from ear to ear, Kokichi wrapped the two in a tight hug before remembering where they were and shoving the two away. "How do you feel Shuichi?"

"Worried, I don't know how to hide this," Shuichi mumbled, staring at the striped jacket sleeve covering his missing arm. Kokichi didn't even notice anything odd, the only weird thing is that Shuichi had no visible hand. The three entered the academy, making their way towards their first class where they'd have more privacy. "What if someone tries to grab my arm and there's just, nothing there? I'm not ready to tell people about this, they'll judge me." Glancing over to the detective, Kokichi noticed his eyes seemed more shiny than usual.

"We won't let that happen until you're ready, alright? I can promise Rantaro and I will do our best to keep your secret, right Ran~Ran?" Kokichi smiled, glancing at the greenette whilst enveloping Shuichi in a brief hug.

"Shuichi!" A female's high-pitched scream burst the males' eardrums as Akamatsu sprinted into the classroom, grabbing Shuichi's shoulders. Kokichi locked eyes with Shuichi and gave him a small nod. Just lie, you'll be fine Shuichi, I believe in you. "How are you feeling? Are you better?!"

"Y-Yeah, I feel a lot better now Akamatsu, thank you," Shuichi smiled. Kokichi rolled his eyes as multiple classmates entered the room, crowding around the three. Glancing at Rantaro, the two understood each other's expressions as they sat close to Shuichi, preventing anyone from splitting up the trio.

"I'm proud of you! You got through it and you still look great!" Akamatsu cheered.

"It was only a cold Kaede, please," Shuichi mumbled, blushing as he stared at his lap. "I've been alright for a few days but I wanted to make sure I wouldn't get anyone sick."

"Oi, Sidekick!" Momota shouted, approaching Shuichi with an outstretched fist. Kokichi immediately noticed the problem as Akamatsu currently had Shuichi's hand in hers, clearly with no intent to let go. "Nice to see you again!" As Momota reached his hand out towards Shuichi's left, an idea flashed into Kokichi's head. The supreme leader grinned and collided his fist with Momota's, stealing the fist bump.

Momota's eyes narrowed, confused and irritated as Kokichi swung his hands behind his head and grinned. "Alright..." The Ultimate Astronaut sighed, slapping Shuichi's back and taking his seat. Kokichi subtly winked at Shuichi, the other boy smiling as he realised what happened. Watching as everyone took their respective seats, Kokichi noticed Shuichi's knee bouncing with vigour, something he did often when his anxiety spiked.

I want to help, but I can't make it obvious, people might be looking. Kokichi fished around his schoolbag, pulling out his pencil case and notebook. Ripping a page from his book, Kokichi decided to scribble a note to the boy next to him, preventing anyone from eavesdropping. Hey Shu~Shu what's the matter? Slipping the note to his boyfriend, Kokichi watched as Shuichi carefully analysed it, freeing his hand from Rantaro's to scribble a response. 

I'm worried people will find out, it's not easy to hide a whole missing limb Kichi. That's fair, and if he's not ready to tell people, I'm not going to force him. Kokichi turned to Shuichi and nodded, flashing him a quick smile of understanding. Before the two could continue their non-verbal conversation, the teacher walked in and began the lesson.


Packing away his belongings, Kokichi swung his backpack over his shoulder and picked up Shuichi's belongings, helping him pack away. "Does Saihara need help with homework?" Gokuhara asked, innocently looming over the three.

"No, but thanks for offering Gokuhara," Shuichi smiled. 

"Come over to my place, I'll help tutor ya!" Momota cheered, punching his fists together.

"I've been helping him with classwork, he's caught up," Rantaro interrupted, picking up Shuichi's backpack for him. Kokichi sighed, annoyed with the attention on his boyfriend who wasn't attempting to hide how uncomfortable he felt.

"We have so many things to catch up on! A lot of stuff happened whilst you were sick," Akamatsu laughed, reaching out to grab Shuichi's hands. With a sudden burst of energy, Shuichi jumped to his feet and pushed through the crowd, keeping his head low as he stopped just outside the group. No one caught on, they simply followed Shuichi's movements. How mindless can people be? He doesn't want to fucking talk.

As Kokichi opened his mouth to argue with his classmates, Rantaro's shout overpowered every other noise. "Back the fuck up, how can you all not see you're overwhelming him?!" Grabbing Shuichi's arm, Rantaro scowled and pulled him into his chest. Kokichi's heart dropped as he noticed tears shining against Shuichi's pale cheeks. Grinning, the supreme leader had a sliver of faith in humanity restored as most of their classmates gave the detective space.

"Amami, please watch your language," the teacher's voice cut through the silent room as they left the students alone.

"What crawled up your ass? Other than Saihara," Miu cackled, glancing around her for support. Receiving none, the strawberry blonde held her hands in front of her chest in an embarrassed fidget. "C-Come on, that was funny," she stuttered. Kokichi caught Rantaro's eye, the two sharing a nod as they slipped out of the classroom, Shuichi gripping Rantaro's hand with all his strength.

Kokichi glanced behind them to see their classmates leave the room, but none followed them down the hallway. "Shu, are you-" Before he could finish his question, Shuichi let out a loud sob, covering his face with his jacket sleeve. Rantaro pulled him into another hug, holding Shuichi close as he whimpered and cried. I've seen this behaviour too often to recognise what's happening, he's trying to hold back from crying.

"I can't do this, I can't do this," Shuichi repeated into Rantaro's striped blue shirt.

"Yes, you can. Everything will get better, we promise," Kokichi smiled, taking off the bluenette's hat to ruffle his hair. His heart filled with pride as Shuichi chuckled, wiping away his tears as he laughed at the two. I hope everything turns out great, I'll do anything to help him feel better.

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