Hidden Identities

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Kokichi grinned under his mask as he shoved the last stack of money into his backpack. He couldn't believe his luck, beating Celestia Ludenberg and winning ten thousand dollars didn't come daily. Turning to face him, Celestia's elegance never faltered even after losing a battle. "May I ask who you are? It is quite rare for someone to beat me at gambling."

"Everyone, even Ultimate's, can be beaten with the right tricks." Kokichi mumbled, not wanting her to recognise his voice. Without further word, Kokichi slung the backpack over his shoulder and made his way towards the exit, flashing his ID to the bouncers to leave. As the door closed behind him, Kokichi took off his mask and tucked it into his hoodie, feeling the fresh night breeze against his face.

Taking off his hood, he snuck through the alleyway towards the front of the building and adopted a discreet, innocent-citizen persona. Sirens sounded in the distance as the boy continued on the journey home, flicking through random apps on his phone to pass the time. Before long, Kokichi saw red and blue flashing lights accompanied by shouting.

He stopped on the sidewalk, watching the police car as two officers stepped out and approached him. "Hi officers, am I in trouble?"

"Should you be?" One asked, chuckling and waving off their accusation. "No, you aren't in trouble kid. We just need to ask a few questions about a nearby situation you might've been witness to."

"Alright, shoot I guess." Kokichi felt no fear, keeping his body relaxed and heartbeat calm as he talked to the police. After all, they only saw a small schoolkid.

"Can I ask what you're doing out so late at night? It's past midnight, and not to be rude but you seem quite young." The second officer asked, a little more stern than their partner.

"Well, promise not to tell my parents but I went to a party. I'm also eighteen and figured I should walk home considering I had a bit to drink. It's not too far." The two cops glanced at each other and nodded, seeming to accept his explanation.

"I'm glad you're responsible enough to not drink and drive."

"There's been some illegal gambling down the street, apparently someone made off with quite a lot of money that they shouldn't have. Have you seen anyone suspicious?"

"No, nothing at all."

"Alright, thank you for your time. Would you like a ride home? It'd be safer than walking." The cops approached their car, waiting for his response before climbing inside the vehicle.

"No, my home's not too far from here anyway. Thank you though."

"Anytime kid. Have a good one." The cops waved to him as they drove away, Kokichi turned to continue his walk home. This happens every goddamn time I win someone else's money from gambling, fucking sore losers call the cops on me. At least they were nice this time, sometimes they get really rude. Oh well, it's over now. Anyway, ten thousand should be more than enough for a hundred dollar uniform. Kokichi sighed as he continued towards home.


Without any chance to lock the front door behind him, Kokichi's father appeared from thin air, holding out an expecting hand. "The money?" Kokichi dare not show any hesitation as he handed over his backpack full of cash, watching as his creator roughly counted up the money. "You earned a lot here, didn't you?"

Something's wrong, why is he acting so calm? "Your mother and I talked, and you don't deserve a new uniform. Thank you for the gift though son." You piece of shit. I should've known. Kokichi held back his rage as he nodded, making himself scarce and shutting himself in his basement. Why call me son, you only ever do that when I buy you booze or get you money that you don't fucking need. I just needed one per cent of that money, one fucking per cent.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, Kokichi's phone vibrated in his pocket. Dad probably wants more money. Unlocking the phone, Kokichi found a message from Celestia.

【Celeste Ludenberg is online】

Hey, I went to your families casino and met an interesting person.

Oh yea? You cheating on Kyoko already?

No. They managed to beat me. Refused to tell me who they were and said something about ultimate's being beaten with the right technique.

Wow, they must be pretty good to beat you. Maybe you just weren't thinking? :P Why are you telling me this anyway?

I thought you might know who it is, considering it's your family's casino. They had a hoodie on with this weird white mask? It kind of looked like a clown mask.

Hmm never heard of them, they sound creepy. Anyway have fun chasing them! Goodnight!

Shutting off his phone, Kokichi gently placed it on his bedside table and put away his mask and identification card where he usually concealed it. Finally able to lie down, he jumped on his slightly scratchy bed and fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow, unaware of how tired his body felt.


"Kokichi. Kokichi." The boy groaned, turning over to be awoken with a harsh slap to the face. "I told you to wake up. Get your ass out of this bed now!" Scrambling to his feet, Kokichi ignored his dizzy, sore head from the abrupt awakening to face his mother's glare.

"Yes mother?" 

"What are you doing still asleep at nine in the morning? I don't care if it's a weekend or not you are to wake up at six every day. Or have you forgotten?"

"No mother."

"Good. Now for some ungodly reason, you have visitors. Look presentable, I'll send them down in a minute, and for God's sake boy get this room tidied up!" Kokichi wordlessly nodded as his mother ascended the stairs, waiting for her feminine figure to disappear behind the door. Celestia must be coming to visit. Immediately after he'd been left alone, Kokichi changed out of his gambling stealth clothes and into something more casual. After all, if Celestia caught him wearing the same outfit as the gambler who beat her, he might have some trouble.

Throwing on a baggy white polo and black skinny jeans that were lying atop his set of drawers, Kokichi leant against his wall, dropping his head back and sighing. I'm so tired, mentally and physically. No Kokichi, stop thinking like that! You're the one and only Ultimate Supreme Leader! You can do anything!

Hearing the basement door open, Kokichi shoved himself off the wall only to see Rantaro and Shuichi descend the stairs.

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